
2022-03-18 00:18陈前昕毕仁万林劼金彪熊金波
网络与信息安全学报 2022年1期




(1. 福建师范大学计算机与网络空间安全学院,福建 福州 350117;2. 福建师范大学福建省网络安全与密码技术重点实验室,福建 福州 350007)

针对联邦学习存在处理大多数不规则用户易引起聚合效率降低,以及采用明文通信导致参数隐私泄露的问题,基于设计的安全除法协议构建针对不规则用户鲁棒的隐私保护联邦学习框架。该框架通过将模型相关计算外包给两台边缘服务器以减小采用同态加密产生的高额计算开销,不仅允许模型及其相关信息以密文形式在边缘服务器上进行密文聚合,还支持用户在本地进行模型可靠性计算以减小传统方法采用安全乘法协议造成的额外通信开销。在该框架的基础上,为更精准评估模型的泛化性能,用户完成本地模型参数更新后,利用边缘服务器下发的验证集与本地持有的验证集联合计算模型损失值,并结合损失值历史信息动态更新模型可靠性以作为模型权重。进一步,在模型可靠性先验知识指导下进行模型权重缩放,将密文模型与密文权重信息交由边缘服务器对全局模型参数进行聚合更新,保证全局模型变化主要由高质量数据用户贡献,提高收敛速度。通过HybridArgument模型进行安全性分析,论证表明PPRFL(privacy-preserving robust federated learning)可以有效保护模型参数以及包括用户可靠性等中间交互参数的隐私。实验结果表明,当联邦聚合任务中的所有参与方均为不规则用户时,PPRFL方案准确率仍然能达到92%,收敛效率较PPFDL(privacy-preserving federated deep learning with irregular users)提高1.4倍;当联邦聚合任务中80%用户持有的训练数据都为噪声数据时,PPRFL方案准确率仍然能达到89%,收敛效率较PPFDL提高2.3倍。


0 引言

近年来,各类数据驱动的深度学习(DL,deep learning)系统性能获得大幅提升,人工智能实现了经济与公众效益的共赢[1]。然而,由第三方服务商收集用户数据将不可避免地导致个人隐私数据泄露[2]。为解决数据孤岛难题并实现数据隐私共享,联邦学习(FL,federated learning)技术应运而生[3-4]。尽管联邦学习能缓解公众对隐私泄露的担忧,但相关研究[5-6]表明,攻击者可以通过用户上传的明文梯度信息间接推理出用户本地部分数据集成员和对应标签的信息。此外,明文梯度有可能遭受模型反演、模型推理等攻击[7],导致数据隐私泄露。



针对上述直接传输原始模型梯度导致模型隐私信息泄露以及大多数不规则用户存在导致现有联邦学习框架效率降低的严峻问题,本文提出一种支持大多数不规则用户鲁棒的隐私保护联邦学习(PPRFL,privacy-preserving robust federated learning)框架,主要贡献总结如下。




1 预备知识

1.1 联邦学习

1.2 Paillier密码系统

2 系统模型与安全模型

2.1 系统模型

图1 PPRFL方案系统模型

Figure 1 System model of the PPRFL scheme

2.2 安全模型




PPRFL包含用户端和服务器端两个部分,用户端上的参与方在本地训练得到局部模型,基于组合验证集计算损失值,并结合历史信息,采用动态更新以及权重缩放方式得到模型可靠性;在服务器端上,服务器收到加密参数后先利用加同态性质进行聚合,然后交互执行安全除法协议得到全局模型。参与联邦学习的用户有着相似的收集数据场景,类似于隐私保护联邦学习方案[11,15,30],本文考虑每个用户持有的高质量数据都满足独立同分布(IID,independent and identically distributed)。

3.1 模型可靠性更新


算法1 PPRFL框架在用户端的执行算法

9) 进入下一轮迭代

3.2 模型聚合更新


7) 返回1)进入下一轮迭代


4 理论分析

4.1 安全性分析


4.2 功能性分析


表1 不同方案的功能性比较


5 性能分析


5.1 通信开销

5.2 计算开销


图2 不同方案的用户端计算开销

Figure 2 Comparison of client’s computation costs among different schemes

图3 不同方案的服务器端计算开销

Figure 3 Comparison of server’s computation costs among different schemes

表3 不同方案的计算复杂度对比

5.3 收敛效率

图4 不同用户比例下模型准确率随着通信轮次的变化曲线

Figure 4 Curves showing the variations of model accuracy with number of communication rounds under different client ratios

图5 不同噪声比例下模型准确率随着通信轮次的变化曲线

Figure 5 Curves showing the variations of model accuracy with number of communication rounds under different noise ratios

图6 相同噪声比下收敛次数随着用户数量的变化曲线

Figure 6 Curves showing the variations of convergence counts with number of clients under the same noise ratios

6 结束语





表4 不同除法协议的计算开销对比


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Privacy-preserving federated learningframework with irregular-majority users

CHEN Qianxin1,2, BI Renwan1,2, LIN Jie1, JIN Biao1, XIONG Jinbo1,2

1. College of Computer and Cyber Security, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350117, China 2. Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Network Security and Cryptology, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007, China

In response to the existing problems that the federated learning might lead to the reduction of aggregation efficiency by handing the majority of irregular users and the leak of parameter privacy by adopting plaintext communication, a framework of privacy-preserving robust federated learning was proposed for ensuring the robustness of the irregular user based on the designed security division protocol. PPRFL could enable the model and its related information to aggregate in ciphertext on the edge server facilitate users to calculate the model reliability locally for reducing the additional communication overhead caused by the adoption of the security multiplication protocol in conventional methods, apart from lowering the high computational overhead resulted from homomorphic encryption with outsourcing computing to two edge servers. Based on this, user could calculate the loss value of the model through jointly using the verification sets issued by the edge server and that held locally after parameter updating of the local model. Then the model reliability could be dynamically updated as the model weight together with the historic information of the loss value. Further, the model weight was scaled under the guidance of prior knowledge, and the ciphertext model and ciphertext weight information are sent to the edge server to aggregate and update the global model parameters, ensuring that global model changes are contributed by high-quality data users, and improving the convergence speed. Through the security analysis of the Hybrid Argument model, the demonstration shows that PPRFL can effectively protect the privacy of model parameters and intermediate interaction parameters including user reliability. The experimental results show that the PPRFL scheme could still achieve the accuracy of 92% when all the participants in the federated aggregation task are irregular users, with the convergence efficiency 1.4 times higher than that of the PPFDL. Besides, the PPRFL scheme could still reach the accuracy of 89% when training data possessed by 80% of the users in the federated aggregation task were noise data, with the convergence efficiency 2.3 times higher than that of the PPFDL.

federated learning, privacy-preserving, secure aggregation, irregular-majority users, security division protocol

s: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (61872088, 61872090, U1905211), The Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province (2019J01276)






林劼, linjie891@163.com

国家自然科学基金(61872088, 61872090, U1905211);福建省自然科学基金(2019J01276)

陈前昕, 毕仁万, 林劼, 等. 支持多数不规则用户的隐私保护联邦学习框架[J]. 网络与信息安全学报, 2022, 8(1): 139-150.

Format: CHEN Q X, BI R W, LIN J, et al. Privacy-preserving federated learning framework with irregular-majority users[J]. Chinese Journal of Network and Information Security, 2022, 8(1): 139-150.






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