
2021-09-02 12:50郭大方胡小安耿冠杰杨录录周坤雷
农业工程学报 2021年10期

郭大方,陈 坤,2,胡小安,耿冠杰,2,姚 强,2,杨录录,2,周坤雷,2


郭大方1,陈 坤1,2※,胡小安1,耿冠杰1,2,姚 强1,2,杨录录1,2,周坤雷1,2

(1. 中国农业机械化科学研究院,北京 100083;2. 北京天顺长城液压科技有限公司,北京 100083)

V形犁式无沟铺管机结构简单、施工效率高、成本低,是黄河冲积平原适宜的暗管施工装备,其牵引力需求与暗管埋深的关系是整机设计的理论基础。该研究基于V形犁式无沟铺管机结构与原理,通过分析犁具工作阻力与履带行驶阻力,构建牵引力需求力学模型。结合现场特定的土壤物理性质,采用有限元与光滑粒子流体动力学耦合法,完成显式动力学仿真,得出暗管埋深为0.4、0.6、0.8、1.2和1.6 m时的犁体工作阻力分别为35.65、55.71、111.06、201.80和313.22 kN,回归结果验证了理论分析。结合机器传动系统特点,通过检测牵引功率和车速获取不同埋深作业时的牵引力大小,基于中心复合设计方法开展牵引力试验研究。试验结果表明,暗管埋深与其平方项对牵引力需求的影响显著(<0.001),作业速度及其与埋深交互项影响不显著(>0.05);犁体工作阻力的试验与仿真回归模型的最大相对误差不超过20%,表明仿真结果真实可信。研究方法与结论可为针对不同土壤条件、不同管径和不同埋深,研发V形犁式暗管铺设机器提供设计参考。


0 引 言


无沟铺管机虽在欧美广泛应用,但目前可供借鉴的理论和试验研究文献鲜见。De Wilde[2]研究发现无沟铺管机作业效率随暗管埋深增加而迅速降低,Ritzema[3]通过作业数据统计得出无沟铺管机作业速度快的优势随着暗管埋深的增大而迅速减小。Fouss[4]依据经验提出无沟铺管机牵引力需求与暗管埋深呈二次或三次函数关系,在重黏土中暗管埋深每增加2.5 cm,牵引力增加约4.5 kN。亨克·尼兰等[5]依据经验指出,无沟铺管机牵引功率需求与暗管埋深呈平方关系。Islam等[6]针对某心土犁式无沟铺管机开展的试验研究,显示在当地土壤环境下,45 cm埋深所需牵引力约为40 cm埋深的两倍。Machado等[7]通过理论计算与试验对比,得出最符合当地土壤条件的心土犁式无沟铺管机牵引力需求预测模型。上述研究虽方法不一,内容不同,结论各异,但均显示暗管埋深是决定无沟铺管机牵引力需求的主要因素。

针对黄河冲积平原采用暗管排水控盐技术修复脆弱盐碱土壤环境的需要,作者所在团队自“十三五”起开展了无沟铺管机的研发工作,并研制出国内首台PV1509HT型V形犁式无沟铺管机。本研究将基于该机的结构与工作原理,通过力学分析,建立牵引力需求理论模型;基于有限元法(Finite Element Method,FEM)与光滑粒子流体动力学法(Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics,SPH)耦合的显式动力学仿真,初步验证理论模型;基于中心复合设计方法(Central Composite Design,CCD)开展试验研究,验证理论与仿真分析结果。从而在特定试验条件下,揭示牵引力需求与暗管埋深之间的基本关系,验证PV1509HT型原型机设计的合理性和改进方向,拟为新机型的研发提供理论支撑。

1 V形犁结构与原理

1.1 结构特点与参数

PV1509HT型无沟铺管机(图1)由主机、悬挂架和犁体组成,重约30 t,长×宽×高约11.6 m×3.3 m×3.3 m。



1.管梁 2.内壁 3.犁翼板 4.犁刀 5.导管 6.内隔板

1.Tubular beam 2.Inner plate 3.Plow wing plate 4.Cutting edge 5.Pipe conduit 6. Spacer plate


Note:is installation depth of the subsurface drain pipe, m;1is plowing depth, m;is the height of soil lifted by the plow body, m;is half of the angle between plow wings, (°);is the outer diameter of the pipe conduit, m;is the radius of curvature of the pipe conduit, m;is the normal thickness of plow wing, m;is the inner wall folding angle, (°);is the length of the inner wall tail segment, m.

图3 犁体结构示意图

Fig.3 Schematic diagram of plow body

犁体能够铺设埋深≤1.6 m的暗管。为适应更多土壤条件,犁翼夹角2参照文献[2, 8-9]取70°。为实现逐渐加载,后倾角取72°。为保证外径≤125 mm的管道能够顺畅埋设,导管外径取150 mm,曲率半径取380 mm。为最小化犁体体积,犁翼内部应恰好容纳导管,因此法向厚度等于导管外径与犁体板材厚度之和,取170 mm,内壁折角取21.5°,内壁尾段长度取430 mm。

1.2 作业原理


2 牵引力需求理论分析


2.1 犁体工作阻力


2.1.1 切削阻力




2.1.2 举升阻力




实际应用中,PV1509HT型铺管机作业速度一般在1 km/h左右,因此式(14)中的速度项相对很小,可忽略不计,则式(14)可以简化为

2.1.3 摩擦阻力



Note: The furrow slice is divided into soil furrow slice A and B by the shaded surface in the figure. To show coordinate systems clearly, theOOO、AAAandBBBare drawn separately. In fact, the origin of the three coordinate systems coincides.

