
2023-06-21 03:59候婷冉虹马欢秦克云

候婷 冉虹 马欢 秦克云


关键词:模糊化邻域系统; 上近似算子; 下近似算子; 粗糙集; 模糊集

中图分类号:TP182 文献标志码:A 章编号:1001-8395(2023)05-0652-08





1 预备知识

1.1 粗糙集

1.2 模糊集

1.3 基于邻域系统的粗糙集

2 基于模糊化邻域系统的模糊粗糙集模型



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Fuzzy Rough Set Model Based on Fuzzifying Neighborhood Systems

HOU Ting RAN Hong MA Huan QIN Keyun

(School of Mathematics, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 611756, Sichuan)

Abstract:The generalized rough set in neighborhood system is an important extension of the Pawlaks rough set model. This paper discusses the fuzzy rough set model based on the fuzzifying neighborhood system. The construction method of the fuzzy rough approximation operators in the model is presented and the basic properties of the operators are investigated. In addition, when the fuzzifying neighborhood system is serial, reflexive, symmetric, unary and transitive, the algebraic structures of the related approximation operators are examined.

Keywords:fuzzifying neighborhood system; upper approximation operator; low approximation operator; rough set; fuzzy set

2020 MSC:47H99

(編辑 余毅)
