
2020-09-10 07:22
考试与评价·高二版 2020年4期


1. why 2. that 3. where 4. as if 5. because

6. when / how / whether 7. what 8. Whoever

9. Whether 10. whichever

13 Original Colonies


Westward Movement

1. In 1803. 2. France. 3. Around 828 thousand square miles. 4. Around 40. 5. 7 million. 6. Spanish.


1—5 AABBA 6—10 BDCAA 11—15 BBBDB


1. Such is Wei Fang, a clever, diligent and     confident girl.

2. With the moon appearing, we began to walk home.

3. She left her teacher s office with tears in her eyes.

4. What a considerate girl her elder sister is!

5. Having done a good deed, how glad she looked!

6. It was Wang Dong who / that pulled the boy out of the burning house.

7. It is well-known that only by using English can we learn English well.

8. Recently we have had a heated discussion on whether middle school students should smoke or not.

9. It is said that Li Ping is ill and it is no wonder that he hasn t come to school.

10. Reading novels has its advantages and        disadvantages, so we should choose carefully when we read them.

11. As we all know, a good beginning is half done.

12. The old man stood there, thinking deeply.


1. Assyria. 2. Arch. 3. Aqua Appia. 4. In Costa Rica 5. In 1830. 6. In Beijing.

Ancient India

1. Indus River. 2. Harappa. 3. In 1920.

4. By clay bricks from a kiln.

The Bison: Symbol of the West

1. 1800s.

2. About 75 million to 90 million.

3. Because the bison ate the grass they needed and crops they were trying to grow. What s more, they killed bison for meat and hides.

4. Fewer than one thousand.

5. Because they had lost their main source of food.

6. It tells us how the bison became fewer and why the bison is a symbol of the west of America.


A) 印度野生动物摄影师和环保主义者Aditya同妻子购买了老虎保护区附近的土地,旨在归还森林,保护野生动物。

1. A。 细节理解题。 根据第一、二段可知,他们买下这些土地的初衷和目的都是为了回归自然,保护老虎等野生动物。

2. B。词义辨析题。根据该词所在句后面的to be closer to nature可知,它的意思是“在……附近”。

3. C。 推理判断题。 根据第二段的their lifetime project可推知,为了保护动物和大自然他们打算永远留在这里。

4. D。推理判断题。根据第三段第一、二句可知,今后会有更多的动物来这里,所以老虎就不再愁没有食物而不得不冒险去村庄偷家畜了。

5. C。推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句可推知,在印度现在有不止一个像Aditya夫妇建立的这样的野生动物保护地。

B) 既要建足球场,又要保留场地中的树木,怎么办?承包商有办法: 将两颗树安排为两个守门员——永恒的守门员!

1. B。 词义辨析题。 两棵树做守门员,显然是会一直守在那里,所以说是永久的守门员。

2. D。推理判断题。根据第二至四段,尤其是第二段第二句和第三段最后的community participation可推知,决定足球场是否能建成的关键因素是当地社区是否同意。

3. D。细节理解题。根据全文尤其是第二至四段可知,go around the trees的意思是在保留两棵树的前提下仍然在这块地上建好这个足球场。

4. C。 主旨大意题。 通过全文可知,作者旨在报道两棵树成了足球守门员的新闻,是什么原因导致这个结果,便是文章主要想说明的问题,其中第二至四段是文章的重点。

5. A。 推理判断题。 根据最后两段可推知,围绕这个话题的争论还会一直延续下去; D与最后一段最后一句内容不符; B、C的说法在文中没有依据,因为一切都还在进行中。

选修8 Unit 1词语专练

一、 1. reformed    2. elected    3. applicants

4. occurred 5. hardship/hardships 6. shaved

7. boom 8. grasp/seize

二、 1. lived on 2. by means of 3. make a life

4. marks out  5. apply for  6. teamed up with

三、 1. at the crossing 2. had slipped off 3. in the majority 4. It is apparent/obvious that 5. takes /took in 6. draw/make a distinction

