Mother of Over 4,000 Children,Spread Arabic Culture in China

2020-09-26 02:06ByRamiKhalilandHasmikHakobyan
国际人才交流 2020年9期

By Rami Khalil and Hasmik Hakobyan

When we think what makes someone a Mother, we think of all qualities of love and care that special someone may embody.Through history, the world gave us great mothers, Mothers who have been Voices of their times; Leaders, Warriors,Educators, Mediators, Martyrs, simply people whose lives have been inspiring for so many, who, in their turn, will always strive to share their legacy worth to be heard.

With these limited words of admiration, I am going to tell you a story of a woman and mother, who also became a Mother for many referring to her so. Salma Ibrahim…Her caring embrace wasn’t limited to her own four children she gave birth to and raised, but also to many others across cultures and times.

China is my second country

Born and raised in costal city of Lattakia, Syria, Mother Salma has always had love toward teaching languages and culture and this became the core of her career since late 1960s. She is currently employed as a professor of Arabic Language and Culture at the College of Oriental Studies of Sichuan International Studies University(SISU), Chongqing, China.

I wanted to know more about how China became her destination to settle along with her entire family. “When I was a child, the Geography teacher showed us the location of China on the map, and the history teacher sometimes later told us the story of Three Kingdoms. Since then, I've always admired China and thought I would go there one day.” she reflected.

In the year of 2006 the faculty of Oriental Studies at SISU established the department of Arabic Languages and Culture.It was then Mother Salma received the teaching offer,thought of this opportunity as a “A dream-fulfilling journey”to explore the culture she always wanted and to have an opportunity to share the beauty that Arabic culture contains.When she spoke of her decision, her husband colonel Youssef Khalil and children,(one of them was already doing his Masters at that time in China)showed enormous support and agreement to their mother’s decision. “At that point I never knew that China will become my final destination and that the number of my children will multiply from 4 to 4000.” she said smilingly.

The journey in China began with considerable challenges as language, culture and everything was quite new. The supportive SISU family, friends, and moreover the students,made this transition smooth. “I feel HAPPINESS around,when I think of Chongqing as home and China as my second country, where my family and work I love come together”pleasantly remarks Mother Salma.

During public festivals and special occasions her phone bursts from incoming greetings and wishes. “Mom, be healthy”,“Mom, take care”, “Mom watch your health and use the mask”,I would read between the numerous lines when she showed me her phone. I would read and smile, noticing the way her students would refer to her, how they would call her a Mother.“My students are my children; this connection is mutual. As much as they feel me being a mother to them, twice much I feel them being my children. Whenever they go around the world, they keep ties with me, knowing I am always here for them with a word of advice, encouragement, wisdom, loving reproach and in any other way that a child would seek from a mother” she said affectionately. Her eyes sparkled as she spoke of already grown up professionals who currently work in Arab countries, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, etc. Often,they text her with language/culture specific questions and she always rushes to provide her motherly guidance and support.

Education is a continuous process

Salma’s home is a place where everyone is welcomed. Her table gets heavy under the load of tasty Mediterranean cuisine,through which she communicates unspeakable values of love and care. Every week she will meet her students in the office to mentor and consult them on various professional and why not, personal life challenges. “I believe that a 45-minute class is a short period to communicate effectively. Education is a continuous process which needs 24-hour engagement,” Salma said convincingly.I spoke to some of her students, hearing their heartfelt testimonies about Mother Salma. “She is very rigorous and lively in the teaching process; she energizes the whole class.”reflected Bai Zepeng, one of her Arabic major students.“Mother Salma attaches great importance to classroom interaction and often asks us to roleplay as a ‘teacher’ in class and use Arabic to explain certain concepts.” added Farah,another student of hers.

Salma Ibrahim, professor of Arabic Language and Culture at the College of Oriental Studies of Sichuan International Studies University(SISU), Chongqing, China

Even in her early 70s, Mother Salma believes that efficient teacher, should keep up to date by continuous learning,following modern education development trends and looking for better ways to reach her students. She would master some Chinese words, expressions to better link to them and show how the language and culture shape understanding of others,who may become your family.

