
2023-05-12 01:11安徽丁桂芳
疯狂英语·新悦读 2023年4期

安徽 丁桂芳


主题语境:音乐 篇幅:370词 建议用时:7分钟

1When times are tough, music is there to help you escape from the pain.It has the power to provide you with relief and to reduce stress.The emotions of joy and cheerfulness can freely release (放松) you with the power of music.In addition, Music Audio Star suggests that the benefits of playing or listening to music can help your overall health.

2Furthermore,music has proven to develop the mind,boost self-confidence and build healthy relationships.Music doesn't just provide a source of entertainment.In fact,it plays a bigger and more important role in your life than just that.How can music impact your life?There are a few aspects of how music can impact your life.

3Music allows us to be creative.One of the most important things in life is creativity.Using your imagination brings out better ideas and more of your personality.Therefore,you become a better version of yourself.Great ideas are created from sparks of energy, passion and wanting to make the world a better place.In conclusion, you can always work on improving your mind and music gives you the opportunity to do that.

4Music can help change your mood.You know those times when you're in a bad mood? Scientific studies have shown that music helps change your mood from feeling bad to feeling great! Whether you choose to believe it or not, the beautiful sounds of music that are in harmony with you have an impact on your daily actions, thoughts and behaviour.Positive energy is what we are all after and music will help you get in the right mindset to attack your day.The trick is finding the right type of music for you.

5Music makes learning more enjoyable.Sometimes the information we seek can be boring.That all changes when you turn up the volume.You can feel more energized and focused.Therefore,you'll be able to enjoy learning a little bit more thanks to music.

6Whether you play a musical instrument and create music,or you just like to listen to it,music is and will always be extremely important in our lives.

Reading Check

1.Which word can replace the underlined word“boost”in paragraph 2?





2.What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about?

A.Music and relationship.

B.Music and creativity.

C.Music and feeling.

D.Music and study.

3.What's the author's attitude to music according to the text?





4.Where is the text probably from?

A.A tour guidebook.

B.A short novel.

C.A celebrity magazine.

D.An art website.

Language Study

Ⅰ.Useful expressions

it has the power to...它有着……的能力

overall health 整体健康

play a role in 在……中发挥作用(扮演角色)

allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事

bring out 使显现

become a better version of yourself 成为更好的自己

in conclusion 总之

feel more energized and focused 感觉更有活力和更加专注









melodious 悦耳的

pleasant 令人愉快的

relaxing 令人放松的

soulful 深情的

musical 音乐的


traditional music 传统音乐

classical music 古典音乐

light music 轻音乐

hip hop 嘻哈舞曲

dancing music 舞曲

pop music 流行音乐

folk music 民间音乐

country music 乡村音乐

jazz 爵士乐

rock and roll 摇滚乐

blues 布鲁斯音乐;蓝调

national music 民族音乐


civic ballad 民谣

campus song 校园歌曲

folk song 民歌

art song 艺术歌曲

art ballad 艺术民谣


compose 作曲

record 录音

conduct 指挥

broadcast 播放

create 创造

lyric 歌词

beat 节拍

melody 旋律

rhyme 押韵

tempo 拍子;音乐速度


energy 能源;能量;精力

soul 灵魂;心灵

stringed instrument 弦乐器

virtual 很接近的;事实上的

composition 成分;(音乐、艺术、诗歌的)作品

opportunity 机会;时机

perform 表演;履行;执行

performance 表演;演技;表现

performer 表演者;演员

studio 演播室;(音乐的)录音棚;工作室

award 授予;奖品


original 原来的;独创的;原作的;原件;原作

phenomenon 现象


band 乐队

capable 有能力的;有才能的

previous 先前的;以往的

romantic 浪漫的

album 相册;集邮簿;音乐专辑

impact 巨大影响;强大作用;冲击力

equipment 设备;装备

talent 天才;天资;天赋

piano 钢琴

satisfaction 满足;满意;欣慰

various 各种不同的;各种各样的

reaction 反应;回应


remind...of 提醒……

come up with 提出

together with 和……一起

become part of 成为……的一部分

have a positive influence/impact on 对……有积极影响

fall in love with 爱上

graduate from university 大学毕业

make videos 制作视频

on stage 在舞台上

sing with one voice 用一种声音唱歌

be absorbed in 专心致志于……

set sth up 安装好(设备或机器)

try out 参加……选拔(或试演)

in addition to 除……之外(还)

from then on 从那时起

get through 完成

concentrate on 专心于……

turn out 结果是

pay off 还清;得到回报


1.Music helps me forget my problems.音乐使我忘记困难。

2.I suggest you should keep a balance between your study and entertainment, such as sports, listening to music and so on.我建议你在学习和如运动、听音乐等娱乐之间保持平衡。

3.It offers teenagers like you and me a chance to enjoy sports and learn about Chinese culture.它给像你我这样的青少年提供了一个享受运动和学习中国文化的机会。

4.Not only does music make us relaxed but also it makes us cheerful and raises our learning efficiency.音乐不仅能使我们放松,而且可以使我们快乐,提高学习效率。

5.The noise of the moment scoffs at the music of the eternal.瞬刻的喧声,讥笑着永恒的音乐。

6.There is no doubt that we can both relax ourselves and know the true meaning of life by listening to music.毫无疑问,通过听音乐,我们既可以放松自己,也能明白生活的真正意义。

7.In addition to improving creativity,learning music also cultivates many skills that will continue to be useful to you throughout your life.除了提高创造力,学音乐还可以培养许多技能,这些将让你受益终生。

8.Music is a kind of language, which can exactly reflect the individual and the mental quality of the people.音乐是一种语言,它能准确地反映个人和民族的精神品质。

9.Thank you for all the people who love and support me, and I hope my music can bring you more happiness.谢谢所有喜欢和支持我的人,希望我的音乐能带给你们更多快乐。

10.Music education is not a musician's education,and the first is the education of people.音乐教育并不是音乐家的教育,而首先是人的教育。

11.Music has proved to be a positive influence on the lives of many people.音乐已被证明对许多人的生活有积极的影响。

12.The virtual choir is a wonderful way for people around the world to sing with one voice, thus making the world a better place.虚拟合唱团是世界各地的人们用一种声音唱歌的一种美妙方式,世界因此变得更美好。









参考词汇:乐器instrument 古筝guzheng二胡erhu

A Chinese music festival

















见P62~P74 自测园地“美妙音符,人生乐章”内容。
