
2019-01-14 10:49侯华铭崔清亮郭玉明
农业工程学报 2018年24期




(山西农业大学工学院,太谷 030801)

谷子脱出物的悬浮特性是研究谷子收获清选参数优化及装备改进设计的基础特性。该文采用气吹式粮油作物脱出物悬浮速度测量装置,根据悬浮速度测定方法国家标准要求,设计分段悬浮试验测量了谷子经联合收获时的待清选脱出物各组分的悬浮速度及其在不同含水率下的悬浮速度,探究了谷子脱出物悬浮速度与其含水率的关系,预估了适宜的清选风速范围,并通过清选试验进行了验证。试验结果表明:收获的谷子脱出物籽粒、穗瓣、茎秆和叶子的悬浮速度分别是4.29~8.88、1.03~5.48、1.71~5.33、1.03~3.09 m/s,籽粒的悬浮速度大于叶子的悬浮速度,但与穗瓣、茎秆的悬浮速度数值区间有极小部分重叠。随着谷子作物含水率的降低,谷子籽粒悬浮速度与穗瓣、茎秆、叶子悬浮速度的差距在增大。含水率均显著影响谷子脱出物各组分的悬浮速度(≤ 0.05),谷子籽粒、穗瓣、茎秆和叶子的悬浮速度均随其含水率的增高而增大,且均与其含水率呈二次函数关系(2≥ 0.95)。清选试验结果证明预估是合理的,谷子脱出物的适宜清选风速范围为4.29~5.48 m/s,最佳清选风速为4.47 m/s,此时籽粒损失率为4.68%,籽粒清洁度为98.83%。该研究可为谷子适时收获时期和最优清选工作参数的确定提供参考。


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1 试验材料与方法

1.1 试验材料

试验谷子品种为晋谷21号,取自山西谷子全程机械化产业技术开发繁峙基地,收集改进的4LZ-2.5(PRO688Q)全喂入联合收割机收获成熟期谷子时所得的待清选脱出物作为试验材料。迅速对脱出物进行分拣,得到籽粒、穗瓣、茎秆和叶子4种物料,穗瓣、茎秆和叶子又被称为轻杂物,如图1所示。采用烘干法测得4种物料的成熟期含水率。拟取5个水平研究含水率对谷子脱出物各组分悬浮速度的影响,已具备成熟期含水率水平的试验物料,采用先复水后烘干的方法获取其他含水率水平的试验物料。对每种脱出物取5组样本,每组样本包含6个试样,每个试样取料10 g,分别包入尼龙网中并编号。从5组样本中取出1组作为成熟期含水率水平的试验样本,将其余4组样本置于水中浸泡6 h,使物料含水率趋于饱和后取出晾置,用滤纸吸去物料表面浮水。将4组样本置于干燥箱中干燥不同时间后取出,装入保鲜袋中封存,干燥时间分别取10、20、30和40 min,干燥温度为100 ℃。

图1 谷子脱出物各组分

1.2 试验原理与方法

1.离心风机 2.风力及其调控部件 3.盛料网 4.测试部件 5.流场结构部件 6.锥形观察管 7.悬浮高度标尺 8.L型毕托管 9.智能压力风速风量仪 10.变频器


2 试验结果与分析

2.1 不同含水率下谷子脱出物的悬浮速度


表1 谷子脱出物基本物性



表2 谷子脱出物含水率

由表2可知随烘干时间增加,谷子脱出物中穗瓣、茎秆、叶子的含水率均高于其收获时的含水率,籽粒含水率在烘干时间达到30 min后降低到其收获时含水率以下。

试验测得5组不同含水率样本中谷子脱出物各组分的悬浮速度如表3所示。收获的籽粒、穗瓣、茎秆和叶子的悬浮速度分别是4.29~8.88、1.03~5.48、1.71~5.33、1.03~3.09 m/s。

