
2022-10-17 04:05河北玄兆娟福建姜秀云河北
教学考试(高考英语) 2022年6期

河北 玄兆娟 福建 姜秀云 河北 李 丽


In 1999,John Smyth,a high-school teacher decided it was time to retire.Together with his wife Helen,he set off on a journey around Australia.But when they returned,John found he missed the classroom,so he spent another eight years doing casual teaching.

Then he heard about a program known as Volunteers for Isolated Students’ Education (VISE),which pairs up energetic people with educational experience,usually retired teachers,with children whose schooling is largely done remotely,because they live too far away from towns and cities to attend regular schools.John grew up in the country and as a kid in the bush,he always dreamed of running with circus,but he didn’t even have much chance to see the circus in person.Therefore,he was immediately interested in the program and got a travelling post as a teacher with Stardust Circus.

The lesson timetable was built around the kids’ performance schedules.“The eight-year-old I tutored(辅导)was an awesome gymnast who was part of the teeterboard(跷跷板)act,”he explains.“A big guy would jump on the other side,he would swing up in the air,do a couple of twirls(旋转)and land on his uncle’s shoulders...and his uncle was standing on the boy’s father’s shoulders!”

The circus still includes some animal acts,including lions,monkeys,horses,goats and pigs.John and his wife Helen found it extraordinary enough to sink into sleep to the sound of lions roaring,but one day the lion-trainer,Matt,gave him a very special privilege(特权),inviting him in to meet four 13-month-old lions in person.While it was understandably a little scary at first,for John it was a never-to-be-forgotten experience,which helped him realise his boyhood dream in his 75th year.

1.Why did John Smyth stay in the Stardust Circus?

A.To run the circus.

B.To live far from towns.

C.To educate the children.

D.To conduct a program.

2.What did John experience besides his own work in the circus?

A.He taught the kids at fixed time.

B.He appreciated the lions roaring.

C.He instructed actors’ swinging in the air.

D.He jumped at the gymnast’s performance.

3.Which of the following best describes John’s feeling at the sight of the little lions?

A.Scared. B.Upset.

C.Bored. D.Unforgettable.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Working for a Living

B.Returning to Classroom

C.Running with the Circus

D.Travelling with Animals


1.C 细节理解题。

【解题思路】根据第二段内容尤其是最后一句可知,John 在听说了项目VISE 后很感兴趣,并以一名老师的身份跟随马戏团,对那里的孩子进行授课。故选C。

2.B 细节理解题。

【解题思路】根据第四段第二句中的“John and his wife Helen found it extraordinary enough to sink into sleep to the sound of lions roaring,”可知,John 与妻子都很享受伴着狮声入睡。故选B。

3.D 推理判断题。

【解题思路】根据第四段最后一句可知,John 见到小狮子时,有一点害怕,但这对John 来说,这一次无法忘怀的经历,这帮助他实现了从儿时的梦想。故选D。

4.C 标题概括题。

【解题思路】根据全文内容可知,John 在退休之后来到马戏团义务教授孩子的同时也免费观看了梦寐以求的马戏表演,过上了有意义且有趣的生活。因此C 项概括了本文内容,适合本文内容,适合作本文的标题。故选C。

【作者单位 姓名】河北省唐山市迁安市第四高级中学(迁安市第一中学西校区) 玄兆娟


On Wednesday,the US Food and Drug Administration(FDA) authorized Pfizer’s pill Paxlovid to treat COVID-19(新冠肺炎),the first one licensed in the US for patients to take at home,before they get sick enough to be hospitalized.Individuals over the age of 12 tested positive are qualified for this treatment but it needs to be given by a doctor.

Paxlovid combines a new antiviral drug named Nirmatrelvir and an older one called Ritonavir and is provided as three pills given twice a day for five days.“The pill should be initiated upon being tested positive and within five days of symptom(症状) onset,” according to an FDA statement.Last week,Pfizer released updated results that showed the treatment cut the risk of hospitalization or death by 89% if given in time to highrisk adults.If given within the first five days of symptoms,the efficiency was similar: 88%.

“Today’s authorization of Paxlovid represents another significant example of how science will help us ultimately defeat COVID-19,which,even in two years,continues to interrupt and destroy lives across the world.This breakthrough cure can be taken at home and will change the way we treat COVID-19,and hopefully help reduce some of the significant pressures facing our healthcare and hospital systems,”Pfizer Chairman Albert Bourla said in a statement.“The new drug is a potentially powerful tool in our fight against the virus,including the Omicron variant.It will mark a big step forward in our path out of COVID-19.Pfizer stands ready to deliver Paxlovid into the hands of appropriate patients as quickly as possible.”