选修8 Unit 2词语专练

一、 1. strike 2. bothered 3. object 4. owes

5. retired 6. cast 7. drawback / disadvantage

8. exact

二、 1. brought back to life 2. is bound to

3. in favour of 4. in good condition 5. strike; into your heart 6. paid off

三、 1. differs from 2. object to 3. Forbidden to go/ Forbidden from going 4. after obtaining/attaining/gaining 5. resist/help showing off

6. are hatched





Text 1

W: Does the play start at 6:00 or 6:15?

M: Neither. It starts at 6:30 and ends at 8:00.

Text 2

M: There is an exhibition about planes and satellites.

W: Really? I d like to see that, too.

Text 3

W: Is Tom back, Uncle Jim?

M: No, not yet. Do you know why, Lily?

W: I m  afraid  he  didn t  finish  his  work.

That s what Jack told me just now.

Text 4

M: Hello, Betty. Do you think women are better doctors than men?

W: Sorry, I m not sure of that. But I m sure that women are better teachers than men.

Text 5

M: Watches like these aren t made now, are they?

W: No. If they were, they d be too expensive for most people.




M: I d like to book a few seats for “Hamlet”, please.

W: Yes, sir.

M: Have you got any seats downstairs?

W: Yes, we have.

M: How much are they?

W: ?3.75 each.

M: Are there any seats for ꇧ2.50?

W: Yes, there are-upstairs. How many?

M: Four, please.

W: For which night?

M: What about Saturday, October 21st?

W: I can give you four seats in Row 8.

M: How long will the performance last?

W: Two and a half hours.

M: Thank you. How much will that be in all?


W: Come on, Peter! It s nearly seven.

M: I m almost ready.

W: We ll be late if you don t hurry.

M: One minute, please. I m packing my things.

W: The teachers won t let us in if we are late.

M: OK. I m ready.

W: Come on, then.

M: Oh, I ll have to get my money.

W: You don t need money when you are having the exam, do you?

M: Of course not. OK, Let s go... Oh, my God. I ve forgot my watch.

W: You ll forget your head if you re not careful.

M: My mother says that, too.

W: I hope you ll be more careful in the exam.


M: I want to buy a farm. I think I d like to grow wheat. Is the ground here good for that?

W: No, I don t think it s good for farming.

M: Why do you know so well?

W: I own a farm here, but farming is very hard work.

M: But modern farm equipment can make farming easier.

W: Yes, but you should cut down trees, clear a lot of land and make the soil rich.

M: I don t mind hard work. I just want to get away from my factory.

W: You can have my farm at a low price,

$ 200, if you want it.

M: All right. You re giving me the farm, aren t you?


It was time to go home. A doctor was going to call on one of his patients. There was ice on the road and the doctor s car hit a tree and turned over three times. To his surprise, he was not hurt. He got out of the car and walked to the nearest house. He wanted to telephone the garage for help. The door was opened by one of his patients.

“Oh, doctor,” she said. “I have only just telephoned you. You must have a very fast car. You got here very quickly indeed. There has been a very bad accident on the roadside. I just saw it through the window. I m sure the driver will need your help.”

听第10段材料, 回答第17至20题

The Great Lakes are a group of natural freshwater lakes in the middle of North America. These five lakes are Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario. The total area of the five lakes is larger than that of many countries, such as the United Kingdom.

Four of the five lakes act as a natural border between Canada and the United States. The fifth, Lake Michigan, is totally within the United States. Each one of the five lakes is special in some way. Lake Superior is the biggest as well as the deepest of the lakes. Lake Ontario is the smallest lake. Lake Erie is the shallowest lake. Lake Huron has the longest shoreline. The water in the Great Lakes comes from many sources. Apart from rainfall, many streams, brooks, and small rivers empty into the lakes. People enjoy visiting the lakes for fun activities such as swimming, motorboating, and sailing. Sandy beaches and parks alongside the lakes provide picnicking and camping areas.



