
2022-09-07 06:40浙江周晨曲
疯狂英语·新悦读 2022年9期

浙江 周晨曲


主题语境:人与社会 篇幅:303词 建议用时:6分钟?

1Israeli company Watergen has made a device (设 备) that produces clean,drinkable water out of air. The device called GENNY is small enough to be used in a home or office but can generate up to 30 liters of water a day. The water that GENNY produces is not only clean enough to drink, but also often cleaner than tap water.

2GENNY takes air in and passes it through a filter (过滤器) to remove dust and dirt. The filter is powerful enough to work even in areas with high air pollution.The air then passes through a chamber where heating and cooling cause water vapor (水蒸气) in the air to change into water. This water is then passed through several more filters and minerals (矿物质)are added to make it healthier and taste better. Finally, the water is stored in a tank where it is continually circulated to keep it fresh.

3A larger model, called the GEN-350, can produce up to 900 liters of water per day. The GEN-350 is now being used in hospitals that previously did not have a reliable source of fresh and clean water.Watergen has also developed an emergency response vehicle(ERV) that can carry a GEN-350 unit wherever it is needed. In addition to the GEN-350, the ERV carries a generator that supplies electricity for the GEN-350.

4Watergen's ERV is designed to bring water to people who are suffering from the effects of a serious earthquake,fire, flood or other situations. Once such incident occurred in Northern California in

Reading Check

1. The underlined word in paragraph 1 can be replaced by ______.

A. Pollute

B. Produce

C. Pour

D. Measure

2. What does paragraph 2 focus on?

A. The process of making water by using GENNY.

B. The functions of a good filter.

C. The procedures for producing water vapor.

D. The minerals in water.

3. What can be inferred about GEN-350?

A. It has a low quality.

B. It can supply electricity for poor areas.

C. It has been put into use in some hospitals.2018. A fire started at a camp site and spread quickly over a wide area, destroying many thousands of acres of trees and many homes. The town of Paradise, California, was hit particularly hard. One of Watergen's ERVs was driven to Paradise,where it provided water for its citizens and rescue workers.

D. It is a response vehicle used in an emergency.

4. Why is Watergen's ERV designed?

A. To respond to natural disasters.

B. To put its competitors out of business.

C. To make more money.

D. To meet customers' needs.

Language Study

Useful expressions

device 设备

filter 过滤器

generator 发电机

remove dust and dirt 清除灰尘与杂质

heating and cooling 加热和冷却

water vapor in the air 空气中的水蒸气

The water is stored in a tank where it is continually circulated to keep it fresh. 水被储存在一个水箱里,在那里它不断地循环以保持新鲜。
