
2022-12-07 05:55谯晓南
教育文化论坛 2022年6期


(贵州大学 外国语学院,贵州 贵阳 550025)



英语中有些普通语词(词组)同时被借用为法学术语,而“普通语词一经借用为术语便被赋予特定意义,即具有精确的专业概念内容”[4]203。但《英汉词典》中收录的类似借用语词,有的未准确揭示出“专业概念内容”,即便是从普通词语翻译的角度来看,也有值得商榷之处,例如将(a)married woman译成“有夫之妇”[3]351。

第一,在英语术语中,决定特定的人的status(身份)的事项达11项之多,其中第6项便是“single、married、divorced”[5]1 182,可分别将其译作“婚姻状况:未婚、已婚或离异”。这里不宜将married译作“有妇”或“有夫”。另外,married作为形容词包括以下几种含义:一是“having a husband or wife”(有丈夫或有妻子的)[6]625,二是“of or relating to marriage or married people”(或与婚姻生活相关的或已婚之人的)[6]625,三是“living together as husband and wife;joined in wedlock”(以丈夫与妻子的身份一起生活的,处于已婚状态的)[7]869,四是“of marriage or married people”(已结婚的或已婚之人的)[7]869。以这些释义作为依据,从普通词语的角度将(a)married woman译作“有夫之妇”,乍看起来,似乎合乎情理。但问题在于,汉语中的“有夫之妇”,通常并不仅仅用来指称已婚的女性,进一步说,并非已婚女士的通称或“尊称”,在特定语境中甚至含有贬义,暗指女性有“作风”问题,而英语中的(a)married woman则不具备这样的含义。因此,(a)married woman与“有夫之妇”并不等值,即不具有“翻译等价关系”。将(a)married woman直接译作“已婚女子”可避免产生歧义,不致造成误解。

第二,作为法学术语的(a)married woman的内涵是:“At common law in England and Scotland, husband and wife were one person in law, legal personality of the wife being submerged in that of the husband.”(按照英格兰与苏格兰普通法,丈夫与妻子在法律上是一个人,即妻子的法律人格为丈夫的法律人格所取代)[5]810。据此可将其译作:(英格兰与苏格兰普通法中无法律人格的)已婚女子或(法律人格归属丈夫的)已婚女子。

综上,将作为普通词组与法学术语的(a)married woman均译作“已婚女子”,与英语源语国的国情是吻合的。



图1 英语词义范围“内包现象”示意图


例如,遗产税,“亦称继承税”[8]。对涉及“遗产税”的一些法学术语,《英汉词典》在翻译时作了如下处理:将death duties译为“(英)遗产税,继承税”,将succession duty译为“(主英)继承税、遗产税”[3]157,将probate duty译为“立遗嘱人死后的动产税、遗产税”[3]450,将legacy duty译为“(主英)遗产税”[3]331,将estate duty译为“(英)房地产遗产税”[3]209。

death duties在英语中的含义是“The general term in the United Kingdom for confiscatory duties levied on person’s property on his death.”[联合王国(即英国)的一个通用术语,指个人死后对其财产征收的、充公性质的税][5]339。TheOxfordCompaniontoLaw中对其有如下注解:“These included legacy duty, payable between 1796 and 1949 on personal property devolving under a will or intestacy; succession duty, payable 1853—1949, on all other benefits arising on death; probate duty or, in Scotland, inventory duty, payable1801—1894, in respect of personal estate; account duty, payable 1881—1894, in respect of certain personal property devolving under gratuitous titles; temporary estate duty, 1889—1896; settlement estate duty, 1894—1914; and estate duty 1914—1975.”[5]339将上述注解内容进行翻译,整理为表1。

表1 遗产税税名与译名对照

根据表1,将death duties、succession duty译为“遗产税”的同时又译作“继承税”,本身不是失误;但从源语言的实际情况来看,将“亦称继承税”作为“遗产税”的括注实为最佳。术语estate duty是“A tax imposed…on the principal value of all property, real or personal, settled or not, passing or deemed to pass on death”[死后按所有财产(动产或不动产)资产值(无论是否结算、是否转让)所征之税][5]431。《英汉词典》将其译为“房地产遗产税”显然不妥,译作“遗产税”才是妥当的。

又如,《英汉词典》将法学术语torts与wrongs同译为“侵权行为”[3]605 ,669,值得商榷。torts在英语中的意思为:“torts may be classified into those involving intention,those involving negligence,and the wrongs of strict liability. They may also be classified into torts affecting the person (e.g. trespass, negligence), the family (wrong-full death of a relative), reputation (libel and slander), property (e.g. trespass to land or goods, nuisance, conversion), economic right (deceit, inducement of breach of contract, injurious falsehood) and certain miscellaneous torts such as conspiracy. There are certain kinds of conduct, such as infringement of privacy, which are not yet, but may come to be, recognized as actionable torts.”[5]1 224将上述内容翻译后,整理为图2:

