18 National Tying-the-Knot1 Traditions from Countries Across the Globe

2018-03-29 06:45ByCoreyWhelan
英语世界 2018年2期

By Corey Whelan

From the customary father-daughter dance to wearing something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue2起源于西方的婚礼习俗,新娘在结婚当天需要穿戴“有旧、有新、有借和有蓝”的四件服饰,四件东西各有含义,传说能带来吉祥和财富。, weddings are filled with tradition. Whether the tradition is a long-standing family ritual or merely for a little good luck, it’s comforting to know that you are carrying on something of familial or cultural significance.从新娘和父亲共舞,到穿戴“有旧、有新、有借和有蓝”的服饰,婚礼中的传统无处不在。无论这些传统是累世家传的仪式,还是只为求得些许好运,可感欣慰的是,家族传统和文化价值由此得以延续。

Dancing feet

Origin: Ireland

During traditional Irish weddings, the bride had to keep at least one foot on the ground at all times while dancing. If both feet left the floor at the same time,legend had it that fairies would swoop3swoop飞降;俯冲。under the bride and carry her away.





Origin: Wales

Originally these were hand carved by young men in order to court women.The spoons were given to a man’s lady of interest to court her and express his desire to feed and support her. Now lovespoons are often exchanged on a couple’s wedding day to commemorate their love.

Blackening of the bride and groom

Origin: Scotland

This originated as a practice to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck before marriage. The bride and/or groom is captured by friends and family the day before the wedding and covered in soot4soot煤烟灰。, mud, flour, feathers, and other sticky substances, and loudly paraded around town. Sometimes the victim ends up tied to a tree or post, or thrown in a body of water.

Baumstamm sägen (sawing the log)

Origin: Germany

The idea of a kidnapped bride may be terrifying for a groom-to-be, but this German tradition is all fun and games.The night before the wedding, the bride is taken away by family and friends and hidden at a local pub. The groom must visit various bars to find his bride (buying drinks along the way) and once he finds her, he must pay her ransom by buying a round of drinks or performing romantic gestures.










After the ceremony, the bride and groom have to use a two-person crosscut handsaw to cut a large log in half—while still in their bridal clothes! This symbolizes the ways in which they must work together in the future (although, to make it a bit quicker,the log has sometimes already been partially sawed through by the fathers of the bride and groom).

Dancing till dawn

Origin: France

Joyful, weekend-long French weddings bring new meaning to the phrase,“dancing the night away.” French weddings feature non-stop dancing all night long, which doesn’t stop until the guests fall down, or it’s time to go to work. French marriages must have a civil ceremony, in order to be legal,so French brides and grooms often opt for two events over a long weekend—one civil service, and one religious ceremony. Either or both may be followed by a fabulous, champagne-filled fete,complete with a disc jockey5又称“唱片骑师”,是指选择并且播放事先录好的音乐来为他人带来娱乐的人。, band, and foot-tapping rhythms that keep guests on their feet for seven hours, or more.





Kissing the newlyweds

Origin: Sweden

Newlyweds in Sweden may be kissing more than each other on their wedding night. If the bride leaves the room for any reason, other women are allowed to kiss the groom. Same goes if the groom leaves the room for any reason.

Unity bowl

Origin: Australia

Guests are given stones or marbles to hold throughout the wedding. At the end of the ceremony the stones are placed in the unity bowl, which the couple will take home as a reminder of their friends’and families’ support. Sometimes different colored stones are given to each generation, and stones are placed in the bowl from oldest to youngest to build a strong foundation for the couple.

Kransekake (a special kind of cake)

Origin: Norway

Norwegians don’t have the threetiered wedding cake. Instead, they make Kransekake6挪威的传统节日蛋糕甜点,用冰冻的杏仁奶油蛋糕圈装饰起来的锥形蛋糕塔,通常做成超过葡萄酒瓶高度的宝塔状,以便宾客分食。, a steep-sided cake cone made by sticking rings of cake on top of one another with icing (often 18 rings or more). At the wedding, the bridal couple tries to break off the top layer—the number of cake rings that stick to it represent the number of children the couple will have!










Shouting ‘Gorka!’

Origin: Russia

After a toast of bitter Champagne or vodka, guests will shout “gorka!” at the couple—meaning “bitter”—to make them kiss for as long as the chants last. The kiss is meant to get rid of the bitter taste of the alcohol.

