
2015-12-24 06:38张英,雷蕾
当代外语研究 2015年4期







doi[编码] 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2015.04.007



近年来,很多学者开始关注并研究如何将语料库技术应用于外语写作教学(如Boulton 2010;Charles 2014;Flowerdew 2010),关于语料库辅助外语写作的研究也层出不穷,如语料库辅助创造性写作研究(Kennedy & Miceli 2010)、语料库技术对二语学术写作的影响(Yoon 2008)、学习者对二语写作中使用语料库的态度(Yoon & Hirvela 2004)等。多数研究结果表明,语料库的使用能促进二语写作的学习,它有助于解决外语写作过程中遇到的词汇语法等问题,能促进学习者外语写作能力的提高,因而他们支持在外语写作过程中使用语料库。



语料库最初应用于外语教学时主要以教师或教学材料编写者为中心,如进行客观的大纲设计、提供真实语言材料进行教学材料编写、提供语言资源进行课堂活动设计等(Yoon & Hirvela 2004)。随着以学习者为中心这一观念在教学中得到认可,有关语料库的教学研究逐渐转向探讨学习者如何使用语料库辅助语言学习,如辅助词汇学习(Thurston & Candlin 1998)、语法学习(Conrad 2000)、外语写作(Kennedy & Miceli 2010)等。其中,语料库在外语写作教学中的应用近年来受到关注(如Charles 2014)。有关研究可分为如下几个方面。第一,探讨语料库的使用是否有助于外语学习者的写作学习(如Kennedy & Miceli 2001,2010;Yoon 2008等)。第二,探讨学习者在外语写作过程中使用语料库的实际状况(如Kennedy & Miceli 2010;Thurston & Candlin 1998;Yoon & Hirvela 2004等)。第三,探讨学习者在外语写作学习中使用语料库的态度和评价(如Kennedy & Miceli 2001;Sun 2000;Yoon & Hirvela 2004等)。上述研究的结果显示,语料库有助于外语学习者的写作学习,尤其在词汇和语法等方面有促进作用。同时,大部分学习者支持在外语写作过程中使用语料库。另外,学习者需要足够的训练才能较好地在外语写作中使用语料库。



语料库集词汇、语法、不同语篇类型及真实语言使用于一身,在辅助外语写作学习中显示出极大的优势(Gledhill 2000;Hyland 2002;Jabbour 2001;Tribble 2002;Yoon 2008;Yoon & Hirvela 2004)。首先,语料库能够为学习者提供写作所需的词汇、语法、语篇模式等信息,并能及时帮助学习者解决写作中的语言问题(Cobb 1997;Yoon 2008;Yoon & Hirvela 2004)。例如,学习者可以通过检索think来学习其在句中的介词搭配。其次,语料库提供了大量目标语的真实例证,让学习者接触具体真实的语言信息,因此更具实用性(Thurston & Candlin 1998;Yoon & Hirvela 2004)。具体真实的语言信息能够使学习者更好地理解目标语在不同语境中的具体使用,扩大目标语言知识储备(Yoon & Hirvela 2004),比虚构的语言信息更有优势。第三,语料库提供了各种不同的语境,让学习者明白在特定语境或语体中语言的功能和使用方法,使学习者习得情景化的语言知识(同上)。语料库能够提供具体语言知识的语境,即上下文信息,这一点是词典中的单个例句无法做到的。第四,对语料库输出数据的分析能够提高学习者语言学习过程中的语言归纳能力(同上),这是一种以学习者为中心的发现式学习,有助于提高学习者思考、归纳能力(Johns 1991;Stevens 1995)。鉴于上述特点和优势,语料库在外语写作中的应用得到了广泛认可。

然而,在实际教学和学习中,语料库的使用仍存在一定弊端。很多学习者认为网速慢、语料库的检索有一定技术门槛、对语料库输出数据的归纳分析较繁琐等问题是阻碍他们在写作中运用语料库的最主要因素(Kennedy & Miceli 2001;Sun 2000;Yoon & Hirvela 2004)。有学习者认为语料库检索技术较复杂,对他们来说有一定的难度(Braun 2007;Cobb 1997;Davies 2004)。部分学习者认为分析和归纳语料库输出数据不是件易事(Braun 2007;Davies 2004;Sun 2000;Yoon & Hirvela 2004)。他们不适应归纳学习的方式(Sun 2000),所以虽然学习时间长,效果却不佳。因此,如何培养和训练学习者有效地使用语料库,也引起了学者的思考(如Kennedy & Miceli 2010;Thurston & Candlin 1998等)。