表3 谷子脱出物悬浮速度

由表3可知,收获的谷子脱出物中籽粒的悬浮速度数值区间与穗瓣和茎秆的悬浮速度数值区间有极小部分重叠,籽粒的悬浮速度大于叶子的悬浮速度。籽粒悬浮速度的最小值为4.29 m/s,穗瓣和叶子悬浮速度的最大值分别为5.48、5.33 m/s。清选的目的在于分离掉轻杂物,留下干净的籽粒,同时控制籽粒损失率,则由谷子籽粒与各轻杂物的悬浮速度值可估得适宜的清选风速范围为4.29~5.48 m/s。随着谷子脱出物含水率的降低,籽粒悬浮速度与穗瓣、茎秆、叶子悬浮速度值的重叠数值区间在减小,说明籽粒悬浮速度与穗瓣、茎秆、叶子悬浮速度的差距在增大,表明谷子作物含水率越低,越有利于脱出物清选时籽粒与轻杂物的分离。籽粒与轻杂物悬浮速度值的重叠数值区间的存在表明清选时不能单靠风选将籽粒与轻杂物彻底分离,需采用风选与筛选或与旋风分离器分离轻杂相结合的方式进行清选以获得干净的籽粒。

2.2 含水率对谷子脱出物各组分悬浮速度的影响



图3 不同含水率下谷子脱出物各组分悬浮速度散点连线

表4 谷子脱出物悬浮速度与含水率的拟合关系

由表4可知,各组分的回归模型均很显著,拟合精度均较高。重复前述试验操作验证拟合关系,测量谷子脱出物各组分经复水烘干25 min后的悬浮速度,与预测值进行比较,试验结果如表5所示。

表5 拟合关系验证试验结果


2.3 清选试验验证


1.风机 2.振动筛 3.谷物收集区域 4.风速测量装置

清选试验装置结构类型为风筛式,根据收获的谷子脱出物各组分悬浮速度值的差异,选取4、4.5、5、5.5、6 m/s 5个风速水平进行清选试验,风机倾角为25°,在每个风速水平下重复5次试验,每次试验清选脱出物3 kg左右,清选喂入量为0.5 kg/s,对测得的籽粒损失率与清洁度取平均值。试验时,分别调节风机风速至选取的各风速水平,清选后观察籽粒与轻杂物的分布情况,收集清选后的物料,从中挑拣出轻杂物,分别称量籽粒与轻杂物的质量,计算籽粒损失率与清洁度。试验结果如表6所示。

由表6可知,当清选风速小于谷子籽粒悬浮速度时,籽粒损失率随风速增大而减小;当风速大于籽粒悬浮速度时,损失率随风速增大而增大。籽粒清洁度均较高,随风速增大整体呈增高趋势。当风速小于籽粒悬浮速度时,籽粒随风运动距离较短,极小部分籽粒没能落入指定收集区域而造成损失,随风速增大,籽粒随风运动距离增长,绝大部分籽粒落入收集区域,损失率降低;当风速大于籽粒悬浮速度时,风速越大,被吹走的籽粒越多,损失率增大;轻杂物几乎全被吹走,所以籽粒清洁度高。当出风口风速为4.47 m/s时,籽粒损失率最低,为4.68%;籽粒清洁度较高,为98.83%;此时清选效果最佳,此时的风速值在预估的适宜清选风速范围内,证明通过悬浮速度测量试验来预估谷子脱出物的适宜清选风速范围是合理的。

表6 不同风速下谷子脱出物清选损失率与清洁度

3 结 论

1)试验测量了谷子脱出物籽粒、穗瓣、茎秆和叶子在不同含水率下的悬浮速度。收获的籽粒、穗瓣、茎秆和叶子的悬浮速度分别是4.29~8.88、1.03~5.48、1.71~5.33、1.03~3.09 m/s,籽粒的悬浮速度大于叶子的悬浮速度,但与穗瓣和茎秆的悬浮速度数值区间有极小部分重叠。随着谷子作物含水率的降低,谷子籽粒悬浮速度与穗瓣、茎秆、叶子悬浮速度的差距在增大,有利于脱出物清选时籽粒与轻杂物的分离,因此选择收获期内谷子作物含水率较低的时刻进行收获,有利于清选干净。


3)清选试验证明,通过悬浮速度测量试验来预估谷子脱出物的适宜清选风速范围是合理的。收获期谷子脱出物的适宜清选风速范围为4.29~5.48 m/s。最佳清选风速为4.47 m/s,此时籽粒损失率为4.68%,籽粒清洁度为98.83%。

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Effects of moisture contents of threshed materials from whole-feeding combine for foxtail millet on their suspension characteristics

