
2018-10-30 10:20王莉慧
建筑师 2018年3期


当然,尽管专辑的诞生源于一次建筑考察,但瑞士的建筑与教育也十分值得版面与聚焦。这个国家面积不大,却拥有极美丽的风光:森林草地,山川湖泊,应有尽有。不过除了自然景致,其现当代建筑的丰富性与多样性毫不逊色。我们知道,在瑞士有许多风格流派,如伯尔尼学派、索洛图恩学派、提契诺学派、格劳宾登学派、巴塞尔学派等,它们的源流与发展各有不同,却看似都拥有一个共性——崇尚简约和适度。这个富裕安定又高度发达的国家建造了大量简约、适度、含蓄但不乏精致的高品质建筑,许是建筑师们“不信奉差异,不喜欢另类”[伯纳德·霍斯利(Bernhard Hoesli)原本批判的语气评述瑞士人的性格]的设计理念使然。

毋庸置疑,瑞士建筑享誉世界,与瑞士建筑师们的国际影响力密不可分。其中,最具代表性也最著名的当属勒·柯布西耶(Le Corbusier)——这位来自瑞士拉绍德封的建筑巨匠、现代主义建筑的主要倡导者,对国际现代建筑流派的发展作出了极其重要的贡献。不过由于勒·柯布西耶后来加入法籍的缘故,人们或许更常将他与法国联系起来。但瑞士并不缺乏“土生土长”的超级明星建筑师,如2001年的普利茨克奖得主雅克·赫尔佐格(Jacques Herzog)、皮埃尔·德·梅隆(Pierre de Meuron),2009年的普利茨克奖得主彼得·卒姆托(Peter Zumtor),提契诺州学派的代表人物马里奥·博塔(Mario Botta)。生在委内瑞拉的克里斯蒂安·克雷兹(Christian Kerez)也是在瑞士开展建筑师职业生涯,并具有重要影响的一位……







The birth to this special issue of“Contemporary Architecture in Switzerland”was indeed given by an opportunity by mere coincidence.After the spring festival of 2018,we had the honor of receiving an invitation from Embassy of Switzerland in China, thus to send our editor Liu Chuan on an architectural voyage around Switzerland.The initial intention was just to organize a special column for architects and scholars studying or working in Switzerland,which ultimately turned out to be this special issue due to the enthusiasm of our contributors and the effort of Liu Chuan.

Though this special issue originated from a voyage, the architecture and its education in Switzerland deserve definitely our focus as well as a collection of essays.Splendid landscape stretches around the small territory of this country: from the solemn Alpine Mountain down to the various glacier-formed lakes, from the stern subalpine forests to the mild lower meadows — Switzerland plays sparkling magic in its landscape in front of human eyes.In addition, one might as well be astonished by the equivalent richness and diversity of its contemporary architecture — the Bern School, the Solothurn School, the Ticino School,the Graubünden School, the Basel School — a variety of Swiss styles known to us.The origins and evolutions of these schools differentiate, however share a common character — a kind of Swiss frugality and simplicity.In this highly developed country of wealth and stability, there have emerged a great number of high quality projects of simplicity, moderation as well as elegancy, which are presumably due to the idea — “the different is suspect, the exceptional is not welcome and genius is ignored.” — as described in Bernhard Hoesli’s critical tone over the Swiss character.

The world-wide fame of Swiss architecture is, without a doubt, closely related to the international implications by Swiss architects.Le Corbusier, a young man from the peripheral La Chaux-de-Fonds who later turned himself into a chief advocator of Modernism architecture,should have ranked first among his Swiss contemporaries.Though there are so many crucial contributions made by Le Corbusier to the development of the international modern architecture, this homme célèbre is thought to be more attached to France for his changing of the nationality.Yet, Switzerland is by no means short of “native” super architect stars — to name a few here: Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron, the 2001 Pritzker Prize winner; Peter Zumthor, the 2009 Pritzker Prize winner; or Mario Botta, the leading figure of Ticino School.The Venezuela-born Christian Kerez is also one of the influential architects that are now practicing in Switzerland.

Meanwhile, the strict control of programming and details and the pursuit of Qualität in Swiss architecture can definitely calm its architects down from marketing stunts or fame-seeking.Of course, the shocking power of Gestaltung and the distinction of Form could be one of the fundamental factors to the success of a project, yet the precision in the research on materials, space, technology and details is always indispensable.Restraint can be a choice.

Indebted to the support of all the writers and translators and the effort of our editors, this special issue of “Contemporary Architecture in Switzerland” came out within a short period of merely four months, from arrangement to editing and eventually to publication.First of all, we give our sincere thanks to the excursion organized by Embassy of Switzerland in China.Secondly, we shall express thanks to all the writers, translators and interviewees, for their contribution to an in-depth synopsis of modern and contemporary theory, education and practice in Swiss architecture.Due to the tight schedule of this issue, we sincerely beg for our readers’forgiveness as well as criticism of any defect.

I went on a trip of eight days to Switzerland in the summer of 2016, spending all the days rushing among the beautiful scenery by the Nature and the masterpieces by the brilliant Swiss architects.To me, this special issue fills up my limited knowledge of Swiss architecture.Hopefully I could have more chances returning to Switzerland in the future.

(Translated by Jiang Jiawei)

Wang Lihui

Chief Editor ofThe Architect

June 10th, 2018/Beijing
