
2017-09-26 12:53梁春芳
课程教育研究·新教师教学 2015年15期



【关键词】听力 ; 误区 ; 能力

【中图分类号】G633.41 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】2095-3089(2015)15-0092-01



2.听力填空时,思维受到局限,仅盯个别词而错过相关信息。例如18.When is Sarah Jones giving a talk? At about _____ oclock on Saturday evening.学生们知道这里填一个有关时间的数字并且是整点,但听得过程中会去抓oclock这个词,而材料中是It starts eight p.m.,因而会导致错过重要信息。


M:Right, class, therere some changes to your exam timetable.Your maths exam will be changed to the next day.

W:You mean the eighteenth?

M:Yes, and the exam will start and end one hour earlier.

题干:What are the two speakers talking about?

选项:A.Exam results B.Time for the exam C.change of class hours

这道题学生会误选C,因为其中有change class等词,这样学生很容易被误导。



⑴听的过程中,对接下来的内容有所预测。这就要求我们要有一定的常识,如:听力材料W: We could go to a ball game this evening.Oh,would you rather eat in the restaurant than see a film? W:To tell you the truth, I cant really go anywhere this evening, because I am expecting a very important phone call.

題干:Why will the woman stay home in the evening?根据常识,我们知道出于礼貌,她一定会解释呆在家的原因。


⑶听力填空时,对所填信息的预测,如对所填词的词性进行预测(有关时间,年龄等数词、名词、形容词、代词、动词等)并根据空前和空后对意思进行预测,这样在听出音时能做出快速反应。例如,When David attended university, his major was ____.根据题所知,这儿需要一个表科目的名词,所以当听到physics时,能很快做出反应。


⑴词和短语的理解。例如:If people want to join the program, what should they do after the meeting? A.Take a prsent B.Pay for the program C.Sign on a piece of paper

听力材料:If youre interested in it,please write your name on this piece of paper after the meeting.write your name=sign.所以选C。又如:Where should Mary Clinton meet her host family?

A.In the hall B.Outside the hall C. Downstairs听力材料:If your surname begins with the letter A to F, your host family will be waiting for you in the hall. For those names begin with G to L, you should go downstairs…要想做对这道题,材料中的surname很关键,它的意思是family name (姓),而且根据常识外国人的姓在后名在前,因此题干中Mary Clinton应根据第一句来选A。

⑵对句子的理解。对句子的理解常常要注意否定词和语法结构。例如Not only was he interested,but he was attracted by the story. A.He was not interested in the story but he thought it attractive. B.He attracted the story because he was not interested.C.He was interested in the story and was attracted by it.句型Not only…but (also)不仅……而且……表并列,因此选C。endprint

⑶对上下文的理解。例如:Why does the man want to make changes in what has been written?

M:Id like to put an ad in the paper,please.…

W:Well ,the price depends on the length of the words, so if you want to use shorter words, that might save you some money.

M:Thats a good idea,I have everything written ort here, but Ill just check it over before I give it to you. Maybe I should use phrases instead of sentences.



⑴对数字的推断,例如,I have been here since I graduated from Beijing University. Then I was twenty four, now I am fourty.题干:How many years have passed since the man graduated from the university?

⑵对人物关系的推断。常见的题干:Whats the probable relationship between the speakers?例如:

M:Hello, its…it is Carol, isnt it?

W:Oh, Mile? Oh, my goodness. I havent seen you for ages.

M:Nice to see you again after all these year.


⑶对其它的推断。可以从材料中的某处或多处综合信息对其它内容进行推断。例如,Where does the woman want to go? A. An office B. A fruit shop C.A police station


W:Hello, Mark. Its Jane. I think Im close to your office.


M:Walk ahead for about two hundred metres and our office building is right across the road.


“Rome was not built in a day. (罗马之建非一日之功)”同样,听力能力的提高也要循序渐进,高中生们应努力做到:1.积累大量的词汇,并且要英汉会转换,英英巧对应。2.每天坚持听10分钟左右,并反复地听熟悉的材料。3.听的时候注意模仿,在模仿的过程中,要注意弱读、连读等。4.具有良好的心理素质。听的时候切勿过度紧张,且要有耐心。5.结合常识。我相信多听、多感知、多总结、多体会就一定有收获。endprint

Units 1—2 听力练习
Units 3—4 听力练习
Units 5—6 听力练习
Units 7—8 听力练习