Hou Huaming, Cui Qingliang※, Guo Yuming


The suspension characteristics of the threshed materials of foxtail millet are the basic characteristics for the research of cleaning working parameter optimization and improved design for the cleaning equipment, and the foxtail millet was harvested by the whole-feeding combine harvester. The threshed materials to be cleaned of foxtail millet include the grains, spikelets, stalks and leaves. Based on the requirements of the Chinese national standard test methods for forage seed suspension velocity, using the suspension velocity testing device for agricultural materials, we designed and conducted the staged suspension experiments to measure the suspension velocities of the 4 kinds of threshed materials of foxtail millet respectively, and we also measured the suspension velocities of the threshed materials with different moisture contents, and then we researched the relations between the suspension velocity of each part of threshed materials and its moisture content. Based on the differences among the measured suspension velocities of threshed materials, we estimated the suitable range of cleaning air velocity and conducted the cleaning experiment via cleaning experimental device to verify our estimation. We got the threshed materials with different moisture contents by means of rehydrating and drying. We immersed the threshed materials harvested into the water for 6 h to make their moisture contents saturate, and then we put the saturate threshed materials into the thermostatic drier box to dry for different times at 100 ℃. The drying times were 10, 20, 30 and 40 min respectively, and thus we got other 4 kinds of threshed materials with different moisture contents from the harvested threshed materials’, and so we totally measured 5 kinds of threshed materials with different moisture contents. The staged suspension experiments included 3 stages. When there were one third of the materials to be measured suspending in the tapered observed pipe at some height, one suspending stage was reached. We measured the suspension velocity of the suspended materials via DP2000-11 type intelligent pressure air-volume anemometer in every stage, and there were 6 measure points in every stage, and we calculated the average value of the 6 measured values. We used the suspended height ruler to measure the suspension height range of the suspended materials, and we used the average value and the suspension height range to calculate the suspension velocity range of the suspended materials based on the flow consistency principle. Synthesizing the 3 suspension velocity ranges, we got one suspension velocity range of this kind of material with a certain moisture content. There were 6 repeats of suspension velocity measurement for every kind of material with a certain moisture content. Synthesizing the 6 suspension velocity ranges of a kind of material with a certain moisture content, we finally got the suspension velocity ranges of this kind of material. The experimental results showed that the suspension velocities of grains, spikelets, stalks and leaves of threshed materials of foxtail millet harvested by combine harvester were respectively 4.29-8.88, 1.03-5.48, 1.71-5.33 and 1.03-3.09 m/s. There was no overlapping numerical interval between the grains’ suspension velocity range and the leaves’, while there were some overlapping numerical intervals between the grains’ suspension velocity range and the spikelets’ or the stalks’. With the decrease of moisture content of foxtail millet, the overlapping numerical intervals were all reducing between the grains’ suspension velocity range and the spikelets’ or the stalks’ or the leaves’. We used the maximum of the suspension velocity range of every kind of material with a certain moisture content to carry out a statistical analysis. The moisture content affected the suspension velocity of every component of the threshed materials significantly, and the significance levelvalues were all less than or equal to 0.048 8. With the decrease of moisture content, the suspension velocities of grains, spikelets, stalks and leaves were all decreasing, and there were quadratic function relations between the moisture content and the grains’ suspension velocity or the spikelets’ or the stalks’ or the leaves’, and the fitting precisions were all greater than or equal to 0.951 2. The results of cleaning experiment proved that the estimation was rational. The suitable range of cleaning air velocity for the threshed materials of foxtail millet was 4.29-5.48 m/s, and the optimal air velocity at air outlet was 4.47 m/s. Under the action of airflow with optimal air velocity, the loss ratio of grain was 4.68%, and the cleanliness of grain was 98.83%. The research results can provide reference for the determination of the timely harvest time and the optimal cleaning working parameters.

mechanization; harvesting; crops; foxtail millet; threshed material; suspension velocity; cleaning experiment

侯华铭,崔清亮,郭玉明. 全喂入谷子联合收获机脱出物含水率对其悬浮特性的影响[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(24):29-35. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.24.004 http://www.tcsae.org

Hou Huaming, Cui Qingliang, Guo Yuming. Effects of moisture contents of threshed materials from whole-feeding combine for foxtail millet on their suspension characteristics[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(24): 29-35. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.24.004 http://www.tcsae.org









