外科手术切除是肝细胞癌(hepatocellu lar carcinoma,HCC)的首选治疗方法,但目前手术切除率仅为20%~40%,对于不能手术切除的HCC,多采用以局部治疗为主的综合疗法。射频消融(radiofrequency ablation,RFA)是肝癌局部治疗的有效方法之一。研究表明,射频消融对小HCC的疗效和手术相当[1-2],但对于肝内位于大血管旁的肿瘤,尤其是位于第一肝门处时,因热沉降效应(heat-sink effect,HSE)的作用,很难达到完全消融,容易残存肿瘤组织并导致术后复发和转移[2-4]。为达到对肿瘤的一次性完全射频消融,对抗热沉降效应,必须提高射频消融的能量与作用时间,但过多的热量可能导致肝功能严重损害[5]。目前,对热沉降效应流失热量所引起的河流效应(river-flow effect,RFE)尚缺乏认识,关于河流效应对毗邻肿瘤相应门静脉流域肝细胞热损伤的病理学改变也尚未见报道。本研究通过建立活体猪肝射频消融模型,观察河流效应对相应门脉流域肝细胞造成的病理学改变,为临床HCC的一次性完全射频消融治疗提供依据。
1.1 实验动物及术前麻醉 选取健康广西巴马小型猪6头,雌雄不限,体重15~20kg,术前12h禁食水。予以10mg/kg氯胺酮、1mg硫酸阿托品肌内注射进行麻醉前诱导,用l%硫喷妥钠0.5m l/kg麻醉,气管插管后连接呼吸机,颈动脉插管监测心率、血压,颈静脉插管建立输液通道。
1.2 动物模型建立 实验动物采用平卧位,右肋缘下J形切口逐层切开入腹,实验中对肝脏行3个位点的单束电极(3cm-active tip cooled,Valleylab,USA)射频消融。射频消融过程中,在肝叶、肝胃、肝肠之间放置冷盐水纱布保护,防止对其他组织、器官的影响和破坏。为避免射频消融导致胆囊损伤,常规切除胆囊。术中超声(Philips CX50多功能超声仪,超声探头L5-12,美国Philips公司)探查肝脏,辨别供应相应肝段的门静脉。在超声引导下紧贴肝段血管(距离<5mm)插入单束电极,注意避免电极头端直接进入胆管或血管。连接射频消融系统(Cool-tipTMRF ablation system,Valleylab,USA),用冷却注射用水循环使RF电极尖端温度保持低于20℃。每个位点持续消融6min。消融结束后将实验动物进行放血处死,完整取出肝脏,沿射频消融毗邻区域门静脉纵向轴线切开,测量射频消融范围后,立即用甲醛固定肝脏组织。
1.3 病理学检查 沿射频消融区域门静脉血管纵轴方向,由近而远,垂直纵轴,横向对肝段组织进行连续取材,每块组织厚度0.5cm,石蜡包埋、切片,HE染色,显微镜下观察射频消融后相应门静脉流域肝细胞的病理学改变。
2.1 大体标本观察 射频消融毁损区域形态相似,呈椭圆型,毁损最大宽径为2.2±1.1cm。直径>3mm的血管内未见血栓形成,射频消融区域沿门静脉纵向轴线的切面色泽较周围肝脏组织变暗,由近而远逐渐减轻(图1)。
图1 肝脏大体标本观察Fig.1 Observation of gross specimen of liverA. During RFA in gross specimen, the color of distal region (white arrow) along relevant portal vein was darker than that of approximate region (black arrow) away from ablated point; B. No thrombus was seen in axial section plane (white thin arrow) along portal vein (>3mm);the ablated region shaped ellipse (green arrow) and distal tissue (hollow arrow) was darker than approximate part (white bold arrow) obviously
2.2 显微镜病理学观察 射频消融区域血管及胆管正常结构消失,肝组织细胞大片溶解坏死;距射频消融部位较近区域肝窦广泛充血,明显扩张,汇管区及肝窦大量炎性细胞浸润,肝细胞固缩变性,灶性坏死;距消融部位较远的门脉流域肝小叶中细胞肿胀明显,部分小叶血窦扩张,汇管区少量炎性细胞浸润,程度较近端区域轻,但仍呈现较为明显的肿胀、空泡样改变。消融区域周边肝段组织、肝细胞结构形态正常,未见明显异常改变(图2)。
图2 肝组织显微镜病理学观察Fig.2 Pathological sections of liver tissueA. Scene of liver tissue close to ablated point (HE staining, ×200): appearance of dilated sinusoid, abundant of inflammatory cells aggregation in portal area (black arrow) and necrotic hepatocytes were seen more obviously extending from the central vein of hepatic lobule (solid arrow);B. Scene of liver tissue distal to ablated point (HE staining, ×200): partial dilated sinusoid in hepatic lobule (white arrow), swollen and vacuolar degenerated hepatocytes and partial normal structured hepatic lobule (black arrow) were seen; C. Scene of liver tissue close to ablated point (HE staining, ×400): necrotic solid hepatocytes (white arrow), dilated and congestive sinusoid (black arrow) were seen obviously; D. Scene of liver tissue distal to ablated point (HE staining, ×400): swollen hepatocytes, small amount of congestive and slightly dilated sinusoid (white arrow), and aggregation of small amount of inflammatory cells in portal area (black arrow) were seen
图3 河流效应(RFE)作用示意图Fig.3 Schema of river-flow effectThe heat extend more easily to grander surface of liver through portal vein or hepatic artery as the ablation for tumor closer to hepatic hilar (central circle, HA+PV: hepaticartery+portal vein); upper half of the largest circle(the whole liver) indicates right or left half liver, solid medium circle (segment) and minimum solid circle (sub-segment) mean pedicle of portal system, and proportion extended to surface of liver(white arrow) indicates hepatic lobe, segment and subsegment (3, 2, 1)
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