How to improve English pronunciation 改善英语发音的几种方式

2021-10-30 02:24蒋建平
疯狂英语·新阅版 2021年9期



1 Accurate pronunciation is an important part of learning any language, especially when you're learning English. The way your speech sounds can have a big impact on whether or not people understand what you are saying and their initial impressions of you. The tricky thing about pronunciation is that it's not just a question of acquiring knowledge, but a physical skill that you need to practise regularly. There are no short cuts to perfect pronunciation. However, there are some ways you can practice more effectively and improve your skills faster.

2 It's often difficult to find pronunciation errors in your own speech because you are concentrating actually on communicating rather than the sound you are making. If you can't find your pronunciation problems, it's tough to correct them. Try recording your speech with your smart phone or PC and making a note of specific areas you need to improve on.

3 Moreover, many English learners think that speaking fluently means they need to speak fast. This is wrong. Speaking too fast reinforces (加强) bad habits and makes the speaker sound nervous and indecisive (无决断力的). Speaking slowly will give you time to breathe properly and think about what you want to say next. Because it gives you time to think while you are speaking, you'll feel more relaxed and be able to concentrate on making your English sound fantastic.

4 Pronunciation is a physical skill. You're teaching your mouth a new way to move and using different muscles. Focus on difficult sounds each day. Having trouble with“th”? Put your tongue between your teeth (don't bite down) and blow air out of your mouth. Feel the air move over the top of your tongue. Another method worth a try is learning popular English songs. Singing helps you relax and just get those words out, as well as helping your rhythm and intonation. Because you don't need to concentrate on constructing sentences for yourself, you can concentrate on making your pronunciation sound great!

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The way your speech sounds can have a big impact on whether or not people understand what you are saying and their initial impressions of you. 你的发音对人们是否理解你说的话以及他们对你的最初印象有很大的影响。

【信息提取】这是一个主从复合句,your speech sounds是限制性定語从句,The way是先行词,其后省略了that。


新目标英语九年级UnitStep 2