
2009-03-12 09:29绿
高中生·天天向上 2009年3期

绿 茶

A proverb allegedly from ancient China whichwas widely spread the West says : If you want to behappy for a few hours, go to get drunk ;if you want thehappiness to last for three years, get married ;if youwant it life-long one,take up gardening. The reasonfor the last option is this : Gardening is not only use-ful, it helps you to identify yourself with nature andthus brings you new joy each day besides improvingyour health.

A research of a US university gives a definitionof happiness as what makes a person feel comfortablypleased.

Lots of people regard it the happiest to be atleisure. But according to a study ,it is not a personwith plenty of leisure but one at work that feels hap-py, especially those busy with work having little timefor leisure. Happiness does not mean to gain whatone is after but to desire to harvest what one is seek-ing for. People often do not cherish what they alreadyhave but yearn for what they can not get.

So, happiness is a game balancing between twoends-what one has and what one wishes for. Thestudy comes to this conclusion : A happy man is onewho aims high but never forgets his actual situation ;one who meets challenges that tap his ability and po-tentiality ;one who is proud of his achievements andthe recognition given to him. He has self-respect andself-confidence ; treasures his own identity and lovesfreedom. He is sociable and enjoys wide-rangedcommunication with others. He is helpful and readyto accept assistance. He knows he is able to enduresufferings and frustrations.He is sensible enough toget fun from daily chores. He is a man capable of loveand passion.






ASpy in Shanghai