
2021-11-02 08:58广东
疯狂英语·新策略 2021年9期

广东 谯 丽

我和朋友扔石子玩时,不小心打破了邻居的窗户。由于害怕被责骂,我逃离了现场。 但逃跑后的我心里一直忐忑不安。 我会被发现并被责骂吗? 邻居发现窗户破了会怎么做呢?

题材 体裁个人经历 记叙文 332 ★★★文章词数 难度建议用时5分钟

I have already forgotten the name of that old lady. Yet I still remember the matter as if it happened yesterday. It is she who teaches me a lesson in forgiveness.

It happened when I was twelve years old. That summer holiday, I planned to earn some pocket money by delivering the newspaper in our neighborhood. And she was a customer on my paper route.She was a kind lady and every time I gave her the paper, she would give me some cookies.

On a mindless Saturday afternoon, a friend and I were throwing rocks onto the roof of the old lady's house from a quiet spot in her backyard. The purpose of our play was to observe how the rocks changed to missiles (导弹) as they rolled to the roof's edge and shot out into the yard like comets (彗星) falling from the sky.

I found myself a perfectly smooth rock and sent it for a ride. The stone was too smooth, however,so it slipped from my hand as I let it go. Seeing it headed straight for a small window on the old lady's back porch (门廊), we stood there, numb with fear. The sound of broken glass awoke us from the fear and the next second, we ran away from the old lady's yard faster than any of our missiles flowing off her roof.

After coming back home, I was so scared of getting caught that I dared not go out that whole afternoon. I stayed at home, glancing at my front yard nervously from time to time, feeling that lady would knock at our door at any time. But until I went to bed, what I was afraid didn't happen. Lying in bed, I wondered whether she didn't discover the broken window or she didn't discover who had done it? That was a sleepless night.

Language Study

Useful sentence patterns

1. I still remember the matter as if it happened yesterday.

分析:as if从句用了虚拟语气。 整个句子意为“我仍然记得那件事,它好像就发生在昨天”。

2. I was so scared of getting caught that I dared not go out that whole afternoon.

分析:“so+ adj./adv. + that + 句子”的结构意为“如此……以至于……”。同义短语还有“such+n. + that + 句子”。

Reading Check



1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。

Paragraph 1:

The next morning, I delivered the paper to her as usual.__________________________________





Paragraph 2:

After three weeks, I earned seven dollars and I put them in an envelope which I secretly put through the letter slot in her door._______________________________________________________







读后续写要求续写的部分在情节和逻辑方面与原文高度契合。 为此,我们必须在掌握文本大意和叙述意图的前提下,分析所给文章的情境模式。

分析记叙文的情境模式,就需要关注5个W,即who、what、when、where及why。 我们在阅读时要把握故事的情节线,分析故事的起因、开始、发展,并归纳出故事的主要矛盾。 我们可以根据文章中已知的信息,如情感线索、行为线索、时间线索、空间线索等来推断将要发生的事情,合理构思续写部分的情节。

要素 分析:所给短文的情境模式 发展:续写短文的情境模式 说明:如此构思的理由Who I, a friend, the old lady I, the old lady What A friend and I threw rocks onto the roof of the old lady's house and broke her window by accident. Instead of apologizing to her, we escaped.The next morning, when I delivered the paper to the lady as usual, she didn't mention the broken window. Three weeks later,when I secretly gave her the money I had earned to make up for my mistake, the old lady returned the money. She knew it was me at the very beginning, but she chose to forgive me. I learned to forgive from her.When On a mindless Saturday afternoon The next morning and after three weeks Where A kind person tends to be tolerant.An unforgettable experience or an unforgettable person can teach us a lot.In the old lady's home The old lady was very kind.The old lady's tolerance left a deep impression on me.Why In the old lady's backyard We threw the rocks for fun.We were afraid of being scolded and punished, so we escaped.




文章给出的部分主要记叙了在一个无所事事的下午,我和朋友往邻居家屋顶扔石头玩,不小心打破了她家的窗户。 结合文章第一段可推断出本文的立意是“宽恕”。




(1)How did I feel when I delivered the paper to the old lady the next morning?

(2)What did the old lady do or say when she got the paper?


(1)How did I feel after I made up for my mistake?

(2)What did the old lady do after she got the money?

(3)What did I learn from this experience?


在续写的过程中要注意情节连贯及各部分内容相衔接, 即:1. 两段的续写与所给短文的衔接;2. 每段的续写与段首句之间的衔接;3. 续写的两段之间的衔接。 同时要注意语言风格的一致和语法、句型以及所用词的准确性。 比如,刻画人物形象时运用恰当的形容词使其栩栩如生;描写人物心理活动时使用一些动词或副词使其细微深人。

详略得当 凸显中心——初中记叙文写作之详略安排教学指导