图4 犁体坐标系转换及受力分析

Fig.4 Coordinate transformation and force analysis of plow body


4 田间试验


4.1 试验原理



4.2 试验材料与方法

试验地块位于山东省德州市庆云县单屯村,东经117.52°北纬37.90°。该区域0~0.2 m深的土层质地为砂壤土,0.2~0.6 m深的土层质地以中壤土、重壤土为主,0.6~1.6 m的土层质地以重壤土、黏土为主,土壤物理性质参数见表1。试验时间为2020年10月26-31日,试验时平均气温16 ℃,风速2级,气压102.6 kPa。

试验测试系统(图8)采用2只WebTec CT600流量计(量程15~600 L/min)和2只CYYZ11压力传感器(量程0~60 MPa),检测左、右行走泵流量和压力,借助HYDAC HMG4000测量仪实时监测和记录流量和压力数据。

采用精度为2 cm的激光系统控制暗管埋深,使用定位精度高于2 cm的BDS-RTK系统控制行走直线性和作业速度。

试验前:平整地面,挖掘起始槽,并从起始槽开始,划定包含10 m起步段、30 m测试段和30 m减速段的试验区。试验时:在起始槽内将犁体调整至目标埋深。在起步段内完成犁体入土,机器加速至目标速度后保持稳定。机器进入测试段时开始采集数据,直至离开测试段后结束。最终机器在减速段内停止。每组试验按此方法重复3次,取平均值。

4.3 试验设计与结果


由于犁体设计能达到的最大暗管埋深为1.6 m,因此暗管埋深的范围取0~1.6 m。田间实际测得铺管机低速挡最大作业速度为1.3 km/h,因此作业速度的范围为0.5~1.3 km/h。各因素编码、试验设计与结果分别见表3和表4。


表3 试验因素及水平

表4 试验设计与结果

表5 方差分析


Note: ** denotes that model terms are highly significant (<0.001); while ns refers to model terms are not significant (>0.05).


4.4 试验与仿真结果对比分析



由图9可知,试验回归与仿真回归的绝对误差在埋深小于0.7 m时相对较小,在埋深超过0.7后随埋深增大而增大。在埋深较小时,因犁具工作阻力本身较小,即使较小的绝对误差也会产生较大的相对误差,但是二者的相对误差最大值仍小于20%,可以证明犁体工作阻力仿真结果可信。

5 结 论



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Tractive force requirement of V-plow drain-pipe installation machine

Guo Dafang1, Chen Kun1,2※, Hu Xiao’an1, Geng Guanjie1,2, Yao Qiang1,2, Yang Lulu1,2, Zhou Kunlei1,2

(1.,100083,; 2...,100083,)

A V-shaped plow has widely been expected to serve as a cost-effective trenchless drain-pipe installation machine in the subsurface drainage over the decades of application in European countries, due to its simple structure, high working efficiency, and low operation cost. The unique characteristics make it particularly suitable for the construction of subsurface drainage systems in alluvial plains along the Yellow River, where the underground water table is shallow, and the soil is unstable. A prototype machine was firstly developed in China at the beginning of the 13th Five-Year Plan period in 2016. In this study, a systematic investigation has been conducted on the tractive force requirement at different depthes in the pipe installation, thereby verifying the performance of the machine. A dynamic analysis was made to clarify the working resistances (consisting of soil-cutting, soil-lifting, and soil-metal friction resistance), and the traveling resistance (consisting of soil compaction, bulldozing, and friction resistance) using the mechanical structure and working principle. Two major components also constituted the total requirement of tractive force. A mathematical model was then established to describe the relationship of tractive force requirement with the plow body specifications, soil physical properties, and drain-pipe depth. The model indicated that the tractive force requirement was the second power in the pipe installation depth, particularly with the primary and quadratic terms resulted from the plow working resistance and the constant term from the track traveling resistance. A prototype machine was used to collect the soil physical data from the Shantun Village, some 80 km to the lower reaches of Huanghe River in Shandong Province of China. A Finite Element Method (FEM) and Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) were combined for the dynamic simulations at different installation depths. The results showed that the curve of working resistance was in good conformance to the general law of plow-body and soil interaction. Specifically, the plow working resistances were 35.65, 55.71, 111.06, 201.80, and 313.22 kN, respectively, at the installation depth of 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.2, and 1.6 m. A regression analysis was also implemented to further verify the validity of the model. A field test was planned using a central composite design, where the installation depth of drain-pipe and working speed of machine were set as the factors, whereas the tractive force was as the response. The power consumption of hydraulic pump was measured to determine the requirement of tractive force for the driving and traveling speed of the machine. An entire ANOVA table showed that there was a significant effect of installation depth and square in a drain pipe on the tractive force requirement, as indicated in the theoretical model. The tested and simulated regression curves of working resistance fit quite well, with the maximum relative error smaller than 20%, indicating the acceptable simulated data. The data can be expected to serve as a basic guideline for the V-plow drain-pipe installation machine under various soil physical properties at varying drain-pipe installation depth and pipe diameter to be installed. The finding can further provide strong support to the structural design of a V-plow machine for the trenchless drain-pipe installation.

agricultural machinery; simulation; test; trenchless drain-pipe installation machines; traction requirement





郭大方,陈坤,胡小安,等. V形犁式无沟铺管机牵引力需求[J]. 农业工程学报,2021,37(10):46-53.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.10.006 http://www.tcsae.org

Guo Dafang, Chen Kun, Hu Xiaoan, et al. Tractive force requirement of V-plow drain-pipe installation machine[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(10): 46-53. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.10.006 http://www.tcsae.org





