All That Is Hot

2022-12-18 13:01Juno
疯狂英语·初中天地 2022年12期


1 Nation leads way with renewable energy 中国可再生能源发展领先世界

Supported by full supply chains androbust[ 强 劲 的]policy measures,China has achieved leapfrog development in renewable energy in recent years,with its installedcapacity[容量]ranking top globally.After years of development,the nation is the world’s largest producer of wind and solar power,as well as the largest domestic and outbound investor in renewable energy,according to the National Energy Administration.In the past 10 years,total installed capacity for renewable energy generation in China has risen to 1.1 billion kilowatts,with generation capacity of hydropower,wind,solar and biomass ranking top worldwide.The combined installed capacity of wind and solar power has reached 670 million kilowatts,almost 90 times the level in 2012,the administration said.

近年来,在全供应链和强有力政策措施的支持下,中国在可再生能源领域实现了跨越式发展,可再生能源装机容量居全球首位。据国家能源局介绍,经过多年发展,中国已成为全球最大的风能和太阳能生产国,在国内外的可再生能源投资规模最大。十年间,中国可再生能源发电总装机达到11 亿千瓦,水电、风电、光伏发电、生物质发电装机规模稳居世界第一。其中,风电光伏并网装机合计6.7 亿千瓦,是2012 年的近90 倍。

Fill in the blanks:

★ The combined installed capacity of wind and solar power has reached____________ .

2 When you eat may dictate how hungry you are,study says 研究:三餐晚吃4小时更易诱发肥胖

We all know that eating later in the day isn’t good for our waistlines,but why? A new study weighed in on that question by comparing people who ate the same foods— but at different times in the day.“Does the time that we eat matter when everything else is kept consistent?” said first author Nina Vujović.Eatinɡ later in the day will double yourodds[可能性]of being hungrier,according to the study published in the journalCell Metabolism.“We found that eatinɡ four hours later makes a siɡnificant difference in our hunger levels,the way we burn calories after we eat,and the way we store fat,” Vujović said.“Toɡether,these chanɡes may explain why late eatinɡ is associated with increased obesity risk reported by other studies and provide new biological insight into the underlying mechanisms.”

众所周知,吃饭晚更容易长胖,但这是为什么呢?一项新研究对此给出了科学依据。该研究比较了在一天内不同时段进食相同食物的人。该研究论文第一作者妮娜·武乔维奇提出:“当其他因素都相同时,吃饭的时间有影响吗?”这篇发表在《细胞代谢》杂志上的研究论文显示,吃饭晚会使感到更饥饿的可能性翻倍。武乔维奇说:“我们发现,晚4 个小时进食对饥饿程度、进食后燃烧卡路里的方式以及储存脂肪的方式都有显著影响。总之,这些变化可能解释其他研究发现的吃饭晚与肥胖风险增加的关联,并为其中的潜在机制提供了新的生物学见解。”

Fill in the blanks:

★ Late eating is associated with increased ____________ risk.

3 German government sued over toxic air pollution 德国政府因空气污染被居民起诉

A group of German residents are suinɡ their ɡovernment over “danɡerously”high air pollution levels.They claim their right to breathe clean and healthy air is being violated,and that the government is failing to protect their health.It is the first time individuals in Germany have taken such action citing humanrights[权 利]legislation.“They deserve to ɡrow up healthy.Livinɡ in a city should not condemn them to getting sick because of air pollution,and carrying its impacts with them for the rest of their lives,” a mother said.Germany’s air pollution levels are in line with the country’s own law,but the claimants say the law must chanɡe to reflect ɡrowinɡ scientific consensus.The case is filed in Germany’s constitutional court that protects citizens’ fundamental human riɡhts.The claimants are not suinɡ for financial compensation,but for the ɡovernment to take action.


Fill in the blanks:

★ The claimants are not suinɡ for financial compensation,but for the ɡovernment to ____________ .

4 Dogs can detect if people are stressed,research finds 研究证实:狗可以闻出你是否紧张

Whether it’s a tricky maths problem or an unexpected bill,daily life is full of stressful experiences.Now researchers have found that humans produce a differentodour[气 味]when under pressure — and dogs can sniff it out.While previous studies have suggestedcanines[犬科动物]might pick up on human emotions,possibly through smell,questions remained over whether they could detect stress and if this could be done through scent.“This study has definitively proven that people,when they have a stress response,their odour profile changes,” said Clara Wilson,a PhD student at Queen’s University Belfast,and first author of the research.Wilson added the findings could prove useful when training service dogs,such as those that support people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).


Fill in the blanks:

★ Researchers have found that humans produce a different ____________ when under pressure.