1—5 AABBB 6—10 ABABB  11—15 CBBCC 16—20 CCACA


I. A) 当你遇到困难或麻烦事时,最好的办法是勇敢地面对,而不是逃避;在困难面前千万不要hand the keys to someone else!

1. A。 细节理解题。作者讲述了这个故事后,接着在第二段(最后两句)说:当人们遇到麻烦事后,通常都不愿面对和承担,而是逃避。

2. B。词义辨析题。参见第四段,fears, sins(罪过), problems和giant并列,可见fear(担心)不能包含于giant之中,且根据第三、四段内容可知,giant指的是比较重大的麻烦事,故除了B项之外,其余的都属于giant的范畴。

3. D。推理判断题。第一、二段通过一个例子指出,人们习惯于遇到困难绕道走; 最后两段则表明了作者的观点,遇到困难应该迎头而上,主动面对并解决之。故答案是D,即当Goliath来进攻时,David(也是圣经中的人物)迎头而上,而不是逃跑,符合文章主旨大意。

B) 4—7 BDCA

C) 本文是记叙文。文章讲述了一位小女孩为了帮助战争中的难民儿童重拾希望与信心写了一本名为《相信你自己》的书。

8. A。 细节理解题。根据第一段的内容可知,Rao为了应对自己考试前的紧张心情写了一首诗,这让她重拾信心,积极应考。

9. C。推理判断题。根据第三段中的If the poem she had written the night before her test had given her hope, maybe it could do the same for the refugee children及Each page presents a lesson on topics such as overcoming difficulties, working hard, and of course, believing in one s self可知,Rao写了这本名为《相信你自己》的书是为了鼓励叙利亚的难民儿童。

10. B。 推理判断题。 根据倒数第二段的内容可知,Rao的书得到了儿童们的认可,而且被翻译成阿拉伯语让更多的孩子们阅读,此外还为她赢得了奖项,由此可知Rao的书得到了大家的高度赞扬。

11. C。标题归纳题。根据第四段I feel that the Syrian refugee children need to hear a message of hope和I m happy that share this message with them以及Rao通過写书帮助难民儿童度过困难时期的描述可知,Rao通过写书为难民带来希望,C项作标题能全面概括文章大意。

D) 12—15 DADD



I. 1—5 CBBAC 6—10 ADABC

11—15 ABADB 16-20 DCBAD

II. 1. has covered。有了since短语或从句,主句谓语动词需要用完成时态,故此答案为 has covered。

2.  rising。现在分词做定语,句意:不断上升的PM2.5指数吓坏了许多人。

3. suffering。receive为谓语动词,其后的动词应该用非谓语动词做后置定语,结合句意表示主动需要用现在分词。

4. environmental。用形容词environmental修饰后面的名词protection。

5.  especially。副词修饰动词。

6. that。用that引导定语从句,因为先行词被only修饰,只能用that。

7. higher。用形容词high的比较级,与后面的by paying higher prices相对应。

8. about。

9. taking。after 为介词,所以用动名词taking。

10. a。这里life为单数可数名词。

III. 1. This is a two year course taught by means of lectures.

2. The study indicates a connection between poverty and crime.

3. Over ten persons have applied for the job.

4. They did not move because there was nowhere to go.

5. He was elected mayor of London in May 2000.


I. 1. decide改为decided。

2. friend改为friends。

3. like改为as。

4. hotel前加the。

5. so改为but。

6. us改为them。

7. keeps改为kept。

8. demanded改为demanding。

9. quietly改为quiet。

10. 去掉serrice前的to。

II. One possible version:

Dear  Tokyo  Olympic Committee,

I have read your poster for recruiting volunteers. I think I am fit for the job. I d like to recommend myself. I am an 22-year-old girl, a university student, studying in Beijing University. I have been learning English for 10 years and I am good at spoken English. I am able to communicate with foreigners in English fluently. Above all, I am experienced in working as a volunteer for  the Rio Olympic Games and I am familiar with many events. I will study in Tokyo University in 2020 because I have passed the test for exchange students this summer. Besides, I have the ability to communicate and get along well with others. I firmly believe I can do a good job if I am lucky enough to be accepted.