现有的针对语料库应用于外语写作教学的研究均以国外第二语言学习者为研究对象(Boulton 2010;Charles 2014;Flowerdew 2010;Yoon & Hirvela 2004),目前还没有以中国学习者为对象来探讨语料库辅助外语写作的研究。本研究以中国外语学习者为研究对象,调查他们对语料库辅助外语写作的态度,旨在回答如下四个研究问题:

(1) 中国外语学习者认为语料库在哪些方面有助于外语写作学习?

(2) 中国外语学习者在外语写作中使用语料库会遭遇哪些困难?

(3) 中国外语学习者对在外语写作中使用语料库的态度如何?

(4) 中国外语学习者对在外语写作中使用语料库总体上有什么评价?









对问卷第二部分进行量表信度分析发现该量表信度高(Cronbach’s α=0.910),说明问卷结果可信。






表1 学习者使用语料库的优势






表2 学习者使用语料库的困难







表3 学习者对于写作指导中使用语料库的态度





表4 学习者在外语写作过程中对语料库的使用



表5 学习者对语料库的总体态度





本研究第二个研究问题是中国学习者在外语写作中使用语料库有哪些困难。调查结果显示,中国学习者认为最大的困难是语料库检索后输出句子数量太多,从而导致对检索输出数据分析困难。其次是网速慢,电脑或网络使用不方便。再次是数据分析耗时。这一研究结果与Yoon有较大差异,他们研究结果表明,学习者认为最困难的部分是数据分析耗时,其次是检索输出的句子数量有限,检索输出句子不完整及网速,而只有12%的外国学习者认为电脑和网络的使用有困难。造成这一差异的最主要原因可能是本研究课程使用了ukWaC大型语料库,该语料库含20亿词,因此学生在检索该语料库后,返回索引行过多,客观上给分析检索结果带来了困难。而Yoon要求学生在线使用Collins COBUILD Corpus,该语料库在线免费版本的库容较小,因此被试认为检索后返回句子数量有限。另外,关于本研究被试认为网速、电脑或网络使用不方便,主要是他们使用电脑不方便,学校要求所有一年级学生不能自购电脑,需要使用电脑时只能到学校机房使用,这给学生使用电脑带来不便,也客观上为学生使用语料库辅助外语写作带来困难。







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Abstracts of Major Papers in This Issue

APPRAISAL Framework: Its History, Status quo and Future Development, by HUAN Changpeng & WU Canzhong, p.15

Semantic rather than lexico-grammatical resources as it is attributed to, APPRAISAL serves to negotiate, engage and graduate resources pertaining to affect, judgement and appreciation.This paper focuses on the theoretical and empirical background of APPRAISAL, along with discussion of the impact of such background upon the system per se; it then contrastively analyses different models of APPRAISAL in its course of revision and development; lastly it presents issues regarding drawbacks of APPRAISAL, together with its recently emerging research topics.

A Comparative Analysis of the Conclusions of Editorials on the Same News Event: From the Perspective of Engagement Systems, by ZHAO Min, p.23

Generally speaking, conclusions as the key elements of editorials are where the opinions are given.Thus, how the opinions are voiced in the conclusions constitutes great importance.This paper proposes that the Engagement Systems as the sub- systems of Appraisal can be employed to analyze the conclusions of editorials so as to reveal that different ways of presenting opinions exert substantial influence on realizing editorials’ goals.The present paper selects 10 English editorials fromNewYorkTimesandLosAngelesTimesrespectively and conducts an analysis of their Engagement resources, on the basis of which, a discussion is made on how the Engagement systems exercise influence on realizing editorials’ goals.

Evidentiality and Interpersonal Meaning on Interdisciplinary Doctoral Dissertation Abstracts, by YU Bifang, p.29

Based on evidentiality, this paper aims to conduct statistics and analysis towards 400 abstracts involving four disciplines named linguistics, computer science, medicine and economics by means of SPSS and EXCEL from the perspective of sensory evidential, reporting evidential, belief evidential and inferring evidential.The result shows that four disciplines make use of sensory evidential, reporting evidential, belief evidential and inferring evidential, with the low frequency of belief evidential.In terms of interpersonal meaning, evidentiality can be used for evaluating reliability of information, can be regarded as metadiscourse so as to guide readers to understand the texts, express attitudes towards propositions or readers.

