Why Being a Geek Is Awesome?极客为何了不起?

2023-05-19 18:58亚当·伊森荣宁宁/译
英语世界 2023年5期

亚当·伊森 荣宁宁/译

Geeks are a subculture which is growing more and more prevalent in contemporary society: previously bullied and marginalized, thanks to shows like The Big Bang Theory, Doctor Who (heck1, sci-fi TV and films in general) and a change in public perception of a number of qualities that are considered desirable in an individual, being a geek is finally becoming cool.


One of my favourite quotes is by the actor, writer and comedian, Simon Pegg:


“Being a geek is all about being honest about what you enjoy and not being afraid to demonstrate that affection. It means never having to play it cool about how much you like something. Its basically a license to proudly emote2 on a somewhat childish level rather than behave like a supposed adult. Being a geek is extremely liberating.”


Being a geek is something to be proud of.  Here are a few reasons why this is the case:


The geek brain has an innate ability to focus intensely


When geeks put their minds to a task or subject, they will be able to focus on it like no other group of people. Its the reason geeks can plough through3 20 academic papers in a single setting, burn through an entire boxset of Breaking Bad in a weekend, the reason they keep having to increase the maximum character level cap in World of Warcraft, and one of the reasons top tech companies are looking for them. Imagine if someone could bring that level of laser-like focus to the work that needs to be done, and think about how quickly and efficiently any particular project could be completed?!


Geeks are defined by their enthusiasm for things


Geeks source4 props and replicas5 of the film and TV objects they think are awesome. They will wear t-shirts bearing catchphrases while they stand in line for hours to meet the creators and stars of the shows they watch obsessively, and they will even occasionally dress up as characters they love and go to conventions.


A geek is surprisingly resilient


Geeks tend to be incredibly resilient and able to bounce back from pretty much anything. Thats why they make such good community moderators, able to take the ridiculous abuse of internet commenters on the chin6 and laugh at how stupid it is, rather than descending into a depressive shame-spiral and being unable to do anything for the rest of the day.


The geek ‘Mind Palaces are vast and full of knowledge


Sure, a lot of the knowledge that fills their Mind Palaces might be largely useless pop culture references, but along with the focus that allows them to concentrate on things like technical detail, academia, video games and comic books comes a certain sponge-like quality to their brains. Once they see something a few times, they can commit it to memory with a surprising degree of accuracy, and secrete7 it away in the storage locker facility that is the geek-brain.


Geeks are innovators


Geeks love new technology and love sharing news and information about it. Follow a geek on Twitter and youll know all about that stuff weeks before you would have done otherwise, usually the moment its announced.


Geeks are usually the ones who have created the latest innovations, and geeks are usually pioneering the field that they work within.


The truth is, all of us are geeks on some level, about something. However, most of us dont focus our inner geek on utilising some of the most obvious, and powerful, paths to turn ideas into game-changing8 success. Here are two critical areas you should explore if you want to turn your geeky ideas into results.


Find a mentor


Yes, we can talk about leaders like Gates, Zuckerberg, and Branson9. We can hold them all in a mentor-ish spotlight to learn all about their accomplishments. But, when it comes to finding a true mentor, its important to personally know the individual well enough that they can teach you both the things they did right, and the things they did wrong.


“Ive failed more than anyone I know,” digital innovator Jay Samit told in a recent interview. “Theres great value in failure.” Find a mentor that can show you both what you should do, and what you should stop doing. At the very least, be around people who can aid the mentoring process and that you can progressively learn from. You know the old adage: if youre the cleverest person in the room, you need to change rooms. Go to places where youll be stretched and have to strive to rise up and meet those that are ahead of you.




Rest and relaxation is important to our well-being. But, theres more to holidays than just dipping your toes in the water. Going somewhere new, and seeing different things and the different ways people do things leads to unbelievable breakthroughs, sometimes from the most unexpected places.


I dont just mean this literally. Seek out environments, groups, trainings, courses, people and more besides, that starts a journey of exploration and discovery for you. Learning, developing and humbly wanting to know more is the road of the geek.


Get lost a few times, and you derive a deeper understanding of the area.


Being a geek used to draw up images of social misfits, awkward conversations, and less than attractive personalities. But, thats not the case anymore, as geeks have become the global trendsetters and influencers. Its a welcome message for many of us. …and its a club were not ashamed to belong to.


Go embrace your inner geek.



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是极氪 也是极客
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