Encouraged by the promising data from Pfizer,in November,the US government announced that it would purchase 10 million treatment courses for $5.295 billion.The FDA emphasized in a statement that Paxlovid is not for pre-or post-exposure prevention of COVID-19 and is not a replacement for vaccination(接种疫苗)in individuals for whom COVID-19 vaccination and a booster shot are recommended.

1.Who are suitable to take the newly-authorized pill treating COVID-19 ?

A.Those who are under 12.

B.Those who would like to have the pill.

C.Those who are older than 12 and have been infected.

D.Those who are sick enough to be sent to the hospital.

2.What does the underlined word“onset”in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A.Beginning. B.Middle.

C.End. D.Whole process

3.What can we infer from Paragraph 3?

A.Paxlovid should be taken in the hospital.

B.Paxlovid has little effect on Omicron variant.

C.Paxlovid can wipe out COVID-19 very soon.

D.Paxlovid is still unavailable for ordinary patients.4.Why would the US government make such a big purchase?

A.Because Paxlovid would replace vaccination in individuals.

B.Because Paxlovid would cut the risk of hospitalization or death by over 80%.

C.Because Paxlovid would be effective for pre-exposure prevention of COVID-19.

D.Because Paxlovid would be effective for post-exposure prevention of COVID-19.

【文章大意】本文是一篇新闻报道,主要介绍了最新获美国食品药品管理局批准的新冠肺炎治疗药Paxlovid 的功效及其未来对美国应对新冠肺炎的影响。

1.C 细节理解题。

【解题思路】由第一段的最后一句“Individuals over the age of 12 tested positive are qualified for this treatment but it needs to be given by a doctor(任何12 岁及以上且检测呈阳性的人可以应用本治疗方案,但该药必须由医生开具)”可知选C。

2.A 词义猜测题。

【解题思路】由第二段第二句中的“The pill should be initiated...”和最后一句“If given within the first five days of symptoms,the efficiency was similar: 88%”可知,画线词所在可表示症状开始的5 天内,画线词意为“发生”,与A 项意思相近。故选A。

3.D 推理判断题。

【解题思路】由第三段的最后一句“Pfizer stands ready to deliver Paxlovid into the hands of appropriate patients as quickly as possible(Pfizer 准备尽快把Paxlovid 送到合适的病人的手中)”可知,目前药还没到病人的手中,所以普通病人还用不到这种药,故选D。

4.B 细节理解题。

【解题思路】由最后一段的第一句“Encouraged by the promising data from Pfizer,in November,the US government announced that it would purchase 10 million treatment courses for $ 5.295 billion(受11 月来自Pfizer 的让人充满希望的数据的鼓舞,美国政府宣布将购买总价值五十二亿九千五百万美元的一千万疗程的药)”可知,“promising data”是指在第二段所提到的“将住院和死亡率降达89%/88%”,即美国政府是因为有疗效而大量采购该药。故选B。

【作者单位 姓名】福建省宁德市寿宁县第一中学 姜秀云


On The Traplineis written by David A.Robertson,who is a member of Norway House Cree Nation,and inspired by a trip the author took with his late father.

“Up until he was nine years old,he lived mostly on the land,”Robertson says.“And about three years ago,he asked me to take him up to his trapline — a place where indigenous(当地的)people live off the land,hunting and fishing —one last time.And so we went together the following year and spent the day on the land together.And it was this homecoming.It was this feeling that we both belonged there together.”

Robertson says he wroteOn The Traplineto be a gentle book,one that helps to dispel(消除)myths about life in an indigenous community,and to educate readers.

To that end,Robertson includes Swampy Cree words throughout the story — like Moshom for grandfather.

On The Traplineis illustrated(加插图) by Julie Flett,who is Swampy Cree and Red River Métis.Robertson and Flett have worked together before,on their 2016 picture bookWhen We Were Alone.

And Flett was the only illustrator Robertson considered for this story.

For both Robertson and Flett,On The Traplinebecame more meaningful because it was the last project that their fathers would ever see.

“Whenever I’m making a book,I always talk to my dad whenever I have a question about the land or anything that I might have not experienced directly,” Flett says.“He’s been a guide and a compass ...And while I was working on this project,my dad’s health was declining,but he was still able to talk about some of his experience.And,yeah,he passed just before it was finished.”Robertson was able to read the story to his father shortly before he died.“He loved it,”Robertson says.

Robertson and Flett say they hope this story honors their families,and their dads.“It’s a celebration of life that honors two really incredible people.”

1.What inspired Robertson to writeOn The Trapline?

A.A trip with his father.

B.A feeling.

C.A story.

D.A friendship with Flett.

2.What can we know about Robertson from Paragraph 2 ?

A.He lived mostly on the trapline as a child.

B.He took his father to the trapline three years ago.

C.He spent months on the trapline with his father.

D.He felt he belonged to the trapline too.

3.Why does Robertson include Swampy Cree words in his book?

A.To make the book fun to read.

B.To drive away mystery about native people’s life .

