Be wise on the Internet智慧上网

2024-03-26 08:27涂丽平
疯狂英语·新阅版 2024年2期


主题语境:网络安全 篇幅:355词 建议用时:7分钟

1 In our modern world, the Internet connects us to the world and offers endlesschances to learn. However, it also brings hidden risks and problems. Being wise on the In?ternet is a must.

2 To start with, being wise on the Internet requires users to have good manners online.Thinking about other users online is vital, as words can cause misunderstandings and fightsvery quickly if used wrongly. When chatting in online groups or in comments, always benice to others, stay away from mean words, and don't share details about yourself that couldbe used to hurt you.

3 Another key part of being wiseon the Internet is keeping your pri?vacy and security safe. The Internetis full of people who want to findweak spots in systems and take im?portant information. To keep safe,use strong, special passwords for all sites, turn on multi?step security checks when you can,and stay away from dodgy websites or links. Regularly bring your software up to date, use agood and trusted virus checker, and use a VPN for extra safety and to hide your informationfrom others.

4 Also, finding out about news on the Internet and possible risks is key to safety and se?curity online. Knowing about new Internet scams (骗局) and risks can help you spot danger when surfing online. Look for information from different places, read fair reviews and re?ports, and compare data to make sure you dont get tricked.

5 Lastly, being wise on the Internet means being careful with what you read and writeand being responsible for what you read and write. The Internet may have lots of informa?tion, but not all of it is trustworthy or accurate. Always think hard about any informationyou find and check if it's correct and important before passing it on to others.

6 In the end, being wise on the Internet covers many different ways to behave onlinethat result in safe, responsible, and nice chats online. By thinking about our manners on?line, keeping our privacy safe, learning about risks, and checking the information we readand give to others, we can stay safe and help make a nice and helpful place on the Internet.



1. What is the main purpose of this text?

A. To teach readers to be smart online.

B. To complain about the Internet.

C. To promote the use of VPNs.

D. To discuss online tricks.

2. What should you do when interacting with others online according to the text?

A. Use idioms to state your opinion.

B. Share your personal information sincerely with others.

C. Respect others and avoid using mean words.

D. Take part in online fights to express your opinion.

3. What does the underlined word“ dodgy” in paragraph 3 mean?

A. Interesting. B. Professional. C. Reliable. D. Risky.

4. What is one of the recommendations for keeping your software secure?

A. Use outdated software versions.

B. Regularly update your software.

C. Avoid using a virus checker.

D. Share your passwords with friends.



Ⅰ. 日積月累

misunderstanding n. 误解

privacy n. 隐私

security n. 安全

trustworthy adj. 值得信赖的

accurate adj. 准确的

responsible adj. 负责任的

manners n. 礼貌;礼仪

VPN (Virtual Private Network) 虚拟专用网络

weak spot 弱点

virus checker 病毒检查程序

learn about risks 了解风险

check the information 核实信息

a nice and helpful place 一个美好且有益的地方

Ⅱ. 语法填空

The Internet 1._________(help) us talk to people from far away and learn new things,but it can also be a place 2._________problems happen. We need to be 3._________(care)and smart when we use the Internet. Firstly, we must be polite and kind 4._________otherpeople online. We also need to be careful about the things we say or share to avoid prob?lems. Secondly, it's important 5._________(protect) our personal information. We shoulduse good passwords and always keep our systems 6. _________(update). We also need to beaware 7. _________online tricks. Get information from many different places to make sureyoure not 8._________(fool). Lastly, not everything we read online is true or trustworthy.We should question the information we find. All in all, we need to be polite, safe and alertto risks and make sure that the stuff we read and share 9. _________(be) accurate. This way,we can keep our Internet 10._________safe and useful place.

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