
2021-06-05 09:32雷露
一带一路报道 2021年1期

文:本刊记者 雷露








世界高城理塘——丁真的故乡Litang, the hometown of Ding Zhen, is a highland county

成都天府大道Chengdu Tianfu Avenue(东方IC 供图)

At the end of 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic still sweeps the world and unremitting efforts are made in epidemic prevention and control, two exciting events have occurred in Sichuan, which bring a delightful conclusion to this eventful year.

The first major event is that the Well-known Chinese and Foreign Enterprises’ Visit to Sichuan 2020 pooled a large amount of investment. With the theme of “Forging Synergy for Openness and Cooperation, Joining Hands for Development and Win-Win Results”, the Well-known Chinese and Foreign Enterprises’ Visit to Sichuan 2020 took place in Chengdu from November 17 to 19, 2020. The event received positive responses from well-known Chinese and foreign companies. A total of more than 790 companies and more than 1,390 merchants from over 20 countries and regions including France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Japan participated in provincial-level activities. Among the enterprises participating in the main activities, there were 25 state-owned enterprises and their affiliates, 74 Fortune Global 500 enterprises, 35 of the top 500 enterprises of China, 23 of the top 500 private enterprises of China, 37 well-known transnational enterprises, 132 industry leading enterprises, and 45 business associations. After in-depth matchmaking and negotiation, Sichuan scored 879 signed projects with domestic and foreign investors, with a total value of 893.15 billion yuan. Focusing on “playing the leading role of investment” and “stabilizing foreign investment”, the main and special activities were carried out to convey Sichuan’s confidence and determination to open up further to the outside world and propel win-win cooperation to domestic and foreign investors.

The second major event is that the “Sweet and Rough Boy” Ding Zhen attracted nationwide attention. Also in November 2020, a short video of Ding Zhen, a boy of Zang nationality from Litang in Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, went viral on the Internet. By virtue of his unique temperament of “wildness and innocence”, Ding Zhen attracted wide attention and was hired as a tourism ambassador by the local government. On November 25, 2020, the Litang tourism promotion film shot from the viewing angle of Ding Zhen swept the Internet as soon as it went online. The eye-catching landscapes such as snow-capped mountains, grasslands, glaciers, temples, and white pagodas in the promotion film attracted more than 25 million views in just a few days. Subsequently, the media and cultural tourism authorities of more than 10 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities across the country all invited Ding Zhen to visit their hometowns. At this point, Ding Zhen has gained nationwide popularity, and Litang, which he speaks for, has also become an ideal tourist destination.

2020中外知名企业四川行投资推介会暨项目合作协议签署仪式现场The Well-known Chinese and Foreign Enterprises’ Visit to Sichuan 2020 Investment Promotion Conference and Project Cooperation Agreement Signing Ceremony (雷露 摄)

Chengdu enjoys a sound business environment favored by domestic capital. Litang, rich in natural landscapes and cultural customs, has caught the eyes of the majority of people. The two events demonstrate that Sichuan boasts powerful strength and great popularity in attracting investment.

Sichuan has been committed to catalyzing investment development with its strength and popularity. On November 18, 2020, Peng Qinghua, Secretary of the CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee, addressed at the Investment Promotion Conference and Project Cooperation Agreement Signing Ceremony for Wellknown Chinese and Foreign Enterprises’ Visit to Sichuan 2020. He said that Sichuan will earnestly fulfill the new development concept, firmly promote high-quality development, warmly encourage Chinese and foreign enterprises to partake in the innovation-driven development of Sichuan, and deeply integrate into the construction of Western China (Chengdu) Science City and China (Mianyang) Science & Technology City. Through making full use of its science and technology innovation and achievement transformation platforms, Sichuan will prompt the reconstruction of the innovation system and the improvement of innovation level.

With the in-depth implementation of national strategies such as the development of the Belt and Road Initiative, the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle, and the Western Development in the new era, Sichuan will deeply integrate into the new development pattern, fully stimulate development momentum, and release development potential, thereby speeding up to become an economically powerful province.

During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, Sichuan has been committed to comprehensively optimizing the business environment, building itself into an investment destination, and attracting high-end talent and social capital. Now Sichuan plans to bolster high-quality economic and social development during the 14th Five-Year Plan period, providing a broad space for domestic and foreign enterprises to invest and start a business here. In a word, Sichuan has developed into an ideal destination for investment and business development.












