
2020-04-10 07:25蒋凯鑫于坤霞曹文洪张晓明
农业工程学报 2020年4期

蒋凯鑫,于坤霞,曹文洪,张晓明,李 鹏,孙 倩,刘 昱



(1. 西安理工大学省部共建西北旱区生态水利国家重点实验室,西安 710048;2. 西安理工大学旱区生态水文与灾害防治国家林业局重点实验室,西安 710048;3. 中国水利水电科学研究院泥沙所流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室,北京 100048)



0 引 言



1 材料与方法

1.1 研究区概况

无定河是黄河中游一级支流,是陕北榆林地区最大的河流[13]。无定河发源于陕北定边、吴起、靖边三县交界的白于山北麓,流经靖边、横山、米脂、绥德、清涧,最终汇入黄河。无定河流域干流全长491.1 km,总面积30 261 km2,河道平均比降1.97‰,把口站白家川水文站集水面积为29 662 km2,占流域面积的98.02%。由于流域内恶劣的自然条件和人类活动,其土壤侵蚀速率是黄土高原地区最高的[14]。无定河流域位置见图1。

图1 无定河流域位置图

1.2 数据来源


1.3 研究方法

1.3.1 趋势分析


1.3.2 归因分析




水文法是通过对流域基准期的降雨-径流、降雨-输沙关系进行回归分析优选,参数率定,模型确定,然后计算出流域大规模开展水土流失治理时期的径流输沙模拟值,扣除实测值,获得流域水利水保措施的减水减沙效益。无定河流域常见水文法模型[15-18]见表 1所示。

为了优选出相对最佳的模型,本研究选取纳什效率系数(nash-sutcliffe efficiency,NSE)和相对误差(relative error,RE)作为评价指标进行模型评价。

表1 无定河常见水文法模型


Note:refers to simulated value of runoff;refers to simulated value of sediment transport; Prefers to the annual precipitation; Prefers to precipitation during flood season;7+8refers to precipitation from July to August;6+9refers to precipitation in June and September;,andrefer to the model parameters; the same below.






① 计算径流贡献率的弹性系数



② 计算输沙贡献率的弹性系数




本研究采用的水保法为指标法,即核实流域内各水利水保措施面积等,确定不同地貌类型区不同条件、时期下各措施减水减沙指标,分项计算,逐项累加,得到流域水利水保措施的减水减沙量。参考水利部第一期黄河水沙变化基金项目研究成果[18,22-24],确定流域各项水利水保措施减水减沙指标,见表2。采用无定河流域2011年水利普查的骨干坝数据、2009年淤地坝安全大检查数据等[25]分析计算无定河流域截至2010年底流域内淤地坝实际拦沙总量,按不同年份淤地坝控制面积、产沙降雨指标权系数分配的方法,反推不同时期淤地坝拦沙量。流域灌溉定额参考《陕西省水资源利用》取5 940 m3/hm2,灌溉水回归系数取15%,灌溉引水平均含沙量据调查取10 kg/m3。

表2 无定河流域水保措施减水减沙效益

2 结果与分析

2.1 趋势与变点分析



2.2 水文法模型优选


图2 无定河流域水文要素年际变化曲线

表3 无定河流域水文要素M-K检验与Pettitt检验计算结果


Note:andvalue represent Mann-Kendall test and Pettitt test statistics respectively. *** is 99.9% confidence level.

表4 无定河水文法模型参数率定及优选

2.3 归因对比分析



表5 无定河流域年径流输沙变化归因分析


图3 无定河流域水沙变化不同方法对比分析

3 讨 论


人类活动对径流、输沙贡献率在1990年左右出现低谷的原因在于流域内20世纪70、80年代修建完成的大部分中小型淤地坝因拦蓄寿命多小于20 a,至1990年左右时已淤满或已失效[31],而退耕还林还草政策、淤地坝作为之一的水利部“亮点”工程等尚未出台实施。而低谷对径流影响较输沙大的原因在于淤地坝淤满之后虽失去了拦蓄泥沙的库容,但因拦蓄泥沙而抬高的坝地有效增大了沟道过水断面,使携带的泥沙沿程沉降,而径流则可以越过淤满的坝顶进入河道。流域内输沙减少幅度较径流的大,水利水保措施对下垫面的改变有效减缓或阻止了产汇流的形成,而下渗的径流又促进了林草措施进一步发挥作用。

4 结 论





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Attributional comparative analysis of runoff and sediment change in typical basin of Loess Plateau

Jiang Kaixin1,2, Yu Kunxia1,2※, Cao Wenhong3, Zhang Xiaoming3, Li Peng1,2, Sun Qian1,2, Liu Yu1,2

(1.-,,710048,; 2.,,710048,; 3.,,100048,)

In recent decades, the runoff and sediment of the Yellow River middle reaches located in the Loess Plateau have changed significantly. Many scholars have carried out a lot of researches on the Wuding River, a typical basin of the Loess Plateau, but these researches are focused on the breakthrough of methods and ignore the comparative analysis among methods. This study compared the difference of four methods, i.e., double cumulative curve method, hydrological method, elastic coefficient method and soil and water conservation method, to conduct attributional comparative analysis of runoff and sediment change in the Wuding River Basin from 1957 to 2010. Both double cumulative curve method and hydrological method separate the influence of climate change and human activity by substituting the precipitation data in the research period into the precipitation-runoff and precipitation-sediment transport relationships established in the reference period, and the hydrological method takes into account the annual distribution of precipitation. The elastic coefficient method generates runoff and sediment elasticities to quantify the effects of climate change and human activities. The soil and water conservation method refers to determining the runoff and sediment reduction indicators of each measure under different conditions and periods in different geomorphic areas. The results of trend and change point analysis showed that the annual precipitation in the Wuding River Basin has not changed significantly. The annual potential evaporation, annual runoff and annual sediment transport decreased significantly and the year of change point was 1982, 1971 and 1971, respectively. The attributional comparative analysis of runoff showed that the results of hydrological method were close to those of elastic coefficient method, and the contribution rate of human activities of soil and water conservation method was relatively small, and the attributional comparative analysis of sediment transport showed that the results of soil and water conservation method were consistent with those of the other three methods. Attribution analysis results indicated human activities were the dominant factor of runoff and sediment change in the basin, and their effects on runoff and sediment change were increasing year by year. Among different human activities, irrigation water diversion and afforestation played a leading role in runoff change, and check dam and afforestation played a leading role in sediment transport change. The full up or failure of check dam built in the 1970s and 1980s would largely weaken the runoff and sediment reduction benefits of water conservancy and soil conservation measures in the short term. In the long term, the impact of ecological construction, such as returning cultivated land to forestland or grassland, on runoff and sediment transport will gradually play a major role. Therefore, in the future, the governance of the Wuding River Basin should continue to implement the policy of conversion of cropland to forest and grassland, and strengthen the layout optimization and post-maintenance of engineering measures such as check dam.

runoff; watershed; sediment transport; Loess Plateau; Wuding River basin; attributional comparative analysis

蒋凯鑫,于坤霞,曹文洪,张晓明,李鹏,孙倩,刘昱. 黄土高原典型流域水沙变化归因对比分析[J]. 农业工程学报,2020,36(4):143-149. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.04.017 http://www.tcsae.org

Jiang Kaixin, Yu Kunxia, Cao Wenhong, Zhang Xiaoming, Li Peng, Sun Qian, Liu Yu. Attributional comparative analysis of runoff and sediment change in typical basin of Loess Plateau[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(4): 143-149. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.04.017 http://www.tcsae.org









