
2014-10-20 05:09陆珣靓
中国医学创新 2014年28期


【摘要】 目的:回顾性观察糖尿病酮症酸中毒患者血清CA19-9水平,分析糖尿病急性代谢紊乱状态下CA19-9升高的特点。方法:选取糖尿病酮症酸中毒患者73例和血糖控制差(糖化大于7.5%)的糖尿病非酮症酸中毒患者209例,对其性别、年龄、糖尿病病程、体重指数、HbA1c、CA19-9水平进行分析。结果:(1)酮症酸中毒组平均CA19-9水平29.7(57.8~15.35)U/mL,显著高于非酮症酸中毒组10.1(19.65~5.40)U/mL,比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);前者CA19-9升高的比例为39.7%,而后者为7.7%(P<0.01),两者比较差异有统计学意义。(2)CA19-9升高的45例患者中数值在200 U/mL以内者占95.6%,其中10例患者病情纠正后复查CA19-9均呈下降趋势。结论:糖尿病患者CA19-9水平在酮症酸中毒状态下较非酮症酸中毒状态下可更明显升高。

【关键词】 糖抗原CA19-9; 糖尿病酮症酸中毒

The Alteration of Serum CA19-9 Levels in Patients with Diabetic Ketoacidosis/LU Xun-liang.//Medical Innovation of China,2014,11(28):016-018

【Abstract】 Objective: To retrospectively observe the alteration of serum CA19-9 levels in patients with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) compared to diabetics without DKA. Method: Seventy-three patients with DKA(DKA group) and 209 diabetics under dissatisfied glucose control (non-DKA group, HbA1c>7.5%) were enrolled. Records of gender, age, diabetic duration, BMI, HbA1c, CA19-9 level were collected. The levels of serum CA19-9 were compared between the two groups. Result: (1) Average CA19-9 level was significantly higher in DKA group 29.7(57.8-15.35)U/mL than that in non-DKA group 10.1(19.65-5.40)U/mL (P<0.01), as well as the percentage of positive CA19-9 level (39.7% and 7.7%, P<0.01). (2) The abnormal values were in range of 37.1-674.5 U/mL, mainly distributed within 200 U/mL(95.6%). Conclusion: Slight to moderate elevations of CA19-9 levels are more frequently found in DKA patients than diabetics under poor glucose control, as well as significant higher levels.

【Key words】 Carbohydrate antigen 19-9; Diabetic ketoacidosis

First-authors address: The First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310003, China




1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料 本研究入选浙江大学医学院附属第一医院内分泌科2008年1月-2010年12月因糖尿病酮症酸中毒入住的患者73例(其中T1DM 39例,T2DM 34例,男46例,女27例),年龄15~84岁,平均(38.6±16.13)岁,病程1~10年,所观察病例无昏迷,血气pH为7.25~7.35,血酮体在入院2~48 h内转阴。另择同期入住本科的血糖控制差(HbA1c>7.5%)的非酮症酸中毒患者209例(其中T1DM 30例,T2DM 179例,男112例,女97例),年龄14~87岁,平均(54.86±15.58),病程1~10年。两组患者性别、年龄、病程比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),具有可比性。所有入选患者排除以下情况:有肿瘤病史或在本次住院期间发现或高度怀疑肿瘤;急慢性胰腺炎;有胰腺手术和外伤史;有肝胆系统急性感染或胆道梗阻;急慢性活动性肝炎;肝硬化;急慢性肾功能衰竭;存在多器官功能衰竭;伴有甲状腺疾病。endprint

1.2 方法 收集患者一般指标如性别、年龄、体重指数(BMI)、糖尿病病程及实验室检查指标如糖化血红蛋白、血清CA19-9水平(本实验室CA19-9的正常范围为0~37 U/mL)。实验室指标均为入院第2天采血标本检测结果。

1.3 统计学处理 所有数据使用SPSS (PASW) 18.0软件进行分析,计量资料先进行正态性检验,若资料符合正态分布或近似正态分布采用(x±s)表示,两组均数比较采用t检验;若资料不符合正态分布,用中位数(四分位间距)表示,两组比较采用秩和检验。计数资料比较采用 字2检验。P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果

