
2017-08-04 02:20
中学生英语·中考指导版 2017年8期


第一节 对话理解


1. W: Scott, do you like monkeys?

M: Sure. They are my favorite animals.

2. M: what were you doing at nine last night, Lucy?

W: I was singing with my friends.

3. W: Is this your schoolbag, Steve?

M: No, it isnt. Its Peters.

4. W: May I have your order, sir?

M: Yes. Id like some chicken.

5. W: Tom, how was your school trip yesterday?

M: Wonderful. We had a lot of fun.


6. M: Helen, you look nice in this red sweater.

W: Thank you.

M: How much did it cost?

W: 120 yuan.


7. M: Tina, have you ever been to Sanya?

W: Yes. I went there last year.

M: How did you get there?

W: I took a plane.


8. W: Good morning, doctor.

M: Good morning, Mrs. Brown. You look terrible. Whats the matter with you?

W: Ive got a stomachache.

M: What did you eat yesterday?

W: I had lots of hamburgers and ice cream.

M: You shouldnt eat so much next time. Um, nothing serious. Just lie down and have a rest.


9. M: Hi, Mary.

W: Hi, Tom. We havent seen each other since we graduated from high school.

M: Yeah. You now look even prettier than at school.

W: Thank you. Hows everything going? Any news?

M: Im going to do business with foreigners next month.

W: Really? Very glad to hear it. Where are going to do business?

M: I will go to Guangzhou.

W: Sounds good. There are more chances for business there than in Chenzhou. By the way, I think English is very important in the job.

M: Yes, itll be very useful in many ways, so I practice English every day.

W: Hope youll be a successful businessman there.

M: Thank you.

第二节 笔录要点


Hello, everyone!Here is tomorrows weather report for big cities in China. Beijing is windy. The highest temperature is 28℃ and the lowest temperature is 20℃. The weather is quite pleasant. Shanghai is cloudy. The highest temperature is 31℃ and the lowest temperature is 25℃. Changsha is sunny. The temperature is from 27℃ to 33℃. Guangzhou is rainy. The temperature is between 28℃ and 32℃. Remember to take an umbrella if you go out. Thanks for listening.


1~5 ABCCC 6~10 ABABC 11~15 ACACB

16. Beijing 17. Highest 18. Cloudy

19. 27℃ 20. Rainy/Raining

21~25 BABAA 26~30 CABCC 31~35 BBABC

36~40 ACBBC 41~45 ABCAB 46~50 CBCAC

51~55 BACAB 56~60 ACACB

61. Because he was too large.

62. In the forest.

63. The baby elephant.

64. Yes./Yes, they did.

65. A friend in need is a friend indeed. /...

66. This is Bob speaking. /Bob speaking. /Speaking. /This is Bob. /...

67. What are you doing?

68. When are you arriving (at the airport) (here)? /When will you arrive (at the airport) (here)? /When will you get here? /When are you getting here? /...

69. Id love to

70. What does he (your brother/Henry) look like? /What is he like? /...

71. he does well in/is good at all his lessons/subjects/study.

72. 他的父母都是老师,工作很忙,所以他经常在家帮着做家务。

73. 但我对艺术/美术更感兴趣。

74. we are going to leave our school. /…

75. 我们相信我们的友谊将永存/天长地久。

One possible version:

Dear Jeff,

I was glad to receive your letter and Id like to tell you something about how we study in class. Now our classes are open and free. All of our classmates feel the classes are interesting and lively as we often tell stories and play games. Thus, we can not only learn but also have fun. The teachers often use the computer in class. We can learn more by listening to music and watching videos. Our teachers give us enough time to study and think for ourselves to develop our ability of independent study. We also have more chances to discuss in groups freely so we can learn how to communicate with each other and learn from each other. Sometimes we even express ourselves in front of the whole class. And we can ask questions during or after class freely.

Li Hua