图2 作为法学术语的torts所表示的概念范围


而wrongs所代表的概念内容为:“Legal wrongs are themselves distinguished into two overlapping categories, civil wrongs and criminal wrongs. Civil wrongs are those infringements of the rights of others or breaches of legal duty, normally causing personal or pecuniary loss, to others, which give rise to a civil remedy or claim for redress by the wronged individual, for injunction, damages, accounting or other civil remedy. They include, in particular, breaches of contract, torts, breaches of trust, and some breaches of statutory duty. Criminal wrongs are those infractions of the criminal code of a particular state which, by that code, are deemed for the sake of the general welfare to require repression and to justify punishment of the persons responsible. Criminal wrongs may again be contraventions of common law or of statute.”[5]1 310简单来说,用于法律中的wrongs具有两类含义:应负民事责任的侵权行为和应负刑事责任的侵权行为。其中,应负民事责任的侵权行为特指“不履行合同”。而torts的概念中涉及这一意义所指代的是“不履行信托合同以及某些法定义务”。wrongs所代表的概念中,表示应负刑事责任的侵权行为指的是“为使国家安全对违反国家刑法典的责任人作出刑罚”,还指“违反普通法或法规的违法行为”。据此,宜将wrongs译为:(应负民事责任的)侵权行为(其含义包括torts的部分含义)和(应负刑事责任的)侵权行为。





法学术语riot特指“A tumultuous disturbance of the peace by three or more persons assembled together without law-full authority”(3人或3人以上非法聚集到一起严重扰乱社会秩序)[5]1 073。MacmillanContemporaryDictionary中指出,“At common law, riot was a misdemeanour…”(按照普通法,riot为轻罪)[6]745。



penology具有三种含义:一是“a branch of criminology dealing with prison management and the treatment of offenders”(犯罪学的一个分支,研究监狱管理及罪犯待遇)[9];二是“the study of reformation and rehabilitation of criminals and of the management of prisons”(研究罪犯改造与监狱管理)[7]1 052;三是“study of the punishment and rehabilitation of criminals and the management of prisons”(研究罪犯惩处与改造及监狱管理)[6]745。英语法学专著对penology的释义为:“The study of the philosophy and the methods of punishment and treatment of persons found guilty of crime, the method which have been used at various times in various countries, their merits and defects, those which are currently in use.”(研究罪犯适用刑罚与待遇的基本原理,及各国历代与当今所采用的刑罚方式方法及其优缺点。)[5]1 073由此可见,该学科的研究对象是“罪犯”,研究的内容是与其相关的“适用刑罚”等。

总而言之,对术语译名不宜“稀释”,只宜“浓缩”。penology的核心含义是“a branch of criminology”(犯罪学的一个分支),将该术语译作“罪犯学”足矣——可在括注中注明:犯罪学的一个分支学科,研究对罪犯适用刑罚、改造及狱中待遇。但有必要说明两点:其一,监狱是罪犯的“服刑场所”,译为“监狱管理学”不当;其二,所译“罪犯学”属自创之名,括注是必要的。




在MacmillanContemporaryDictionary中,easement所指的概念内容为:“An easement in English law is a right attaching to one piece of land (the dominant tenement) entitling the owner thereof to exercise some right over adjacent land in other ownership (the servient tenement) though not to take any part thereof or take any of the natural produce thereof, or to prevent the owner of the other land from utilizing his land in some particular manner. There must accordingly be two tenements of land owned by different persons and there must be a right capable of forming the subject matter of a grant affecting the servient tenement and benefiting the dominant tenement.”[在英国法律中,地役权指附着于一块土地的支配性享有物的所有人尽管占有与其相关联的土地中的任何一部分的土地或土地所有的天然产物,但也不能阻止其他人拥有行使某种权利(从属性享有物)的权利。因此,必然存在不同的两人享有同一块土地,也必然存在一种权利,它可形成影响从属性享有物而有利于支配性享有物的隶属性实体。][6]745由此可见,《英汉词典》将easement译作“地役权”是完全正确的。

TheOxfordCompaniontoLaw中对servitude定义仅指:“In Roman and Scots law, a burden affecting lands by which the proprietor is restrained from the full use of the lands in the interest of adjacent lands (negative servitude) , or is obliged to allow another to do certain acts thereon which would otherwise be competent only to the owner (positive servitude), corresponding to easements and profits in common law. They are frequently divided into urban and rural servitudes. The main categories of servitudes are support of buildings, light and prospect, cutting peat or turf, talking water and right of way or passage.”[在罗马法与苏格兰法中,指利用土地对土地造成的重负,即为保护与业主地连接的土地而限制其充分利用(称为消极servitude),或者业主被强迫允许他人(有法定资格的所有人)适当利用(积极servitude),这要与普通法规定的地役权与收益相吻合。有城市servitude与农村servitude之分。servitude有下述种类:房屋建筑、光线及视野保障、清除淤泥或草泥、取水与行路权或通行权。][5]1 134可见,servitude并不是指“地役权”,而是“地役”,根据使用方式的不同可以分为消极地役与积极地役。《英汉词典》将其译作“地役权”是不准确的。

又如,《英汉词典》将coparcener译作“共同继承人”[3]118,有两点值得商榷:其一,被《英汉词典》译作“共同继承人”的还有co-heir一词。问题在于,coparcener与co-heir并不完全同义,前者所指概念内容为:“One who, prior to 1926, was one of several inheriting land on intestacy as co-heir, e.g. several daughters. Since 1925 the legal estate in such a case vests in trustees for sale, coparcener retaining their rights as equitable interests.”[指1926年前,无遗嘱死亡时以共同继承人身份(例如几个女儿)分别继承土地的人。从1925年起,在这种情况下,法定不动产由受托人收管待售,coparcener有获得符合平衡法规定的利益的权利。][5]289由此可见,coparcener的译名当为“土地共同继承人”。其二,coparcener与parcener为完全同义词[5]289,而《英汉词典》却将前者译为“共同继承人”,将后者译为“(土地)共同继承人”,显然欠妥,不再赘述。