All the best!

Looking forward to your reply.

Truly yours,

Li Hua





Text 1

W: Front desk. Can I help you?

M: Yeah, hi, this is Room 327. Is your dining room still open?

Text 2

W: Thanks for lunch. It was delicious.

M: I m glad you enjoyed it.

W: Next time it s on me.

Text 3

M: Oh, what a lovely necklace you are wearing!

W: Thank you. It s a birthday gift, from my boyfriend. It is made of precious stones.

M: Well, it looks beautiful on you. Your boyfriend has very good taste.

Text 4

W: It was fun. It was really fun. Thank you for suggesting this, Cal.

M: This idea was yours. You wanted to go skiing.

Text 5

W: Excuse me. I am afraid you should not sit here.

M: Let me see. No. 17? Oh! I am terribly sorry. My number is 15. That was careless of me!




W: We   arrange   two   kinds   of   tourist

programmes for Suzhou: a six-day tour by train and a five-day flying journey.

M: How much does a six-day tour by train cost?

W: Five hundred yuan.

M: Does that include hotels and meals?

W: Oh, yes, and admission tickets for places of interest as well.

M: That sounds reasonable. What about the five-day flying journey? How much is that?

W: Eight hundred and fifty yuan.

M: Covering all expenses?

W: Yes. But there is no half fare for children. They must pay full fare.

听第7段材料, 回答第8、9题。

W: Hello! I m home! Tom?

M: Hi, Mum! I m in here.

W: Oh, my God! What s going on here?

M: I ll clear it up later. I ve nearly finished. What do you think?

W: It s so lovely. I like the roof. What a beautiful red!

M: I haven t painted the front door yet. What color do you think it should be?

W: I think green would be nice. Would you like me to make some curtains for it?

M: Oh, that would be great, Mum. I m afraid I ve got a bit of paint on the carpet over there. I m terribly sorry.

W: Oh, you haven t, Tom!

M: It s all right. I think it will come out. If not, I ll just paint the rest of the carpet the same colour.

聽第8段材料, 回答第10至12题。

M: Mrs Black, thanks very much for coming down to the station. Could you describe the man who robbed the bank?

W: The man was tall, six feet, and he had dark hair, and he had a moustache.

M: Very good. Do you remember how old he was by any chance?

W: Well, I guess around 30, maybe younger.

M: Mm, do you remember anything about what he was wearing?

W: Yes, he was wearing a dark sweater.

M: OK. Um, anything else that strikes you at the moment?

W: I remember he was wearing a light shirt under the sweater.

M: All right. Mrs. Black, I really appreciate what you ve done today.

听第9段材料, 回答第13至16题。

M: I can t believe it! I only got a B on my project.

W: Why are you complaining? That s not a bad grade.

M: I worked on it for weeks. I spent hours in the library checking on things. I really thought I d done a good job. I even gave up last week s concert.

W: Well, getting a B is good. I just don t see why you re so upset.

M: But Barry didn t spend half as much time on his project and he still got an A.

W: Barry always gets good grades on his projects. If you are truly dissatisfied, why don t you speak to the teacher to find out why you only got a B?

M: I m really not in the mood to speak to that teacher.

W: In that case, you d better find out what is weak about your project and try to improve on those points in the next one.

M: I suppose that s the best thing to do.

聽第10段材料, 回答第17至20题。

M: Good morning, everyone. My name is Bob Smith from Frontier Furniture. Are you looking for any facilities or furniture? Please come to our Frontier Furniture.