When she first came to the university in 2008, she could observe that the assigned textbooks were no match to the current learning standards of Arabic Language and Literature.Along with the local team of Chinese teachers, Mother Salma started localizing the curriculums to fit the learning standards of Arabic Language learners and a huge process of writing evolved. “I started writing, composing all my research into a book, which I believed would supply the learning needs of students” Mother Salma says. In 2017, along with another university professor Wu Hao, Mother Salma published her first academic book “Advanced Arabic Intensive Reading”, a year after “Concise Arabic Grammar” came out of publishing house. Faculty valued them being novel and academically fit to modern language learning standards and both books a month after became textbooks included into teaching curriculum.Another three publications are to be completed soon.

See things outside of our cultural context

“Students have to grow and see things outside of their cultural context so they can draw parallels, examine similarities and differences, practice language”, says Mother Salma. This conviction has been the reason for her to start exchange programs between Chongqing and Arab countries. In 2015 SISU signed an agreement with Tlemcen University, secondranked university in Algeria to promote exchange programs.The first exchange of students happened in October 2017. By 2018 the number of students who wanted to be part of this program considerably grew. Last year SISU sent the third exchange group of already 36 students who came back after couple of months with rich experiences and knowledge to share.

Much work has been done for SISU students to get enrolled into Masters programs with Tlemcen University. Mother Salma says “We have to grow ourselves as teachers, so we can support the grow of a generation which is advanced and fast with all these development trends around.” Her undeniable work as a teamplayer made this growth possible in the year of 2019. At present, three teachers are in the admission process of Doctorate program designed and offered by Tlemcen University. “I hope many Chinese students and teachers can be exposed to Arabic language and culture through such exchange programs” Mother Salma assures. “This is a two-side growth process. These opportunities also expose Chinese culture to Arab students, who come to Chongqing and experience the unique charm of this mountainous city on spot.”

As mother, wisdom and love

We also followed our mother, continues Dr. Asad Khalil, she has been our model teacher since we were little. Her strictness and determination toward quality education has been of importance and our childhood games and social interactions would be possible only after mom would check our daily load of homework and pleasantly smile. Was it easy? Not really, but look at what we have achieved through hard work and inspiration of a Mother, therefore among the siblings we call mom (Tiger mom of four doctors). On hearing her son’s confession, Moher Salma smiled “Money cannot make someone successful, yet your value as an individual does. I hope every child can grow into an adult who is well-educated,respectful and caring.”

Salma and her students

All of her immediate children are academic doctors,with numerous degrees, experiences and recognition in International circles, yet they are all around her, sharing her goal of Continuous Education, which shall never stop. “Daily learning, pursue for excellence shall be ongoing” says Mother Salma, as she keeps working on her doctorate degree. I find this combination of a student and mother in her so amazingly fit, equally charming.

Foreign features with Chinese heart

True to the simplicity of her nature, Mother Salma walks out of her house to be blended with locals. Despite of her foreign features she feels being Chinese in heart. She often takes a walk in the neighborhood, stops to greet people, buys vegetables and keeps inspiring people through who she simply is.

For her remarkable contributions and knowledge investment,in 2017 Mother Salma received the honor and recognition of the “The Foreign Teacher of the Year in China” awarded by the In formation Research Center of International Talent State Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs (SAFEA P.R.C.).She was recognized and rewarded as one of TOP 10 foreign teachers in China out of nearly 100,000 nominees. In 2018 SISU gave “Talented Family” award to the entire family,as almost every single member is in Education, directly and indirectly contributing into what makes China a great country. Chongqing Municipality listed Mother Salma as one of “Ten influential people of Chongqing” for the year of 2019.What and honor for me to know such a person and have this interview time as something I will always cherish.

“With current discipline measures and importance of Education, China always serves as an example” assured us Mother Salma. “Even in these hard times when world is struggling to fight Coronavirus, they shall look at China and learn self-responsibility, thanks to which schools are open again and life is back to its’ normal track.”

Mother of four, grandmother of four and caring mother of 4000 more, Mother Salma has truly earned the “Highest Title of all times” as she refers to being a MOTHER. Home is where you are waited, Home is where you are loved, and China has truly became her home for today and tomorrow.