
2021-08-31 06:24江丹娜张南龙苏琼
中国现代医生 2021年20期

江丹娜  张南龙  苏琼

[關键词] 原发性高血压;血压级别;中期肾损害;中医脏腑辨证

[中图分类号] R594.4          [文献标识码] B          [文章编号] 1673-9701(2021)20-0139-04

Characteristics and clinical significance of TCM visceral syndrome differentiation in patients with different grades of primary hypertensive mid-renal damage

JIANG Danna   ZHANG Nanlong   SU Qiong

Department of Cardiology, Ningbo Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ningbo   315010, China

[Abstract] Objective To explore the characteristics and clinical significance of TCM visceral syndrome differentiation in patients with different grades of primary hypertensive mid-renal damage. Methods Seventy-one patients with different grades of primary hypertensive mid-renal damage treated in our hospital from March 2018 to June 2019 were enrolled in the retrospective analysis. Those patients were divided into the group of age ≤ 50 years old(n=14), the group of age between 51 and 70 years old (n=41), and the group of age>70 years old (n=16) according to the age; they were divided into grade Ⅰ (n=17), grade Ⅱ (n=38), and grade Ⅲ (n=16) according to the different grades of hypertension. The visceral positioning integral and syndrome differentiation classification integral of qi and blood and yin-yang in patient of different age groups and different grades of primary hypertensive mid-renal damage were analyzed and compared. Results The visceral positioning integral and syndrome differentiation classification integral of qi and blood and yin-yang in patients with primary hypertensive mid-renal damage in the group of age >70 years old were higher than those in other age groups.There were statistically significant differences in the visceral positioning integral and syndrome differentiation classification integral of qi and blood and yin-yang of patients in the group of age ≤50 years old, the group of age between 51 and 70 years old, and the group of age >70 years old(P<0.05). The visceral positioning integral and syndrome differentiation classification integral of qi and blood and yin-yang in patients with grade III primary hypertensive mid-renal damage were significantly higher than those in patients with grade I and grade Ⅱ primary hypertensive mid-renal damage.There were statistically significant differences in the visceral positioning integral and syndrome differentiation classification integral of qi and blood and yin-yang of patients with grade I, grade II and grade II primary hypertensive mid-renal damage(P<0.05). Conclusion With the increase of hypertension grade and age, the level of renal damage in patients with primary hypertensive mid-renal damage increases significantly, and the degree of blood stasis syndrome and Yin deficiency syndrome also increases.
