2022 Urumqi Square Jade City’s International Women's Day and the First Spring Auction in Xinjiang, China was a Complete Success

2022-08-01 02:23byWangYuping
宝藏 2022年3期

by Wang Yuping

On March 7, the " International Women's Day " and the first spring auction jointly organized by Xinjiang viewing stone association, Xinjiang Obsidian space commercial operation management Co., Ltd.and the meteorite Professional Committee of China Viewing Stone Association officially opened in the jade city of Urumqi people's Square.

The activity is divided into two parts.First of all, Yao Hejiang sent a letter of condolence to the"International Women's Day ", Tang Rongjie delivered a welcome speech, and Wang Benfu read out the list of honorary winners of the first "top ten female members" of Xinjiang viewing stone association.The guests presented the awards to the honorary winners of the "top ten female members".The selection of the "top ten female members" was conducted in accordance with the procedures of bottomup recommendation.The Party branch of Xinjiang viewing stone association set up procedures for supervision and reporting, in accordance with the procedures decided by the Council of Xinjiang viewing stone association.This commendation activity has further stimulated the enthusiasm of the female members in the association to fully participate in the work, and made positive contributions to further carry forward the Chinese cultural spirit.

After the award ceremony, a grand auction was held, which was presided over by Qiao Wei, auctioneer of Xinjiang viewing stone association, and assisted by auctioneers Gao Xin, Wei Hong and Zhang Jianxin.There are more than 90 items in this auction.The auction items are provided by Xinjiang viewing stone association and merchants by Square Jade City.The total turnover is more than 77000 yuan.

At 19:30, a buffet meeting was held with the theme of "enjoy the beauty of time and look forward to the future together".The whole audience was permeated with an atmosphere of unity, enthusiasm,friendship and progress.Spring is really coming!