The Dynamic Change of Word Psycholinguistic Features of Chinese Learners of English, by YI Baoshu & NI Chuanbin, p.43

Based on a written English corpus of 25 Chinese learners of English over 135 days, the study aims to investigate whether or not word psycholinguistic features and their correlations change with the course of time and language proficiency by treating time and language proficiency as an independent variable and word psycholinguistic features as dependent variables in a combination of longitudinal and cross-sectional methods.The results show: (1) word psycholinguistic features change with the course of time and the development of language proficiency in that the values of concreteness, imagery, meaningfulness and familiarity become smaller than before respectively; (2)correlations between word psycholinguistics features such as concreteness, imagery, meaningfulness and familiarity turn stronger with the elapse of time and the growth of language proficiency.Therefore, it is assumed that word psycholinguistic features and their network might indicate the development of vocabulary competence of second language learners.

Attitudes toward Corpus Use in Foreign Language Writing: A Survey of Chinese Tertiary Level Students, by ZHANG Ying & LEI Lei, p.49

This study reports a survey of Chinese tertiary-level students’ attitudes toward corpus use in EFL writing after a foreign language writing course.The results showed that the Chinese learners were positive toward corpus use in foreign language writing and they would like to use corpus for foreign language writing in the future.The learners held that the corpus concordancing techniques were easy to learn and they were of help to vocabulary learning.However, the learners found that it would be difficult for them to analyze the data if the returned concordance lines were large in number.This study is the first research at home that investigates the learners’ attitudes toward corpus use in foreign language writing.The findings are significant in that it provides practical guidelines for the teaching and learning of foreign language writing.

Machine Translation and the Poetics of Noise, by LEE Tong King, p.59

This paper explores the notion of the death of the Translator, inspired by Barthes’ formulation of the death of the Author.It argues that the death of the Translator is caused by a loss of human agency in translation and is therefore most clearly exemplified in machine translation.Based on an avant-garde bilingual poetry project by a Taiwanese poet, the paper demonstrates that machine translation can churn out unexpected new meanings through unpredictable routes of semantic and syntactic divergences from the source text.The poet’s use of transparency as physical medium and of machine translation as mediator raises the following questions: does translation actually allow us to “read through” a source text? If so, to what extent is such translation “transparent”? How should we even come to terms with the concept of “transparency” with respect to the meaning of a literary text in translation? The paper argues that in the bilingual project in question, machine translation plays the crucial function of bringing the reader’s attention back to the target language by way of delaying/blocking comprehension, hence rendering the corporeality of the target language “transparent”.

Translation ofHongloumeng: Purpose and Strategy of Translation, by CHEN Kefang, p.66

Due to the “information gap” in time/space and language between the original readers and overseas readers, the translator needs to interpretHongloumengin a modern manner and to travel through time/space and language, so that overseas readers can be able to learn about and understand China via reading such classic books, so that the Chinese literature and culture can really “go out”.Strictly following the doctrine of being faithful to “classics” will only result in unwelcome and even unreadable translations.Only when the Chinese story is told in a manner that are comfortable and acceptable to the Westerners, with a clear translation purpose, with specific translation strategies like manipulating, rewriting, resisting and mediating, can this classic novel be presented to its readers as not a “giant monster”.Enthusiasm alone is not enough when Chinese literature and culture is going out.Strategies should be highlighted.

Can Explicitation Hypothesis Be Applied Universally? A Corpus-based Study of Conjunctive Translation in Prospectuses, by PAN Hanting, p.71

This paper critically reviews the Explicitation Hypothesis by Blum-Kulka (1986).The paper firstly reviews the definitions of the Explicitation Hypothesis and translation universals and points out some problems of the Hypothesis.Then it follows the methodology of falsification and conducts an empirical analysis of the shifts of conjunctive cohesion in the translation of prospectuses.The result shows that the Hypothesis can be challenged for that explicitation may be the result of the influences of related language systems, textual elements, and the translator’s subjectivity.As a result, explicitation cannot be classified into translation universals without conditions.

基于COCA语料库的近义词辨析 ——以choose和select为例