You name it; we have it! Low on cash? Big color TVs are as low as $225; digital pianos starting at $399; king size beds cost from $250. You will be able to enjoy free delivery on all major appliances.

Please come to Frontier Furniture. It is located downtown two blocks east of the city hall, opposite the Union Square. We are open daily from 10:00 am to 5:30 pm on weekdays. And

10:30 am to 5:00 pm on weekends. Thank you.



1—5 BCCAA 6—10 BCABC 11—15 BAAAC  16—20 CBCBB


I. A) 1—3 DCC

B) 4—7 BDAA

C) 8—11 CDCB

D) 12—15 DCCB



I. 1. C。 现在分词短语做状语。站在(standing)这群出类拔萃的学生面前,他说:“来,做个小测试。”

2. B。然后(then)他拿出一个一加仑的广口玻璃瓶,放在他面前(in front of )的桌上。

3. D。参见注释2。

4.  A。 接着他拿出一小堆拳头大小的石块,小心翼翼(carefully)、一块一块地放进瓶子里。

5. D。他回答道:“真(Really)满了吗?”

6. C。然后他把碎石倒进罐子里,“摇了摇”(shook) 罐子让碎石下沉到大石头之间的“空隙”(space) 里。

7. B。参见注释6,这里work的意思是“(使)缓慢前进;活动起来”。

8. C。参见注释6,room通常表“(人为地腾挪出来的)空间”,所以不妥。

9. B。 到此时全班学生都“意识到”了他的意图。

10. A。他把沙倒进罐子里,沙一下子就“进入”了大石头和碎石之间“留出”的空隙。

11. B。 他又问学生:“瓶子装满(full)了吗?”

12. C。 根据后面的pour it in以及逻辑分析(此时只有水能够倒进去了)可知,这里说的是他把“水”倒进罐子里。

13. D。他“看着”学生们问:这个演示“说明”了什么?

14. B。参见注释13。

15. C。一个“急性的”学生说:说明了不管“时间安排”得多紧,只要你想办法,总是可以见缝插针地做更多的事情。

16. A。参见注释15。

17. A。参见注释15。

18. B。教授說:“这个例子告诉我们一个‘事实’,如果你不是先放大石块,以后它们就永远摆不进去。”

19. D。要“记住”,“生活中”必须先放“大石块”,否则它们永远放不进去。

20. B。参见注释19。

II. 1. brought 2. dropped  3. with 4. was published 5. which 6. her 7. service 8. the

9. and 10. relationship

III. 1.  The country hopes to pay all its debts off within twenty years.

2. However, I suppose it was bound to happen sooner or later.

3. If people don t learn from this, then his suffering and death were in vain.

4. We objected strongly to the plan.

5. The flight attendants are threatening to strike.


I. 1. 去掉last前的on。

2. happy改为happily。

3. late改为later。

4. hour改为hours。

5. or改为and。

6. that改为which。

7. better前加a。

8. passes改为passed。

9. leave改为leaving。

10. take改为taken。

II. One possible version:

This afternoon I was on my way home from school. Suddenly I saw a house catching fire next to the road.

Without any hesitation, I rushed there. The owner was trying to put out the fire. I turned on the fire extinguisher immediately and helped the owner control the fire. After a while, firefighters arrived and put out the fire at last.

The owner came up to me and thanked me for my timely help. I am very happy and I would do the same next time.





Text 1

W: Are you happy now that the exam is over?

M: Happy? You ve got to see my grade before you say that.

Text 2

W: You can wear that, John? It s black.

M: What s wrong with the black shirt? Everybody has a black shirt.

W: It doesn t look like you are going to a party.

Text 3

M: Your room number is 633 on the sixth floor. We ll take the lift.

W: Here is my luggage.

Text 4

W: Have you heard the news?

M: No. What s news?

W: Julie has won first prize in the diving competition.

