
2022-12-26 13:36

Zhang Fuwen1, Guo Huihua2 &Song Baolin3

(1.MarxismofSchool,ShanghaiUniversity,Shanghai200444; 2.MarxismofSchool,ZhengzhouUniversity,Zhengzhou450001;


Abstract: Deng Xiaoping's talk in the south tour clarified the essence of socialism for the first time in the development of scientific socialism, which was a righteous innovation of scientific socialism and laid a theoretical foundation for the sound development of socialism. This talk also established the theory of socialist market economy, laid the theoretical building of socialist market economy, and provided the guidance of socialist political economy for China's rapid development. It is emphasized that the basic line of the primary stage of socialism should be managed for one hundred years, and the basic line of adhering to the primary stage has been raised to a historical height, which provides theoretical guidance for adhering to the basic line of developing and perfecting the primary stage of socialism. It reveals that Marxism can't be defeated, which effectively strikes back opinion of the failure of Marxism, and provides strong confidence and powerful belief power for promoting the sinicization of Marxism. It is clear that the key to success in China lies in people, and it is of guiding significance to cultivate a strong and reliable contingent of leading cadres and successors to solve the key problems of successors in the socialist cause. It pointed out that it still needs a long historical stage to consolidate and develop the socialist system, and Marx's theory of communist development stage is creatively developed, which has important theoretical guiding significance for grasping the development from the primary stage of socialism to a higher stage.

Yang Lihua1, Li Zhigang 2



Abstract: Case study is a very common and important research method, which is widely used in public administration research; however, case study is also a research method that is easy to be questioned, misunderstood and abused. On the basis of systematically sorting out the theories and knowledge systems of case study methods at home and abroad, the paper conducts in-depth discussions from the aspects of case study content, basic types, case selection criteria and methods, operation process, quality evaluation, etc., and constructs a concise roadmap to standardize case study methods, with a view to improving the understanding of case study methods in the academic community and promoting the standardization and scientization of case studies.

Ni Shuhui, Hu Haifeng



Abstract: In order to improve the global competitiveness of China's economy and capital market under double-cycle development pattern, it is necessary to analyze the relative position, advantages and disadvantages of China's Capital Market Viable around the world. On the basis of straightening out the logic of Capital Market Viable measurement, this paper points out that Capital Market Viable should be measured from three dimensions: diversity, liquidity and profitability. Then this paper calculates Capital Market Viable of 28 countries and territories from March 2008 to June 2021, basing on data of World Federation of Exchanges. The results show that, first, United States is the most Viable capital market, other developed countries have a certain degree of decline; Second, before Sino-Us trade friction China's capital market viable has jumped to the second place in the world; Third, Sino-Us trade friction indeed enhances the viable of USA capital market in the short term, but it does not change the trend that the difference between Chinese and American capital market viable gradually narrowed.

Guo Zhen1,2, Zeng Yue1



Abstract: The county town is an important part of China's urban system and the key support for the integrated development of urban and rural areas. County-level governments play an important role in the process of urbanization of county towns in our country. However, The inappropriate performance of county-level government responsibilities in the process of urbanization of county towns, results in the coupling of land, population and industry is low, and different types of county towns facing different development dilemmas. When different types of county towns promote the construction of new-type urbanization, they first need to understand the specific problems in land urbanization, population urbanization and industrial urbanization in the process of the urbanization construction, according to their own geographical conditions to find a breakthrough to solve the dilemmas of urbanization, and promote the mutual promotion and coordinated development of land, population and industry. At the same time, the superior government should support the promotion of new urbanization construction in various county towns in the top-level design, for instance, to promote the cross-regional transaction of land indicators, comprehensively improve the incentive mechanism for the urbanization of agricultural transfer population, reasonably guide industrial development and optimize the layout of industrial development.


——Emily Brady's Argument for Environmental Aesthetics as an Example
Liu Man


Abstract: Emily Brady's exploration of environmental aesthetics through a reconstruction of the Kantian sublime is a classic example of the renewal of traditional traditional philosophy in contemporary philosophical aesthetics.Brady reverses the emphasis on "self-regarding" in the Kantian sublime to an emphasis on "other-regarding", establishing the sublime aesthetic with nature as its object and establishing a relationship between the aesthetic subject and the natural object that has both aesthetic and ethical value. Brady's reconstruction of the Kantian sublime is based on tradition and oriented to the present, which not only restores the theoretical value of the Kantian sublime in contemporary aesthetics, but also corresponds to the requirements of the times for environmental protection , reflecting the tendency of Anglo-American pragmatism.

Yue Ling



Abstract: As a political ceremony, Jing Biao in the Eastern Han dynasty is closely related to the promotion of political ideas, the governance of grass-roots society and the construction of Confucian social order. The object of Jing Biao in the Eastern Han dynasty surpassed the restriction of scholar class in the Western Han dynasty, and showed the tendency of moving down and becoming civilian. The way of Jing Biao is also more diverse and flexible, in addition to the forms of honorifics, erecting a temple, erecting a monument, drawing an image, building a temple, conferring titles and giving names are often combined to enhance the effect of commendation and give more tangible material rewards. In the Eastern Han dynasty, the government guided the social identity through symbolic symbols and politicized ceremonies, which constituted a value judgment, so that the Jing Biao showed the characteristics of system fixation, account divination and operational mechanism symbolization. The government in the Eastern Han dynasty created a large number of image groups of virtuous woman's virgins, dutiful sons and loyal officials, virtuous officials and righteous people, which played a certain role in improving social atmosphere, rectifying official management, advocating public opinion, allocating grass-roots social resources, guiding the moral construction direction of grass-roots society and local governance efforts, and establishing national order. It achieved effective social control, and had a wide impact on the politics, society, ideology and culture of the Eastern Han dynasty and later generations.


Li Aiyong 1, Li Wenji 2



Abstract: Some important historical events in modern China not only attracted the attention of politicians and social elites, but also attracted the extensive attention and active participation of artists and actors. In the benefit performances of the Republic of China, all social strata and groups closely linked politics and society with themselves, forming an inseparable historical whole. As the core of the benefit performances, the performers in the art circles played an irreplaceable role. While promoting the development and evolution of Chinese society with national consciousness and patriotism, this group has made its own unique voice and shaped its own brand-new image on this basis. The reports of Shuntian Times and Ta Kung Pao promoted the wide spread of charity performances in the Republic of China. Because of their different political backgrounds and positions, they used charity performances to guide public opinion, so as to spread their political intentions and social influence.