The "Humanization" Factor of Postmodernist Design

2019-09-10 04:13管玉箫
科学导报·学术 2019年32期

From 1960s to 1970s,the post-modernist design thought originated in the field of architecture,and developed harmoniously with various styles which are totally different from the modernist design form.Different styles exist in the pursuit of greater freedom and liberation of human nature.Different design forms and functions have the exploration and creation of "humanization",showing a pluralistic spirit of post-modernist design creation.Through the analysis of post-modernism and the discovery of humanistic factors in architecture and other fields of post-modernist design,this paper expounds that post-modernist design is people-oriented,in which post-modernist design is people-oriented,pays attention to human nature,pays attention to the expression of context,and brings endless imagination to our design.

Postmodernism is a descriptive concept of pan-sociology put forward by modernism.It refers to the changes of the times in society,including ideas,attitudes,knowledge,behavior,knowledge,thinking,etc.It has evolved into an ideological trend of the times,a global cultural and material variation,and a cultural form of the information culture society.Starting with modernism,the basic modernist design principle of "function first" was adopted.Later,non-functionalism and formalism were wrapped in the form of functionalism.Single design gradually made designers feel dissatisfied.Unlike the modernist design with a unified style and theory,the post-modernist design aims to break down such modernist design.In this way,the "rebellion" against modernism has so rich in human,decorative,personal,changing,traditional and expressive forms.Essentially,post-modernism is not a complete negation of modernism,but a design of humanization and emotional factors in form on the basis of affirming and inheriting its pragmatism.

In the view of post-modernism,modernist architecture is a brand-new form of architecture which is completely separated from the traditional architectural language.Regardless of its structure,material and decoration,modernism pursues a brand-new creation,which is anti-decorative and anti-traditional.Postmodernist design first emerged in the field of architecture.Modernism is consistent with the principles of high efficiency and high technology,such as standardization,specialization,synchronization and centralization of industrial society.It emphasizes the rationality and logic of function and structure,and rationalism.Works often show indifference and rationality.Post-modernist design expresses a design by irrational factors.Post-industrial society is consistent,inclined to organic and applied decoration,is humorous,in the details of the use of ridiculous means,in accordance with the principles of ergonomics in the design,from the use of human and spiritual functions to consider,focusing on human care.

With the development of post-modernism design in architecture,slowly,other fields have begun to explore post-modernism.When people find that although they live in a world of abundant commodities and materials,personal emotional and psychological satisfaction is becoming more and more difficult to achieve.A kind of nostalgia at the end of the century and complex emotions under the new cultural background have emerged.The thought of "humanization" put forward by postmodernism is eager to pursue greater freedom and complete liberation of human nature.Modernist design products quickly entered the world,such as Graves'whistle-blowing metal kettle for Alessi,Italy,is a classic post-modern work.The designer designs all kinds of bird images at the mouth of the pot.When the water boils,the bird will emit a pleasant whistle.The design is unique and full of childlike innocence.On the hand guard of the kettle,the designer adds a thick color arch cushion to prevent scalding and at the same time increase the visual fullness of the metal kettle.Designer's humanistic decorations add a lot to the production cost,but they not only increase the interest of life,but also liberate consumers from the complicated household work.There is no need to worry about when the water will boil.Designer's personalized design language and consumers'physiological and psychological needs are in this work.The product is perfectly integrated.

From the exploration of "humanization" in post-modernism design to today,with the rapid development of economy,the continuous improvement of people's consciousness and the constant demand for individualization,people are no longer satisfied with the function of products.They also pay attention to personal interests and hobbies,and their psychology of pursuing fashion and displaying individuality influences them.Selection of products.Personalized design has become one of the goals of designers.As an individual,people need not only rich and colorful material enjoyment,but also warm and considerate spiritual comfort.Especially in the era of fierce competition in information technology,work has become more busy and tense.People are eager to accompany office and household goods with more human feelings,which can ease their lives.Heart exhaustion and relaxation,so that home can feel like in nature.Postmodernist design diversification,blending,inclusiveness are valuable resources,especially for modern Chinese design,Chinese design continues to this day,mostly pay too much attention to the performance of skills and ignore the humanistic spiritual care,design more lies in its sensibility,with feelings have their own style,this feeling.Sensation is humanized and worth pondering.




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