
2020-09-22 10:03张文怡
疯狂英语·读写版 2020年3期




1. correlate / k r le t/ v. 使相互关联

2. grandiose / gr ndi  s/ adj. 浮夸的

3. extrovert / ekstr v  t/ n. 性格外向者

4. empathy / emp θi/ n. 共鸣

5. unpretentious /  npr  ten  s/ adj. 不爱炫耀的

Which music genre says you re more creative, and which says you re selfish? Find out here.

Heavy metal fans are gentle and creative.

According to music psychology scholar Adrian North, PhD, who conducted a three year study correlating the musical preferences and personality traits of more than 36,000 participants, heavy metal fans “are quite delicate things” who are “basically the same kind of person” as classical music lovers, only younger.

Classical fans are smart.

Reflective and complex is a perfect descrip tion of both classical music and the people who listen to it. According to Dr. North s research, classical lovers are smart, creative, introverted, and show high self esteem; they see listening as a theatrical experience and share a mutual “love of the grandiose” with metal fans, though they tend to be older and make more money.

Hip hop fans are extroverts.

Energetic listeners and hip hop fans enjoy the social aspects of music: dancing, singing along, and experiencing it with others instead of imprisoning it in a pair of headphones. Like rappers themselves, hip hop fans rated as extroverted and had high self esteem in North s research.

Pop fans are outgoing and nervous.

Pop fans show a lack of creativity compared to other categories, and tend to be worriers. They are, however, outgoing and sociable, and have high self esteem. In general, extroversion is linked with a love of happy music.

Rock fans are easy going but selfish.

Classical rock fans work hard and are generally at ease with themselves. However, they re more self centered than other listeners. Like their pop loving counterparts, fans of the yesterday s hits are likely to use music to regulate their mood, as their favorite songs are often associated with intense emotional life experiences. Not all rock is created equal, though. Indie rock fans, on the other hand, tend to be creative and open to new experiences, but have low self esteem and work ethic. Punk rock fans are intense, energetic, and low on empathy.

Folk, jazz, and blues fans are deep thinkers.

Much like classical fans, these listeners are reflective, open minded, and highly creative. They are more likely to use music to exercise their brains than their bodies. If you play jazz, you may even turn off part of your brain to unlock extra creativity.

Country fans are hard working and close minded.

Not surprisingly, country listeners are unpretentious and high on empathy. They are generally agreeable and extroverted, and typically hard workers. Proving the stereotype true, country fans are likely to be politically conservative, and less open to other types of art and music.

1. People who prefer country music are_________.

A. creative but selfish

B. outgoing but selfish

C. open minded and creative

D. close minded and hard working

2. What can be inferred from paragraph 6?

A. Punk rock fans seem to be less energetic.

B. Classical rock fans are usually selfless and easy going.

C. Indie rock fans seem to be open to new experiences.

D. Classical rock fans are generally content with themselves.

3. What kind of music fans may be deep thinkers?

A. Country and folk fans. B. Jazz and blues fans.

C. Pop and rock fans. D. Rock and blues fans.


I. 音乐类词汇


1. jazz 爵士乐

2. rock & roll 摇滚乐

3. blues 蓝调;布鲁斯音乐

4. campus songs 校园歌曲

5. national music 民族音乐

6. ballad 民谣

7. world famous music 世界名曲

8. folk music 民间音乐

9. art ballad 艺术民谣

10. heavy metal 重金属摇滚乐

11. classical music 古典音乐

12. light music  轻音乐

13. dancing music 舞曲

14. pop music 流行音乐

15. country music 乡村音乐

16. chorus 合唱

17. rap 说唱

18. hip hop 嘻哈

19. electronic music 电子音乐

20. Latin 拉丁音乐


1. lyrics 歌词

2. beat 节拍

3. rhyme 韵律

4. melody 旋律

5. tempo 拍子

6. music chart 音乐排行榜

7. tape 磁带

8. CD 光盘

9. album 专辑

10. release 发行

11. signature 簽名

12. concert 音乐会


1. relax 使人放松

2. heal 治愈

3. ease the pain 减轻痛苦

4. inspire 鼓舞

5. calm...down 使……镇静下来

6. entertain 娱乐


1. singer 歌手

2. musician 音乐家

3. composer 作曲家

4. lyricist 歌词作者

5. conductor 指挥家

6. music teacher 音乐教师

7. DJ 电台唱片节目主持人

Ⅱ. 美句背诵

1. The music is the soul of man, and only music talents understand life. 音乐是人类的灵魂,只有懂得音乐的人才懂得生活。

2. Music is the best medicine to heal me; no one can accompany me to pass through the sea of sorrow. 音乐是我疗伤最好的药,没有人能陪我走过悲伤的海。

3. Exercise your body with sports and cul tivate your soul with music. 用体育锻炼身体,用音乐陶冶灵魂。

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