ROS-based Humanoid Robot

2019-04-22 07:15甄旖冬
科技视界 2019年6期


中圖分类号: TP242 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 2095-2457(2019)06-0050-002


1 Project Introduction

Through the capture of human body images by the camera first and then the adoption of the human body key point detection technology,we can decompose human actions into simple dots and lines,and then draw a sketch of human actions based on the location of the steering engines,which is then transmitted to the control terminal. The control terminal will compare the location of the robots steering engines,and adjust their pendulum and rotation angles to enable the robot to simulate human actions.

2 Introduction of Key Technologies

Image capture by the camera,

Human body key point detection,

Single-chip micro-computer,

Control board and steering engines,

Examples for the final results of human body key point detection,

Control board.

3 Project Innovation

Robots have become the extended substitution of human beings without simply repeating one action based on given orders.Robots simulate and replicate human actions.Moreover,we have courageously adopted the highly difficult human body key point detection technology, captured images through the camera for further processing, decomposed human actions into simple dots and lines,and matched them with the machinery structure of robots. Moreover,the multi-steering engine structure of robots can enable robots to perfectly replicate human actions.

4 Project Business Model

Emergency rescue and disaster relief:We can observe the concrete condition of dangerous terrains through the cameras equipped on robots.Robots simulate human actions for emergency relief,not only guaranteeing the safety of rescue staff,but also ensuring the carefulness and accuracy of the rescue work.

High-risk work:In many high-risk environments, such as mine tunnels or high-temperature process sites or chemical factories,operation through the remote control of robots can substantially improve safety while guaranteeing validity and timely handling various emergencies.

Teaching function:Based on required content,robots can simulate actions of real people,keep the action groups,and broadcast them in cycles to realize the teaching effects.In choreography,we can record actions when inspiration comes up and finally integrate all actions into a dance for further recovery and revision.

5 Major Progress

We are now studying and trying to use human body key point detection technology and has come up with a preliminary understanding and made new attempt on the codes achieved with this technology;we have finished building the robot hardware and mastered the control condition of robots steer engines,or the realization of basic actions;we are now trying to use cameras to capture human body actions.

6 The Phased Objectives

Now we have realized hardware installation for robots and we can select the correct port and have access to the control terminal on computers through the USB debug mode,import the xml documents with arranged actions and then import the deviation file.Our robots are equipped with 17 steering engines,supporting the change in positive and negative 1,500 angle value and head rotation.The arms are divided into three joints and designed by simulating hand,big arm and forearm,and palm.Therefore, the robot can rotate at any angle and with no dead angles,enjoying a high degree of freedom.The legs also consist of three parts:thigh,crus and sole,enabling robots to squat and crouch.As for the sole,we can control the angles of the steering engines to enable robots to tiptoe to the left and right.Meanwhile,the flat sole design has also balanced various actions of robots.At the conjunction between legs and chest,there are also steering engines, enabling the robot to stoop,lean back,and lean to one side.Meanwhile,we are also learning about the realization of human body key point technology,and use OpenCV and Caffe to produce a codebase with C++ to realize multi-threading multi-person key point real-time detection.

7 The Next Phase of the Project Work Plan

During the next stage,we will mainly study the connection between the human body key point detection technology with robot control and purchase appropriate cameras.It is planned that through two to three weeks of online material searching and learning and with the help of seniors and teachers,we will familiarize ourselves with human body key point detection technology,connect the technology with single-chip micro-computers,and write down internal information analysis and control codes for single-chip micro-computers.On the basis of this,we will try to connect the single-chip micro-computer with the control board to further control the movement of steering engines.

8 Expected Research Results

We can capture information on human body actions through the camera,and transfer the information to the single-chip micro-computer,and send control information to the control board through the single-chip micro-computer.The control board will then analyze the information and issue an order to steering engines for action simulation.

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