Part 1 Lazy Summer

2013-08-01 08:45
疯狂英语·口语版 2013年7期

暑假来了,“懒虫”Joe 在忙碌了一个学期后,决定宅在家里好好休息,而好友Miranda则劝他多做有意义的社会实践。

(The sound of a Skype ringtone.)

Joe: Hey Miranda! Long time no speak.

Miranda: I know! Its been forever, hasnt it? Hows your summer been going so far Joe?

Joe: Its been just like that Bruno Mars song The Lazy Day. But instead of a lazy day, Ive taken it to the next level. Its what I like to call “a lazy month.”

Miranda: ①Cmon, you must have done something of substance since spring semester wrapped up.

Joe: Cant say that I have, honestly. You know, we work so damn hard during the school year, on countless projects and assignments.②So all Im saying is, its a relief to be able to kick back and 1)chillax for a while. Dont you ever find yourself 2)jonesing for a little 3)downtime now and then?

Miranda: Of course I feel overworked during the school year, but its the opposite come summertime. ③I feel cooped up, like a bird in a cage 4)yearning to fly free. If you just step out your front door and smell the fresh air, it may inspire you to do more with your free time than just sitting around like a couch potato.

Joe: Hey! I resent that remark. I am not necessarily a couch potato. I happen to spend a lot of time at my desk—playing fantasy baseball and watching hilarious home videos. Have you ever seen an elephant nursing a zebra? Funniest thing ever!

Miranda: Hehe, youll have to send me the link. But funny vids aside, there are so many worthwhile things to do out there in the world.

Joe: Like what?

Miranda: Lots of things. Almost anything other than what youre doing right now, which seems to be a whole lot of nothing.

Joe: Geez, take it easy! ④If I wanted a guilt trip I woulda called my mother. She is the 5)reigning queen of them.

Miranda: ⑤Well, I bet “the queen of guilt trips” would eat her words, and then probably swell with pride to discover that her son was actually doing something meaningful and productive, rather than dedicating himself to his so-called “lazy summer.”

Joe: OK. OK. But that still doesnt explain why you are going out of your way to get me out and about?

Miranda: You really dont get it do you? This is about more than just you. Thats the whole point. The idea of social practice is about getting you out of your comfort zone, not only for your own good, but for the 6)betterment of society.

Joe: Well, it wont help society, but... I did start writing a novel recently.

Miranda: Wow thats awesome! Whats it about?

Joe: ⑥A 7)rogue cop, who lost his wife in a horrific hit-and-run, has to take care of his three daughters alone while on the hunt for 8)vengeance.

Miranda: Ooohh... Sounds 9)riveting!⑦Maybe you could get an internship at the local police station, to learn more about the ins and outs of the job.

Joe: Huh... Thats a great idea! You are an amazing friend Miranda. I cant thank you enough. gotta get on that right now. Ill let you know how it goes.

Miranda: Good for you. I knew you had it in you. Ill see you around.

Joe: See ya!

Smart Sentences

① Cmon, you must have done something of substance since spring semester wrapped up. 拜托,春季学期结束以来你一定做了一些有意义的事。

do sth. of substance: do sth. of importance or significance(做重要或有意义的事)。例如:

Some people believe they are born to do something of substance and look down on anything they deem petty.

有些人认为他们生来就是做大事的,看不起他们眼里所谓的小事。wrap up: bring to a conclusion(结束某事)。例如:

The annual convention will wrap up this evening.


② So all Im saying is, its a relief to be able to kick back and chillax for a while. 所以我想说的是,能够放松放松真的是种解脱。

kick back: take it easy; relax(松懈,放松)。例如:

This holiday, Ill kick back at home and listen to my favorite music.


③ I feel cooped up, like a bird in a cage yearning to fly free. 我感到很压抑,就像被困在笼子里的小鸟渴望自由飞翔一样。

cooped up: kept in a small place with no freedom(禁闭,困住)。例如:

Its not good for students to be cooped up on campus before the exam.


④ If I wanted a guilt trip I woulda called my mother. 如果我想被骂的话可以打电话给我妈妈。

guilt trip: a feeling of guilt or responsibility, esp. one not justified by reality(负罪感,尤其人为的负罪感)。例如:

Every summer I went home, I would get a guilt trip from my dad.每年暑假我回家,我父亲总会给我好一顿教训。

⑤ Well, I bet “the queen of guilt trips” would eat her words, and then probably swell with pride to discover that her son was actually doing something meaningful and productive.我打赌骂人女王会收回她的话,而且也许会很自豪地发现她的儿子在做一些有意义并且富有成效的事。

eat ones words: admit that what he/she said is wrong(被迫收回之前的话,承认说错)。例如:

If Tom actually passes the exam, I may have to eat my words.如果汤姆真的考试及格,那我就可能要认错了。

swell with pride: become filled with pride(骄傲,自大)。例如:

Ted has swelled with pride ever since he got that acceptance letter from Yale.


⑥ A rogue cop, who lost his wife in a horrific hit-and-run, has to take care of his three daughters alone while on the hunt for vengeance. 一个勇敢的警察,在一起可怕的肇事逃逸交通事故中失去了妻子,他必须一边独自照顾三个女儿,一边寻找机会复仇。

hit-and-run: an accident in which the driver of a motor vehicle leaves the scene of an accident(肇事逃逸的交通事故)。例如:

My granddaughter was the victim of a hit-and-run accident.我孙女是一起肇事逃逸交通事故的受害者。

⑦ Maybe you could get an internship at the local police station, to learn more about the ins and outs of the job. 也许你可以到当地的警局实习,以便能够了解到这个职业的方方面面。

ins and outs: details and facts of a situation(细节和事实)。例如:

You cant really learn all the ins and outs of a banks operation through a summer internship.

