
2021-09-02 12:34吴志东房俊龙巴文革李海涛蔡有杰程渠林
农业工程学报 2021年10期

吴志东,房俊龙,巴文革,吴 爽,李海涛,蔡有杰,程渠林


吴志东1,2,3,房俊龙1※,巴文革1,吴 爽1,李海涛4,蔡有杰2,程渠林2

(1. 东北农业大学电气与信息学院,哈尔滨 150030;2. 齐齐哈尔大学机电工程学院,齐齐哈尔 161006;3. 黑龙江省智能制造装备产业化协同创新中心,齐齐哈尔 161006;4. 黑龙江省农业机械工程科学研究院齐齐哈尔农业机械化研究所,齐齐哈尔 161006)

为实现保育猪舍内局部环境通风调控,该研究设计一种垂直送排风管道组合换气系统。采用CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics)技术对垂直管道通风模式下舍内的空气流场进行模拟,并以相对湿度和CO2浓度作为输入变量建立通风模糊控制系统。模拟结果显示保育猪所在水泥地板区域风速保持在0.1~0.2 m/s。参照模拟结果,以猪栏为通风单元对保育猪舍通风系统进行改造,舍内气流不均匀性系数在0.1以下,表明采用该换气系统的保育猪舍通风均匀性较好;猪舍温度在21~25 ℃,相对湿度小于70%,NH3浓度小于5 mg/m3,CO2浓度小于1 200 mg/m3,舍内各项环境参数适宜保育猪健康生长。系统运行功耗为270~1 150 W。现场测试与分析结果表明,该垂直送排风管道组合换气系统,可以精确控制猪舍环境,兼顾冬季猪舍通风与保温问题。


0 引 言





1 材料与方法

1.1 试验猪舍

试验猪舍位于黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市建华区,占地面积约为15 000 m2,年出栏量可达5 000头,具有6个保育猪舍,每间猪舍共12个围栏,每栏面积约8.75 m2,养殖10~12头保育猪,围栏地面由漏粪地板和水泥地板暖炕组成,漏粪地板缝隙宽度为15 mm,距舍内水泥地面高度为0.5 m,中间过道下方为粪槽,舍内地面距棚顶3 m,取暖方式以水泥地板暖炕为主,灯暖为辅。如图1所示,单间保育猪舍面积为170 m2,南侧墙体设置4个窗户,并配有2台定速风机,功率均为370 W,1台变速风机,功率为320 W;北侧墙体设置1个门,2个窗户,冬季开门和窗进行通风。

1.2 试验猪舍数据监测及分析

2019年12月至2020年1月,对未改造前保育猪舍环境监测,利用泵吸式气体检测仪(型号:HD5S+,分辨率:0.1 mg/m3,误差:±3% F.S)对舍内气体检测,发现湿度和CO2浓度严重超标,存在少量NH3,无其他气体。原因分析:粪便由漏粪地板通过粪槽排到舍外,清粪较为及时,所以产生NH3与H2S等有害气体较少;但为使舍内保温,通风较少,CO2和湿气无法排除。多点布置传感器,采用温湿度传感器模块(型号:SHT30,温度分辨率:0.01 ℃,误差:±0.2 ℃;湿度分辨率:0.01% RH,误差:±0.2 ℃),监测温度、湿度、NH3和CO2浓度,图1中A、B、C、D、E、F为传感器节点所在位置,高度为渗漏地板上方0.2 m(保育猪呼吸高度)处,其中,2020年1月5日部分监测数据如图2所示。


2 猪舍空气流场数值模拟及模糊控制系统

2.1 舍内空气流场数值模拟

猪舍等比例建模如图3所示,未通风状态下,猪舍视为密闭环境,为了简化模型,忽略食槽、通风管道和风机等对舍内气流的影响,网格划分数量为645 436个。各围栏水泥地板正上方为送风口,距离水泥地板0.9 m,中间过道处为排风口,距离地面0.4 m,水泥地板表面温度为33 ℃。送风管道直径为0.3 m,送风口设置为速度入口,速度为0.5 m/s;排风管道直径为0.3 m,排风口设置为速度出口,速度为1 m/s[21]。


