修订版PEP 六(上)Unit 3 My weekend plan B Read and write

2016-03-01 11:11
小学教学设计(英语) 2016年12期

单 静

Step 1.Pre-reading

1.Free talk.

T:How are youtoday?How are you at school every day?

Ss:We’re happy at school.

T: That’s great. The students in my school are happy at school too.Let’s enjoy some pictures of them.What do they do?(呈现一组学生在复活节时活动的照片)

Ss:They have Easter.They show their Easter eggs.

T:Look!They dress like witches.What holiday is it?

Ss:It’s Halloween.They are making jack-o’-lanterns.

T: How about these pictures?What are they doing?What holiday is it?Do you have this holiday at school?What are you going to do?Are you going to...?



2.Elicit the topic.

(1)Talk about our favorite holiday.(略)

(2)Read and guess.

T:Yes,summer holiday is fun.Please read and guess what my favourite holiday is.(采用逐行呈现内容的方式,给学生更多猜测的空间,激发他们的发散型思维)

Ss:Is it Christmas?

T: No, please keep reading.

Ss:Is it Spring Festival?

T:That’s correct.


T:What do we usually do at Spring Festival?What are we going to do next year?

Ss:You usually...You are going to get together and you are going to take a trip.(问题有些难,学生在教师的帮助下在短文中找到关键信息,正确回答)

3.Show the topic.

T:Yes,this is my family’s holiday plan.

(教师在先前的Holiday之后,再补充上Plan,完整呈现当天的教学主题:Holiday Plan)

【分析】本单元的主题是Weekend Plan,所以学生对Plan的意思很熟悉。当教师出示Holiday Plan这个主题时,学生们会对当天的语言重点与学习任务心领神会,他们的心理准备、语言联想、行为活动都会有意识地朝向这个主题。

Step 2.While-reading

1.Present the diary.

(1)Lead in the festival in the diary.

T:What festival does Wu Yifan write about in the passage?

Ss: It’s Mid-Autumn Festival.

T:When isitin the passage?

Ss: Tomorrow is Mid-Autumn Festival.


(2)Introduce the format of diary.

T: What type is the passage?Please have a look at some others.(教师圈出可以判断这篇文章体裁的信息,并且给出同一类型体裁的文章帮助学生判断)

S1:Oh,it’s a diary.(允许学生用中文表达)

T:Yes,it’s a diary.It’s Wu Yifan’s diary.(教师给出英文,并且带领学生理解与认读,关注ia的发音,板书diary,标出重音)


2. Read quickly and answer.

T:Read the diary quickly and answer:WhatareWu Yifan’s family going to do?


S1:They are going to get together and have a big dinner.

(“get together”在阅读前的活动中已经渗透,这里需要强调together的发音及其重音,并板书tomorrow,要求学生根据发音情况标出重音)


T:Yes,they are going to get together. They will get together.



3.Read and fill in the table.

T:Please read the diary again and fill in the table.


T:What is Wu Yifan’s aunt going to do?

S1:She is going to make mooncakes.

T:We also can say she will...(引导学生补充完整)

Ss: She will make mooncakes.( 板 书 mooncake,标注重音,让学生认读)

T:Who can ask?(引导学生提问)

S2:What is Wu Yifan’s grandma going to do?

T:What will Wu Yifan’s grandma do?(教师采用另一种表达方式重复问题)

S3:She will tell us a story about Chang’e.

S4:She is going to tell us a story about Chang’e.

T:Great.Next question,please.

S5:What are Wu Yifan and Robin going to do?

T:What will Wu Yifan and Robin do?(教师呈现两种提问方式的板书)

S6:They are going to read a poem.(板书poem,标注重音,让学生认读)

S7:They will read a poem.


【分析】学生第二次默读日记,较之第一次而言,任务难度提高,由直接口头回答,到完整书写;关注点多了,既要关注人称的变化,又要清楚两种表达方式的变化。此时教师的任务就是为学生提供必要的帮助,同时更要调动学生学习的积极性和主动性。从be going to和will回答时的相互替换,再到提问时的相互转换。难度虽然在提高,但学生都是在主动找寻方法、找寻规律,自主提问和回答。小学阶段虽然不强调语法,但我们也不回避语法,用正确的方式让学生自主探究,用主动实践掌握语法规律。

4.Retell the diary.

T: Tomorrow is Mid-Autumn Festival.Please look at the table and retell Wu Yifan’s diary.

Ss:学生自主选择be going to或will进行日记的复述。

【分析】复述日记的过程实际上就是运用be going to或will结构进行语言表达的过程,从阅读前教师的引出,让学生在语境中感知,到阅读日记完成表格的填写,再到反馈表格内容的实践,直至此时的运用,学生们完成了对一般将来时态will结构的自主学习过程。

5.Read the poem.

(1)Lead in the poem.

S1:...Wu Yifan and Robin will read a poem.

T:What poem will they read?Please look and listen.(在PPT中呈现整首小诗,学生边看边听)

T: Can you find out something special from the poem?(如果学生发现不了,教师可以将每句话已圈出的首字母呈现出来)What letters are they?


T:Yes,we always have a holiday with our family.(在PPT中呈现出这句话)


(2)Feel the atmosphere of different festivals.

T: Let’s enjoy some pictures about different festivals.What do you do with your family?

Ss:We get together and watch the moon on Mid-Autumn Festival.

Ss:We get together and have a big dinner on Spring Festival Eve.

Ss:We get together and have a big dinner on Christmas Eve.


(3)Read outthepoem aloud.

①Listen and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

②Listen and imitate in a low voice.

③Read by themselves.

④ Read out aloud individually.(学生的反馈朗读是配乐诗朗诵)


Step 3.Post-reading

1.Talk about the holiday plan.

T:Wow,Wu Yifan has a great holiday plan.His family will be very happy.How about yours?

S1:I am going to have Christmas with my family.

S2:Iwillhave Spring Festival with my family.


T:What are you going to?Who are you going to have this holiday?Please take out the table of the holiday plans and talk about it with your partner.

学生拿出Holiday Plan的信息表格,两两讨论、交流,说一说自己的节日计划。

2.Choose and write.

T:Wu Yifan wrote a diary about his holiday plan.Please write a diary about your own holiday plan.

Dear Diary,

______is going to be on/in______.

I’m going to ______.


We will have a good time.I love ______.

T:What message do we need for your diary?

Ss:Today is...It’s cloudy today.(教师给出一个范例,再由学生自主完成自己的日记,完成后进行现场反馈,关注学生书写的合理性与正确性)


Step 4.Homework(略)