Tea ceremony

Origin: China

Though Chinese weddings have become Westernized in many ways,the tea ceremony still plays an important role. The bride and groom will gather their parents, grandparents,and other honored relatives and serve them tea as a sign of respect. Though traditionally the bride’s and groom’s families were served separately, today there is commonly only one tea ceremony and the event is seen as a joining of the two families.







Sake sharing ceremony

Origin: Japan

The number three is considered sacred in Japan, where the bride, groom,and both sets of parents take three sips of sake from each of the three cups of sake, or rice wine(nine means triple happiness). The first cup represents the three couples partaking in the ceremony, the second represents the three human flaws (hatred,passion, and ignorance), and the third represents deliverance from these flaws.

Getting a goose

Origin: Korea

The wild goose is an important sym- symbol because it keeps the same partner for life. Before the ceremony the groom presents a wooden goose to the bride’s mother as a promise of lifelong fidelity.In the past, grooms used to present live wild geese.

Foot whipping

Origin: South Korea

Before a traditional South Korean wedding the groom can look forward to something of a beating from his party.Foot whipping—also known as bastinado7bastinado笞跖刑,俗称打脚掌刑。or falaka8falaka打脚掌刑在中东地区的说法。—involves the beating of a groom’s bare feet with a cane by his groomsman and is said to be a test of the groom’s strength and character.










The art of henna

Origin: India

These ornate temporary designs are applied to the hands and feet of the bride, as well as her female friends and family members. And they’re not just decorative: The mahogany-hued dye has been used since ancient times to increase the flow of blessings to the couple. The stain is typically applied as a sacred ritual that begins two days before the wedding. Traditional henna9henna一种使用纯天然植物指甲花的叶或幼苗磨成的糊状颜料在手掌、手背等部位绘制的短时间保存的人体绘画。tattoos include dedications to Hindu gods and goddesses and depictions of sacred symbols; today, brides and grooms often meld10meld结合。the name of their beloved into the intricate artwork.




Ransom for the shoes

Origin: Pakistan

After a Pakistani wedding, the couple returns home for a ceremony called the “showing of the face.” Family and friends hold a green shawl over the couple’s heads and a mirror as the bride removes the veil she wears throughout the wedding ceremony. While the newlyweds are busy gazing at one another,the bride’s female relatives make off with the groom’s shoes and demand money for their safe return.

Royalty for a day

Origin: Malaysia

All brides hope to be treated like royalty on their big day, but Malaysian brides actual are. During Malay weddings, traditions of the royal court are observed11observe庆祝;庆贺。with Malay court music played during the ceremony. Wait staff dressed as court attendants serve the newlyweds and those impersonating12impersonate扮演。royal guards perform traditional martial arts.

Connecting with all five senses in the Andes Mountains

Origin: Peru

The Andean wedding is illustrative of local customs. The bride and groom enter a garden from opposite sides, to represent the coming together of people from different villages. A shaman1313 shaman萨满(据信能和善恶神灵沟通,能治病的人)。awaits their arrival, while chanting a blessing. There is also intense, rhythmic music playing. There is a scent of burning herbs, and the shaman poured oil down the backs of their necks, to elicit physical sensation. Everything is designed to overwhelm the senses—sight, hearing, touch and scent. The bride and groom give offerings to each other, and bury a joint offering to Pachamama14大地之母:安第斯地区印加人信仰中的生育女神,掌管种植和收获。, which is meant to be there waiting for her, underground, until the end of time.










12 symbols of life

Origin: South Africa

South African weddings are steeped in15be steeped in深深浸淫;饱含(某品质)。ancient tradition. Twelve symbols,meant to represent the couple’s life together, must be present at every ceremony. These include wine, wheat, a broom, honey, bitter herbs, salt, pepper,a spoon, spear, a cooking pot, and a shield, plus a holy book, such as a Bible or Koran. In addition to the 12 symbols of life, the bride and groom ceremoniously have their wrists tied together with grass, to symbolize their coming together as a couple. ■



南非人的婚礼充溢着古老的传统元素。每个仪式上必须有12件物品,代表新婚夫妇未来共同的生活。这些物品包括酒、小麦、一把扫帚、蜂蜜、苦药草、盐、胡椒、一把勺、矛、一口锅、一面盾,以及经书,比如《圣经》或《古兰经》。除12件生活物品外,新郎新娘还会进行一种仪式,用草结环把两人手腕缠在一起,象征他们正式结为夫妇。 □

tie the knot〈习语〉结婚。