图4中送风口和排风口处均呈现绿色,对照图中左侧比色柱,表明此处风速最大,且最大风速可达0.9 m/s。图4a中,除送风口和排风口处,其他区域风速在0.1~0.2 m/s范围内,且气流场流线密度较为均匀,表明垂直平面通风较为均匀;同时,中间过道即粪槽处气流线密集,且风速较大,有利于粪便带来的污浊气体和湿气快速排出。图4b中,单围栏内送风口和排风口之间气流场流线形成循环,且围栏交界处气流场流线稀疏,表明单围栏实现局部通风;同时,单围栏内气流场流线密度较为均匀,表明各围栏水平平面通风均匀。气流模拟结果说明以围栏为单元进行送排风垂直管道的组合通风模式,通风气流均匀,局部小环境可以实现循环通风,通风路径短,可以提高换气效率,避免污浊气体交叉流动。

2.2 控制系统硬件组成


2.3 通风模糊控制


根据规模猪场环境参数及环境管理国家标准,相对湿度保持在60%~70%,CO2浓度不能大于1 200 mg/m3为适宜范围。本文以65%为最适宜湿度的预设值,基本论域为[-6%, 6%],语言论域∈[-3, 3];以600 mg/m3为CO2浓度预设值,基本论域为[-600, 600],语言论域[-300, 300],为方便系统集成,此论域倍数减小100,相对湿度语言论域保持一致。模糊集合为[负大,负中,负小,零,正小,中,正大],即[NB, NM, NS, ZO, PS, PM, PB],输入变量量化因子K=0.5,K=0.5。

为降低能耗,实现变速、变量通风调控,根据各围栏通风风机启动数量,对舍外送风口和排风口风机进行变速调控,包括停机(0)、低速(0<≤2)、中速(2<≤4)、高速(4<≤6)4种模式,论域为[0, 3],模糊集合为[停机, 低速, 中速, 高速],即[ST, LS, MS, HS],输出量化因子K=1。输入变量和输出量隶属函数如图7所示。

利用MATLAB simulink建立如图8所示通风模糊控制系统模型,其中,Fuzzy Logic Controller为双变量输入模糊逻辑控制器,通风启停模式即调速等级作为输出量,通过示波器Scop监视调控模式输出曲线,如图9所示。


4 系统性能测试与评价

4.1 管道通风改造

图10为通风系统改造试验保育猪舍,新鲜空气由舍外送风口主风机进入送风管道;舍内污浊空气由舍外排风口主风机排出。舍内对应每个围栏,分别设置1个舍内送风口和1个舍内排风口,共计12组,舍内送风口安装管道风机,功率为35 W,最大风量为220 m3/h。舍外送风口主风机共2个,独立启动,均选用变速管道轴流风机,功率均为185 W,最大风量为1 600 m3/h。舍外排风口主风机1个,选用变速管道轴流风机,功率为360 W,最大风量为3 200 m3/h。舍内送风口加装风帽,便于调节通风角度。

4.2 气流均匀性



1.主风机(舍外送风口) 2.送风管道 3.管道风机 4.舍内送风口 5.主风机(舍外排风口) 6.排风管道 7.舍内排风口

通风系统启动,取0.4 m高度即保育猪高度为监测点高度,利用热敏式风量计(型号:GM8911,解析度:0.01,误差:±3%)监测,每个猪栏均匀分散监测10个点气流速度,表1为计算后各猪栏J数值。

表1 各猪栏不均匀性系数


4.3 温度分布

猪舍改造后,每栏投放10~12只保育猪进行养殖。通风会影响猪舍内温度,利用红外线热成像仪(型号:Fluke TiS60+,分辨率:320 x 240像素,热灵敏度:≤ 0.045 ℃)对舍内各围栏温度进行实测。食料槽长时间放置于猪栏内,其温度可以视为保育猪所在区域温度,取保育猪高度0.4 m处食料槽为参考面,图11为部分围栏温度实测图像。

通过图11可知,以食槽为参考面,西围栏1环境温度为24.1 ℃,东围栏6环境温度为22.9 ℃,高温显示为保育猪体温。猪舍其他围栏环境实测温度均保持在21~25 ℃之间,表明送排风管道组合通风换气状态下,保育猪舍环境实测温度均在保育猪健康生长需求范围内。

4.4 其他数据监测

通过多点布置传感器集成模块实时监测NH3、CO2、温度和湿度,并利用泵吸式气体检测仪随机检测舍内各区域环境数据,各项参数均在保育猪适宜生长范围内,相对湿度小于70%,NH3浓度小于5 mg/m3,CO2浓度小于1 200 mg/m3。