M: Oh, that s great.

Text 5

M: Good morning. I would like to borrow some novels in English. What kind of books would you recommend?

W: It might be a good idea to read some easy articles first. You will enjoy them more and be able to read fast.

M: That s a good idea. Thank you for your advice.



听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。

M: Hey! You look pale, Maria. What s wrong?

W: I think I ve caught a cold.

M: Have you taken any medicine?

W: No, I ve been drinking a lot of orange juice.

M: That s not enough. Why don t you go to see the doctor? I can accompany you there.

W: Thank you. But that s too much trouble. You know seeing a doctor is my last choice.

M: Have you taken your temperature?

W: No. But the muscles in my arms and legs ache.

M: You must have a fever. You must go to see the doctor.

听第7段材料, 回答第8、9题。

W: Hey, can you get your dog to shut up? Some people are trying to sleep around here!

M: Now, wait a minute! Prince is just barking because your cat is screaming all over the place!

W: Do you know what time it is? It s one am, and I ve got to get up at six to go to work. If I don t get some sleep soon, I will make your dog disappear.

M: Are you going to kill my dog?

W: That s possible. But please, can t you get that dog to close his trap for a few minutes? Or do you want me to call the police?

M: You ought to shut your own trap. You re the one making the most noise now!

W: That does it! Bernie! Get the poison!

M: Come here, Prince. Let s go inside.

聽第8段材料, 回答第10至12题。

W: Hello! This is HR division, OHE Company.

M: Good morning! This is Jim. I m looking for a job. Is there any vacant position in your company?

W: What kind of jobs are you looking for?

M: Any job in your company that my previous experience could match.

W: What kind of work experience have you got?

M: I ve been a sales manager for more than two years. Now I m working in a car company.

W: Well, why do you want to leave your present job?

M: I enjoy working in different places and meeting new people. That will widen my experience in the field of marketing.

W: Good. What education have you had?

M: I studied Marketing Management at university, and got a Master s Degree.

W: Fine. We have a position for an E-marketing manager.

M: Great. I am looking forward to joining you.

W: But you have to come for an interview.

M: Sure. I would appreciate it. When will the interview be?

W: I will talk with my boss and see whether he has time next Monday.

M: Thanks. I can give you my phone number and wait for your call.

W: All right.

听第9段材料, 回答第13至16题。

M: I m going by this place once more and if we don t see a sign for the hotel, I m heading back into town. I m tired and I want a shower.

W: I m sure we ll find it. When I talked to the desk clerk, she said that the hotel is hidden away behind some trees and we should pay attention to their white sign.

M: Did she say blink and you ll miss it? Because we ve driven past this place three times and I don t see a sign.

W: She just said that they re in a place where few people go, far from any main roads and towns.

M: If they know that their hotel is so hard to find, why don t they make it more attractive with some kind of landmark?

W: That s part of the attraction of a small hotel. It doesn t have neon signs and it s away from the tourist areas.

M: That s all well and good, but we have to find it first. Okay, this is the last pass. Keep your eyes open wide.

W: There it is! I ve found the sign. It s over there, see?

M: Yeah, now I see it. God, it s like finding a needle in a haystack!

聽第10段材料, 回答第17至20题。

W: It s well known that Abraham Lincoln was the greatest American, you know.

M: Yes, many American people do think so, and they feel proud of Lincoln. He rose from the lowest to the highest position in the United States.

W: Do you know how he was killed?

M: Yes. It was on April 14, 1865. After a very busy day. Lincoln and his wife went to see a play at a theatre in Washington, a 25-year-old man, who was from the South, suddenly shot Lincoln through the head.

W: Did he die immediately when he was shot?

M: No, he didn t. He died early the next morning in the hospital.