C.To celebrate the life of two incredible people.

D.To please the illustrator-Flett.

4.What does Robertson think ofOn The Trapline?

A.Incredible B.Attractive

C.Meaningful D.Honorable

【文章大意】本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了David A.Robertson 创作On The Trapline的灵感来源;故事中包括Swampy Cree words 的原因;以及插图作者及这本书对他们父亲的意义和他们对这本书的期望。

1.A 细节理解题。

【解题思路】根据第一段中的“inspired by a trip the author took with his late father”可知,Roberston 创作这本书的灵感来自于一次和已故父亲的旅行。故选A。

2.D 细节理解题。

【解题思路】A 选项是张冠李戴,根据第二段第一句可知,父亲直到九岁都生活在这片土地。根据第二段第二句中的“And about three years ago,he asked me to take him up to his trapline”和第三句“And so we went together the following year and spent the day on the land together.”可知,他是在父亲要求回老家后的第二年,也就是两年前和父亲去了老家,故B 项有误。他和父亲在老家度过了一天,故C 项有误。根据第二段最后一句“It was this feeling that we both belonged there together.”可知,作者感觉彼此都属于那里。故选D。

3.B 细节理解题。

【解题思路】根据第三段中的“one that helps to dispel(消除)myths about life in an Indigenous community,and to educate readers”和第四段中的“To that end,Robertson includes Swampy Cree words throughout the story”可 知,Robertson 在故事中加入了Swampy Cree words 是为了帮助人们消除对土著的神秘感。故选B。

4.C 推理判断题。

【解题思路】根据倒数第三段中的“On The Traplinebecame more meaningful because it was the last project that their fathers would ever see”可知作者认为这本书更有意义。故选C。


With the Beijing Winter Olympics ending on Sunday,the feel-good moments have been piling up.On sport’s 1 (big)stage of all,rivals(对手) and teammates have been embracing the core Olympic 2 (value)of excellence,friendship and respect.

After the United States beat China 7-5 in a mixed doubles curling match on 2022,Feb 5,Fan Suyuan and Ling Zhi 3(present)their American rivals,Christopher Plys and Vicky Persinger,4 a set of commemorative(纪念的)pins featuring Games mascot Bing Dwen Dwen.

The American duo(搭 档)then posted 5 (they)photos on social media,saying they were honored 6 (receive)these beautiful Beijing 2022 pin sets.

Just moments after Ledeux finished her 7 (compete),Gu Ailing and bronze medalist Mathilde Gremaud of Switzerland came together to comfort Ledeux,8 lost her father last year.

After 9 (win) the silver medal in the men’s slopestyle on Feb 7,China’s Su Yiming hugged champion Max Parrott and bronze-medal winner Mark McMorris,before the three posed for a group photograph,hands on each other’s shoulders.

In 10 interview with Xinhua,the 17-year-old Su described them as his idols and heroes.When reporters relayed Su’s words to McMorris,the three-time Olympian responded:“It’s amazing to be an idol of someone really special.”


1.biggest 考查形容词的比较等级。

【解题思路】结合语境可知,“奥运会是体育运动最大的舞台”,根据“of all”可知,此处应用形容词最高级。故填biggest。

2.values 考查名词的单复数。

【解题思路】结合语境可知,“对手和队友们信奉卓越、友谊和尊重的核心奥运价值观”,根据excellence,friendship and respect 可知,此处应用可数名词value 的复数形式。故填values。

3.presented 考查动词的时态。

【解题思路】结合语境可知,“在2 月5 号比赛之后,范苏圆和凌智向他们的美国对手赠送了一套纪念邮票——印有冬奥吉祥物冰墩墩的别针”。时间状语是具体某一天,前半句的谓语动词beat 为一般过去时,此处动词也应为一般过去时。故填presented。

4.with 考查介词的用法。

【解题思路】结合上一句话,此处考查固定搭配“present sb.with sth.”赠与某人某物。故填with。

5.their 考查代词的用法。


6.to receive 考查非谓语动词。

【解题思路】此处考查固定搭配 “be honored to do sth.”。故填to receive。

7.competition 考查词性转换。

【解题思路】结合语境可知,Ledeux 完成了她的比赛,her 后面应为compete 的名词形式。故填competition。

8.who 考查定语从句。

【解题思路】分析句子结构可知,此处引导非限定性定语从句,先行词Ledeux 在从句中作主语,指人,应用who 引导该从句。故填who。

9.winning 考查非谓语动词。

【解题思路】此处应用动名词作介词after 的宾语。故填winning。

10.an 考查冠词。

【解题思路】结合语境可知,此处泛指一个采访,应用不定冠词,且interview 是读音以元音音素开头的单词。故填an。

【作者单位 姓名】河北保定外国语学校 李 丽

拓展思路 一词多造
思路一变 轻松赚钱