4.5 系统功耗




总最大值为1 150 W,即为所有风机都运行时,其功率大于未改造前通风系统运行总功率1 060 W,但送排风管道组合换气系统是以各围栏为单位进行通风,同时舍外送风口和排风口的主风机可变速控制,通风系统运行功耗并非固定不变。单传感器节点控制通风即为功耗最小时,约为270 W,所以系统功耗范围为270~1 150 W。变量、变速的通风模式可有效降低系统功耗;同时,以试验猪舍12个围栏为例计算通风热损耗,则最小通风热损耗即单围栏局部通风时产生的热损耗,为改造前整体猪舍通风热损耗的1/12。

5 结 论

1)利用CFD技术对保育猪舍送排风垂直管道组合换气状态下的保育猪舍空气流场进行模拟,气流场流线和空气流场分布均匀,风速保持在0.1~0.2 m/s,适宜保育猪生长。


3)采用模糊控制方法,双变量输入控制,四种通风模式可以逐级切换;同时,保育猪围栏为通风单元进行局部通风调控,保证猪舍实现局部环境精细调控,系统运行功耗控制在270~1 150 W,最小通风热损耗为改造前整体猪舍通风热损耗的1/12。

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Design and evaluation of combined ventilation system with air supply and exhaust ducts for a nursery heating piggery in winter

Wu Zhidong1,2,3, Fang Junlong1※, Ba Wenge1, Wu Shuang1, Li Haitao4, Cai Youjie2, Cheng Qulin2

(1.,,150030,; 2.,,161006,; 3.,161006,; 4.,161006,)

Current ventilation mode needs to be updated in a nursery piggery, due mainly to the uneven distribution of airflow derived from the great contradiction between ventilation and heat preservation under the relatively low temperature of the cold region in winter. The previous investigation on data collection found that the relative humidity and the concentration of CO2generally exceeded the standard value in a nursery piggery. Therefore, the main challenge was how to efficiently supply fresh air. In this study, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was used to simulate the airflow field in the nursery piggery under the combined ventilation system of air supply and exhaust ducts. The diameter of the duct was 0.3 m. The wind speeds of air supply and exhaust were set at 0.5 m/s and 1 m/s, respectively. The results revealed that the circulation ventilation was formed between the air supply inlet and exhaust outlet. The wind speed was maintained between 0.1 m/s and 0.2 m/s in the cement floor area where the piglets live. An even distribution of air flow was achieved to shorten the ventilation path for the diffusion of dirty gas, while improving the ventilation efficiency. A facile control system was specifically designed to consist of each control node in a modular approach. LoRa wireless communication was used to transmit data between control nodes. At the same time, fuzzy control was applied in the control system. Relative humidity and CO2concentration were used as input variables, whereas, the speed control mode of main fans was used as an output variable. The quantization factors of input variablesKandKwere both 0.5, while, the quantization factor of output was 1. A general platform of MATLAB Simulink was selected to establish the model of the fuzzy control system. The simulation results showed that the proposed system responded quickly, while switched step by step in the four types of ventilation modes, including downtime, low, medium and high speed. A fence was applied as the ventilation unit to transform the fresh air, considering the air flow field after simulation. A field experiment was also carried out in a large-scale pig farm in Jianhua District, Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province of China in December 2019. It was found that the uneven coefficient of airflow was below 0.1 in the cement floor area of piglets, indicating a better uniformity of ventilation in the nursery piggery under the combined ventilation system of air supply and exhaust ducts. An infrared thermal imager and a gas detector were used to detect the environmental data of each area in the piggery. The measuring data showed that the temperature was kept between 21 ℃ and 25 ℃, the relative humidity was less than 70%, the concentration of NH3was less than 5 mg/m3, the concentration of CO2was less than 1 200 mg/m3, indicating the overall environment without other gases was suitable for the living of piglets. The combined ventilation system of air supply and exhaust ducts can be expected to realize the on-demand ventilation. Furthermore, the power consumption of the system was relatively low, ranging from 270 to 1 550 W. Consequently, the developed ventilation system can accurately control the piggery environment and efficiently alleviate the various changes between ventilation and heat preservation in winter.

temperature; humidity; environmental regulation; nursery piggery; duct ventilation; CFD; fuzzy control; performance evaluation





吴志东,房俊龙,巴文革,等. 冬季采暖保育猪舍送排风管道组合换气系统设计与评价[J]. 农业工程学报,2021,37(10):152-158.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.10.018 http://www.tcsae.org

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FHQ-Q-1 型空气防滑系统控制技术研究