Reasons for Wanting to Sleep When Reading 为什么一拿起书就犯困?

2022-11-10 01:20
时代英语·高三 2022年3期


You've finally tucked yourself into bed and cracked open the detective novel you've been waiting all day to get back to. Three pages later, you're fighting a losing battle against two suddenly very heavy eyelids.

You  wer e  wide  awak e  m ere minutes ago, and the protagonist just uncovered a promising new lead in the case. So, what gives?

As  the  BBC's  Science  Focus explains, the coziness of your covers could  be  working  against  you . People usually try to read in a quiet, comfortable atmosphere, and those conditions happen to be ideal for sleep. Reading also eases your mind and draws its focus away from whatever preoccupations might otherwise keep you awake.




“For many people, reading can be relaxing and enjoyable, which can put your mind and body in the appropriate mindset or mood to go to sleep,” Dr Raman Malhotra, a neurologist and member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine's board of directors, told Refinery29.“The main reason reading may help some fall asleep is that it allows your mind some time to rest and relax before turning out the lights to fall asleep.”

The concentration required to process every word can be  pretty exhausting, too, especially if your chosen tome is dense. And reading line after line of anything can make you feel like giving your eyes a break.

These factors all make reading a great activity to add to your pre-sleep routine if you're looking for ways to fall asleep faster. But if your body's snoozing impulse is continually keeping you from enjoying a good book, there are some tricks to thwart it. It is suggested to read in the morning, or try an audiobook instead. Reading in a spot that isn't your bed— preferably one where you're sitting up, rather than lying down— can help, too. Reading in a public place like a coffee shop or park can also discourage dozing.

美國睡眠医学会董事会成员、神经学家拉曼·马尔霍特拉博士告诉 Refinery29网站说:“对许多人而言,阅读是让人放松和愉悦的,可以让你的身心进入适合睡眠的状态。阅读有助于某些人睡眠的主要原因在于,阅读让你的大脑在你关灯睡觉前有时间休息和放松。”



Word Study

protagonist /prə'tæɡənɪst/ n. (书的)主要人物

preoccupation /pri'

ɒkju'peɪʃn/ n. 心事重重;忧心忡忡

She spoke slowly, in a state of preoccupation.

dense /dens/ adj. 难理解的,难懂的

thwart /θwɔːt/ v. 阻止;阻挠

关灯玩手机 小心青光眼