新目标英语七年级(上)Units 3-5阶段过关测试题

2024-01-16 18:16
中学生英语·阅读与写作 2023年10期

A冤单项选择从A尧B尧C 三个选项中选择最佳答案填空遥(共10 小题,每小题1 分)

( )1. My sister is tidy, ________ Im not.

A. so B. then C. but

( )2. —Wheres your father?

—He is ________.

A. at home B. at the school C. in home

( )3. There are many pictures ________ the wall.

A. on B. from C. in

( )4. —Can you ride a bike?

—No, I ________.

A. needn爷t B. may not C. can爷t

( )5. —Wheres Wuhan?

—It爷s ________ China.

A. of B. in C. on

( )6. This eraser isnt ________. Its ________.

A. my; his B. mine; his C. his; her

( )7. —________ are my keys?

—They爷re on the floor.

A. Where B. How C. What

( )8. —________?

—They are basketballs.

A. Where are they B. What are they C. Which are they

( )9. The apples are ________ the tree and the bird is ________ the tree.

A. in; in B. in; on C. on; in

( )10. —Whats under the bed?


A. Hes Bob B. Its a baseball C. Theyre baseball

B冤完形填空阅读短文袁掌握其大意袁从A尧B尧C 三个选项中选擇最佳答案填空遥

(共10 小题,每小题1 分)

This is my sisters bedroom. Its a 11 room. You can see a bed, two 12 , achair and a baseball on the floor. What 13 see on the wall? Look!You cansee 14 and a kite on the wall. You can also see a window 15 wall. Shehas a schoolbag. Wheres 16 schoolbag? Its on 17 table.

Some keys are on the table, 18 . Can you see them? Where 19 her pencilbox and books? Theyre on the other table. You can see a clock 20 it. Underthe chair is her baseball. Its a nice bedroom.

( )11. A. nice B. boring C. red

( )12. A. tables B. table C. chairs

( )13. A. you can B. can you C. can

( )14. A. the picture B. picture C. pictures

( )15. A. in the B. in C. on the

( )16. A. a B. the C. some

( )17. A. one B. the one C. a

( )18. A. to B. too C. and

( )19. A. are B. is C. am

( )20. A. in B. at C. on


(四节袁共20 小题袁每小题2 分袁满分40 分)

Look! This is a picture of Susans room. You can see some things in it. A nicepicture of her family is on the wall. A yellow table and a blue bed are in the room.You can see three English books on the table.

Therere two balls under the bed. What is that under the table? Its a baseball.Where is Susans computer game? Oh, its on the bed. You can see a red hat on thechair. Her yellow hat is not in the room.

( )21. Susans picture is on the table.

( )22. The bed in the room is blue.

( )23. Two English books are on the table.

( )24. A baseball is under the table.

( )25. On the chair you can see Susans yellow hat.

B阅读图表阅读下面图表袁然后从各题所给的三个答案中选择最佳答案遥(共5小题,每小题2 分)

C阅读选择阅读短文袁从A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答案回答问题或完成句子遥(共5 小题,每小题2 分)

Im Leo. Im 13 and Im in Class Six. I have three good friends. They are Lily,Gina, and Ben. Lily and Gina are in Class Seven. Ben is in Class Six. Were all inGrade Seven. We like sports. My favorite sport is ping-pong. It is interesting. I havethree ping-pong balls and four ping-pong bats.

Lily and Gina are sisters. They dont like ping-pong. They think it is boring.Their favorite sport is tennis. They have five tennis balls and they play tennis withtheir parents and two brothers. Bens favorite sport is soccer. He has two soccerballs and he plays soccer very well.

( )31. Leo has ________ good friends.

A. two B. three C. four

( )32. Leo thinks ping-pong is ________.

A. boring B. easy C. fun

( )33. Lily and Gina have ________.

A. five tennis balls

B. three ping-pong balls

C. four ping-pong bats

( )34. Lily and Gina play tennis with their ________.

A. family B. friends C. teachers

( )35. 下列哪一项陈述是正确的?

A. Ben cant play soccer.

B. Leo and Ben are classmates.

C. Seven people are in Lilys family.

D信息摘录阅读短文袁然后完成内容摘要遥每空不超过三个单词遥(共5 小题,每小题2 分)

Hello, boys and girls. My name is Betty Bush. This is my schoolbag. Itsgreen. I like the color very much. Oh, whats this in English?

Its an English dictionary. How do you spell it? Its D-I-C-T-I-O-N-AR-Y. Is that an eraser? No, it isnt. Its a key. That is my pencil box. Youcan find a ruler, two pencils and three pens in it. Where is my ID card? Ilost it in the morning. My name is on the card. I must find it. Please call meat 888-9998. Thanks.


四节,共16 小题,满分40 分

Hello! My name is Julia and Im an English girl. But now I am in China withmy family.

My grandparents, my parents and I like sports. But we like different sports. Mygrandfather likes baseball. He doesnt play baseball often, but he often 41.(watch) baseball games on TV. My grandmother likes volleyball. She thinks its42. f .

My father likes tennis. He often plays tennis with his friends. He thinks its43. r . My mother likes ping-pong. She thinks its 44. i . Shealways says ping-pong is table tennis. She plays ping-pong with my father( 有時). What sport do I like? I like basketball. Im ( 高的) and its45. (简单的) for me.

A: Hello, David. 46. ____________________

B: No, its not mine. Its Nicks basketball.

A: 47. ____________________

B: Hes my cousin.

A: 48. ____________________

B: Yes, he likes it so much, and he is in the school basketball (队).

A: Thats great. 49. ____________________

B: No, I think basketball is difficult and boring, but 50. ____________________

A: Lets go out and play tennis.

B: OK.

Hello! My name is Alice. Here is my room. Some books are on the desk.51. 我的身份证在书桌上。52. On the chair are my keys. My jacket is on thechair, too. 53. 我的黑帽子在床上。Look!54. My computer games are in thebookcase. Oh, where is my clock? Its in the bookcase, too. Jenny is my goodfriend. 55. Her books are everywhere.“Where is my model plane? Where is mytape? Where is my radio?”she always asks.

下面表格中是Cindy 一家人各自擁有的收藏品。假如你是Cindy,请根据表格内容,写出你和家人拥有的物品。


1. 50 词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数;

2. 语法正确,语句通顺、流畅;

3. 文中不得出现真实姓名、校名。

参考词汇院a collection of ……的收藏

Everyone has a collection in my family.

70 Days in a Lifeboat
First All-Female Spacewalk