
2021-11-02 08:05赵伐
作文新天地 2021年28期

李 琛






Dear Jack,

I’m writing to tell you that a hoster⑴is needed for next week’s English Singing Award⑵,and I believe you’ll be the most qualified people⑶to do the job.

The award(2),which held⑷on Monday⑸at music hall⑹,requires hosters having⑺a goodcommandinEnglish and a sense of humour.As you hosted⑻an award⑵before,you mustearn⑼plenty of relevant experiences.I believe that all audience⑽will be absorbed in⑾your elegant manner and witty words.So don’tfeel hesitate⑿to apply for it.


Li Hua


⑴hoster是拼错的词,正确写法是host。改为an English host(英语主持人),这样更符合题目中的要求。



⑷改为is to be held,指尚未发生的事,且需用被动式。

⑸ 用next Monday更准确,on可以省略。

⑹music hall前应加上定冠词the。

⑺ 改为requires hosts to have。hosters错写,正确的为hosts。require的正确搭配是require sb.to do sth.。


⑼改为must have earned,表示对已经发生的事的肯定推测。

⑽改为all the audience。

⑾be absorbed in的意思是“全神贯注地做某事”,而这里的意思是“被吸引”,改为be fascinated by。

⑿ hesitate是动词,直接用在don’t之后,feel是多余的。



1.用词错误或不准确,如 hoster、award、people、absorb in。建议在记英语单词时,记英语的释义,而非汉语的意思。

2.词块掌握得不够好,如动词词块require sb.to do sth.,is to be held,don’t hesitate to do sth.;名 词 词 块 the music hall,all the audience。建议平时多注意名词词块的构成和动词词块的搭配。

3.时态、语态、语气的掌握有待加强,如is to be held,as you have hosted...before,you must have earned。建议加强对不定式的被动形式、完成时态、情态动词+have done的理解和掌握。




Onesnowyday,the winds grew stronger and the snow turned into a blinding snowstorm.A farmer was making sure hisgeesewhich he kept near the fishpond were warm enough to survive the cold.Satisfied,he went inside his house and sat down to relax before the fire for the evening.Before long he heard a loud knock,something hitting against the window.He looked outside but could not see anything.So he went outside for a better view.In the field near his house he saw,of all the strangest things,a group ofswans.

They were apparently flying to look for a warmer area down south,but they had been caught in the snowstorm.The storm had become too blinding and violent for the swans to fly or see their way.They were trapped on his farm,with no food or shelter,unable to do more than wave their wings and fly inaimlesscircles.He had sympathy for them and wanted tohelpthem.

He thought to himself,thebarnwould be a great place for them to stay.It waswarm and safe;surely they could spend the night andwaitout the storm.So he opened the barn doors for them.He waited,watching them,hoping they would notice the open barn and go inside.

However,they did not notice the barn or realize what it could mean for them.He moved closer toward them to get their attention,but they just moved away from him out offear.Starting to get frustrated,he went over and tried todrivethem toward the barn.They panicked and scattered into every direction except toward the barn.Nothing he did could get them to go into the barn where there was warmth,safety,and shelter.



Paragraph 1:

Feeling totally frustrated,he asked himself,“Why don’t they follow me?”After another failed try,he suddenly found out the reason.It must be the fearness drove swans scattered from him⑴.“What should I do?”the farmer murmured with his eyebrows frowned⑵.No swan fly⑶aimlessly now.They standed⑷side by side to defind the fieceful snowstorm⑸.The only way he could save these poor birds was led them to barn⑹,but how could he acted⑺like a real swan to persuade them trust him⑻.He looked around,tried to find something helpful and his eyes fell on the fishpond.


⑴这句话有语法错误,强调句的句式应是:It must be sth.that does sth.另外,fear本来就是名词,不必加名词后缀-ness;此外,drove swansscatteredfromhim中的scattered是多余的,改为drove the swans away from him;注意:swans前面要加定冠词,因为前面已出现过swans了。整句改为:It must be the fear that drove the swans away from him.

⑵frown为不及物动词,-ed形式含被动之意,改为:with his eyebrows frowning。这句话也可改为 :the farmermurmured,his eyebrows frowning.或the farmer murmured,frowning his eyebrows。



⑸改为defend themselves from the fierce snowstorm。

Paragraph 2:

Suddenly,agoodideaoccurred in his mind.Stepping towards the fishpond swiftly,he saw thegeeseslept⑼near the shelter warm and safely⑽.The farmerloosed⑾the geese,led it⑿into the barn and tied it near the gate.The sound of geese pierced thesnowysky and few⒀minutes later,several swans stepped into the barn and soon realized it would be a better place towait⒁.Within five minutes,allswans⒂stayed into⒃this shelter, which opened⒄by a warmhearted angel in this terrible day.

⑹改为to lead them to the barn。

⑺ 改为act。

⑻ 改为win their trust。

⑼slept改为sleep。see的正确搭配是:see sb.do sth.。

⑽改为warm and safe,用逗号隔开。形容词词组放在句后,作为状语表示状态。

⑾改为set free。

⑿这里的geese是复数,应该是一群鹅,改为them或one of them。

⒀改为a few,few的意思是“几乎没有”。

⒁这部分可调整为:realized that here was a better place to wait。

⒂ 改为 all the other swans。

⒃stayed into属中文式的表达,改为went into。

⒄改为was opened。




1.有的表达受汉语思维的影响,如:It must be the fearness drove swans scattered from him,defend the fieceful snowstorm,persuade them trust him,loosed the geese,led it into the barn,all swans stayed into等。建议:1)多听地道的英语朗读材料,培养语感;2)平时阅读时多关注动词及其搭配的使用;3)写作时纠正先想好汉语句子再翻译成英语的思维习惯,直接用英语思维,特别是使用动词及其短语来造句。


3.形容词及形容词词组的使用存在问题,如形容词的正确拼写fieceful(fierce),形容词词组用作表状态的状语warm and safely(warm and safe)。

新目标英语七年级(下)units 1~6复习小结