选修8 Unit 1 词语专练

2020-09-10 07:22王立新
考试与评价·高二版 2020年4期


一、 根据首字母或汉语提示,用单词的正确形式填空。

1. The chairman said the social welfare should be r    as soon as possible.

2. His classmates________(选举) him as monitor of his class, because he had a strong sense of responsibility.

3. A large number of a    for the job will be given a test first.

4. It never o    to me that there was anything I couldn�t do if I wanted to do it.

5. My mother keeps optimistic even though she has suffered all kinds of________(苦难) throughout her life.

6. The young actor s    all his hair off in order to play a bald man in a film.

7. There was a b    in car sales these years, which made the traffic heavier.

8. He regrets that he didn�t________(抓住) the precious opportunity to improve himself.


live on, team up with, make a life, take in, apply for, mark out, by means of, keep up

1. All the men were killed in the fierce storm on the sea except Robinson who________for many years.

2. I will try my best to get good results in my maths class this semester________hard work.

3. When I left home to go to work, my parents began to________for themselves.

4. When reading, Mary often________what she regards as important in a book.

5. I________this job because I believe that my skills and work experience in the same field qualify me for it.

6. I________a photographer who took me round central London for a whole day.

三、 根據汉语意思完成句子,每空一词:

1. 在路口不管你右转还是左转都没有关系,两条道路都能通向公园。

It doesn�t matter whether you turn right or left________________  —both roads lead to the park.

2. 我醒来发现被子从床上滑下去了。

I woke to find that my quilt________________   the bed.

3. 这所学校女教师占大多数。

In this school, women teachers are________________  .

4. 很明显,他对于修车一无所知。

________________________ he knows nothing about how to repair cars.

5. 这次旅游包括六个欧洲国家的首都。

The tour________    six European capitals.

6. 我们得把两起事件区别开来。

We need to________________   between the two events. (Key ☞ p. 38)
