
2020-12-23 07:17高倩李国栋
河北工业科技 2020年6期

高倩 李国栋

摘 要: 为有效地帮助企业快速找到合适的供应商合作伙伴,采用直觉模糊集、评分函数等方法对TOPSIS评估法进行优化,并以此为基础建立了一种供应商选择模型。


关键词: 决策理论;TOPSIS法;选择;供应链;供应商

中图分类号: F202   文献标识码:  A

doi:  10.7535/hbgykj.2020yx06005

Research on supplier selection model based on

improved TOPSIS method

GAO Qian, LI Guodong

(School of Chinese Law and Economic Management, Shengli College China University of Petroleum, Dongying,Shandong  257000, China)


In order to help enterprises find suitable supplier partners effectively in a short time, the TOPSIS evaluation method was optimized by utilizing intuitionistic fuzzy sets and scoring functions, based on this, a supplier selection model was established. Firstly, the product information of suppliers such as quality, product price, delivery reliability, supply location, financial situation, inventory level, labor relation, development ability and technical ability of suppliers was collected and evaluated. After that, the subjective evaluation information was given by experts, and comprehensive attribute values were obtained. Then, the weight of each evaluation index was determined by intuitionistic fuzzy entropy. Finally, taking multiple objectives and criteria into consideration in the process of supplier selection, the improved TOPSIS method was applied to classify and  select  suppliers. The results show that the supplier selection model based on improved TOPSIS method can accurately reflect the true level and potential value of each supplier for enterprises. It can effectively solve the problem of supplier selection under uncertain conditions, and improve the reliability of supplier selection results. With merits of easier operation and better stability, the improved model provides significant reference for making reasonable supplier selection standards and further optimizing the decision-making model.


decision theory; TOPSIS method; selection; supply chain; supplier

國内外学者对供应商选择的研究主要集中在2个方面:一方面是供应商选择决策过程的方式和模型;另一方面是供应商的选择标准。针对决策过程的方式和模型角度,曹一哲等  [1] 指出,供应商的选择本质上是一个决策过程,其目的是将潜在供应商的初始集合尽可能缩减,以便在最后决策时能够从极少的几个备选单位中挑选出最佳供应商。先从现有的供应商库中选择或者寻找新的供应商,再根据当前情况对供应商的多个定量和定性指标进行评估,从而确定最终供应商。赵国军  [2] 认为由于部分无相关数据作为参考,大多数情况下的决策过程都存在不确定性,同时,多位决策者对定性和定量指标的评估具有主观性,一定程度上影响了评估结果的准确性。

1) 稳定性 使用改进模型对供应商进行排序,不断微调,观察模型数据在多次指标权重不同情境下的变化情况,发现改进TOPSIS模型对指标权重的调整是相对稳定的。因此,生产企业可以依据改进模型对供应商进行筛选。

2) 真实性 利用改进TOPSIS模型对企业的产品质量、产品采购价格、产品交货的可靠性、供应位置、财务情况、库存水平、劳资关系、发展能力和技术能力等方面进行评估,能够反映出供应商的实际水平和潜在价值。

3) 高效性 改进模型基于选择决策的多角度指标,将直觉模糊集和评分函数融入传统的TOPSIS决策评价方法,对供应商的产品质量等9项指标进行测算,并对供应商进行分类选择,最终筛选出能够真正体现实际潜力及客观水平的供应商。因此,改进模型能够帮助企业准确、迅速地挑选出合适的供应商。



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