
2023-02-14 18:14飞扬程先好
走向世界 2023年2期

文/飞扬 图/程先好


光雾山的红叶林色彩呈梯次变化,就像一幅浓墨重彩的油画。The red leaf woods in Mount Guangwu change color in a gradient way,like a heavy-colored oil painting.

光雾山陡峭俊美的奇峰怪石引人入胜。The steep and pretty peaks and rocks in Mount Guangwu are fascinating.







山地地形、高植被覆盖率,再加上湿润的水汽,使得光雾山常年多雾。Mount Guangwu is foggy all year round because of its mountainous landform,high vegetation coverage,and moist air.

位于光雾山景区内的巴山游击队纪念馆。Bashan Guerrillas Memorial Hall located in the Mount Guangwu Scenic Area.

每当秋日来临,崇山峻岭像披了一件彩色衣裳。When autumn comes,the lofty mountains appear to wear colorful clothes.

沉浸在美景中的游客拍照留念。Immersed in the fine scenery,tourists take photos as mementos.

Mount Guangwu: Autumn as Thick as Spring

“The waters in Jiuzhai are something to appreciate while the mountain of Guangwu is something to captivate.”The reputation of Jiuzhaigou has been widely known.However,Mount Guangwu is low-profile yet stunningly beautiful.In particular,its 680 square kilometers of red leaf landscape has attracted numerous visitors from afar.

Mount Guangwu is located at the border between Sichuan and Shaanxi in northern Nanjiang County,Bazhong City,Sichuan,with an elevation of 2,507 meters.It got the name Guangwu because of being enveloped in mist all year round.With an area of about 830 square kilometers,the entire scenic area has five highlights,i.e.“peculiar peaks,fantastic rocks,quiet valleys,lucid waters and lush mountains”,and has been listed as a global geo-park by UNESCO.

When the autumn wind dyes the first leaf red,led by the leaf,all mountains may echo.In this season,lofty peaks there may have a riot of color,like wearing colorful clothes,and enjoy the reputations of the “Finest Mountain with Red Leaves in the World” and“Asia’s Longest Natural Red Carpet”.Walking along the ancient plank road by the cliff,you will have a panoramic view of Guangwu.The essence of Mount Guangwu is condensed in these gullies,murmuring streams,high mountains and colorful woods.

Additionally,Mount Guangwu is a treasure house of culture and history.The Micang Ancient Road,spanning the north and south of the scenic area,was a thoroughfare between the Central Plains and Bashu in ancient times;the story of “Xiao He chasing Han Xin in the moonlight” has spread through the ages here;such ruins as the Hanwang Terrace where Zhang Lu stationed troops,and the Muyang City where Zhuge Liang made preparations for battle are discernible;the Bashan Guerrillas fought against enemies for five years by virtue of the natural forest barrier,where a lot of tragic yet stirring events took place.

As the saying goes,“Climbing the Shu Road is harder than going up to the sky.” Nowadays,the roads to Shu have become accessible in all directions,and completely different from the past.If Han Xin returned from the east along the Micang Road in October,he would have been stunned by the deep-dyed serried woods and crimson hills.