1—5 CCCAA 6—10 BCACC 11—15 ABABA   16—20 CABCA


第一节: A) 21—23 CAB

B) 24—27 DBBC

C) 28—31 BDCC

D) 32. D。 由短文第一自然段开头一句可以知道:A、B、C 均可以使读者或观众喜欢,而并没有提及他的笔名使读者或观众喜欢。

33. C。 划线的句子的意思是:马克·吐温(公开场合的演讲)让人发笑从未失败过,也就是他公开场合的演讲总能让人发笑。

34. C。由短文第二段可以知道:马克·吐温写这本书是为了讽刺那个时代那些非常富有的人,使人们嘲笑那些富人的无节制。

35. B。该短文主要讲述了美国最好的幽默大师——马克·吐温,而不是在主要介绍其作品,或他公开场合的演讲,C项有一定的迷惑性但没有A项全面。

II. 36—40 GEFAD


第一节: 塞翁失马,焉知非福。 有些时候,事情看起来很糟糕,让人难过、心烦,但是它们却会带来意想不到的好的结果。

41. A。根据下文while they were out of town 以及Our neighbors 〓43〓 the name and phone number 可推出答案。

42. D。 第三段的He was at our neighbor s house是提示。

43. C。 邻居出门前,留下了一个人的姓名和联系电话。下文的Mom called the number是提示。

44. B。“万一(in case)”鱼缸出现问题,就给那个人打电话。

45. A。在电话中那个人“答应(promised)”到邻居家来。

46. B。虽然那个人答应来,回到家后,妈妈“仍然(still)”害怕,担心在那个人来到之前,鱼就都死了。

47. C。before在此处的含义是“还没来得及……就……”。

48. D。鱼缸漏水,妈妈担心鱼会死掉,由此可知,妈妈觉得这是“糟糕的(bad)”一天。

49. A。 根据上文提示,妈妈是在电话里和那个人通的话。

50. C。根据下文,这个人修好了鱼缸,而且还避免了一场火灾,故选happily。

51. D。根据下文内容可知,多亏鱼缸坏了,这个人才来到这里及时制止了一场灾难。因此鱼缸坏了,反而是件好事。

52. C。根据最后一段最后一句中的to fix the electrical problem可知是电路出现了问题。

53. C。 如果当时周围没有人的话,就会发生火灾。around在周围。

54. A。 end up结束,这里指如果没人在,房子最终会被烧毁。

55. C。来人碰巧是一位电工,知道该怎么办。happen to be ... 碰巧是。

56. D。线路出现了问题,应该是去“修(fix)”。第60空后面的to fix the electrical problem也是提示。

57. D。

58. A。 两个句子之间是转折关系。一开始这件事在妈妈看来是件坏事,“然而(However)”,那时大家还没有“意识到(realized)”如果不是因为这件事的发生,可能会发生更大的灾难。

59. B。如果不是鱼缸漏了,电工就“不会(wouldn t)”到这里来。

60. C。 电工及时赶到,避免了一场更大的灾难。in time to do sth. 及时做某事。

第二節: 61. what 62. be practiced 63. riding 64. attention 65. like 66. are used 67. needed(it is needed) 68. to help 69. the 70. to leave



1. 去掉various前的a。

2. drawn改为drawing。

3. which改为whose。

4. take改为took。

5. teacher改为teachers。

6. they改为them。

7. matter后加what。

8. deep改为deeply。

9. perform改为performance。

10. many改为much。


One possible version:

What an interesting picture it is! Sitting before a plate of zongzi, the boy is at a complete loss of how to unwrap them and eventually turns to a book for instructions! The picture is trying to convince us of a fact that many of the young are losing their basic hands-on ability in everyday life.

Many factors contribute to this phenomenon. Firstly, many children have been forced to focus on their school work only, having little or no space to experience things in real life. Secondly, parents are over-protective. They take over almost all their children s life.

From where I stand, giving children chances to do things for themselves is the only remedy. Anyway, nobody can learn to swim without jumping into water.

Ice Hockey