2.1 两组患者血清CA19-9、BMI、HbA1c水平比较 两组患者体重指数(BMI)、HbA1c比较,差异无统计学意义;酮症酸中毒组CA19-9水平显著高于非酮症酸中毒组(P<0.01),比较差异无统计学意义。见表1。

2.2 两组患者CA19-9升高情况比较 酮症酸中毒组CA19-9升高29例,占39.7%,其余正常;非酮症酸中毒组升高16例,占7.7%,其余正常。两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。

2.3 两组血清CA19-9水平升高数值分布范围比较 两组共45例患者CA19-9水平高于正常,非酮症酸中毒组(16例)升高的CA19-9数值均在200 U/mL之内,酮症酸中毒组(29例)除两例外,其余患者CA19-9数值也分布于200 U/mL之内,即95.6%的患者升高都在200 U/L以内。研究中观察到的CA19-9最高水平为674.5 U/mL。这45例患者中仅有10例患者在酮症酸中毒纠正后(入院后第4~10天)进行了复查,结果显示2例患者降至正常,其余8例均呈下降趋势。

3 讨论


本研究还观察到升高的CA19-9数值一般分布在200 U/mL之内,呈轻中度升高,其中10例患者在酮症酸中毒病情纠正后复查CA19-9水平均呈下降趋势,CA19-9升高的程度与变化趋势和其他研究报道一致[19],这可能提示胰腺外分泌系统在损伤过后存在某种修复机制,这与CA19-9肿瘤性合成增多存在根本差别。对于上述结论,必须指出本研究样本量小,对于所得出结论的分析具有推测性,尚需要更多的研究来肯定或否定。



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[3] Ventrucci M, Pozzato P, Cipolla A, et al. Persistent elevation of serum CA 19-9 with no evidence of malignant disease[J]. Dig Liver Dis,2009,41(5):357-363.

[4] Akdogan M. Extraordinarily elevated CA19-9 in benign conditions: a case report and review of the literature[J]. Tumori,2001,87(5):337-339.

[5] Sezer K. Normal CA 19-9 levels in Hashimoto's thyroiditis[J]. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev,2009,10(2):315-318.


[7] Yu H Y, Bao Y Q, Zhang L, et al. Relation between the level of serum CA19-9 and glucose control in inpatients with diabetes[J]. National Medical Journal of China,2010,90(6):394-396.

[8] Esteghamati A, Hafezi-Nejad N, Zandieh A, et al. CA 19-9 is associated with poor glycemic control in diabetic patients: role of insulin resistance[J]. Clin Lab,2014,60(3):441-447.

[9] Petit J M, Vaillant G, Olsson N O, et al. Elevated serum CA19-9 levels in poorly controlled diabetic patients[J]. Gastroenterol Clin Biol,1994,18(1):17-20.

[10] Murai J, Soga S, Saito H, et al. Study on the mechanism causing elevation of serum CA19-9 levels in diabetic patients[J]. Endocr J,2013,60(7):885-891.


[12] Benhamou P Y. Influence of metabolic disturbances of diabetes mellitus on serum CA 19-9 tumor marker[J]. Diabete Metab,1991,17(1):39-43.

[13] Bertelli E, Regoli M, Orazioli D, et al. Association between islets of Langerhans and pancreatic ductal system in adult rat. Where endocrine and exocrine meet together?[J]. Diabetologia,2001,44(5):575-584.

[14] Henderson J R, Daniel P M, Fraser P A. The pancreas as a single organ: the influence of the endocrine upon the exocrine part of the gland[J]. Gut,1981,22(2):158-167.

[15] Lankisch P G, Manthey G, Otto J, et al. Exocrine pancreatic function in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus[J]. Digestion,1982,25(3):211-216.

[16] Hardt P D, Ewald N. Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in diabetes mellitus: a complication of diabetic neuropathy or a different type of diabetes?[J]. Exp Diabetes Res,2011,2011(761):950.

[17] Yu H, Li R, Zhang L, et al. Serum CA19-9 level associated with metabolic control and pancreatic beta cell function in diabetic patients[J]. Exp Diabetes Res,2012,2012(745):189.

[18] Nair S, Yadav D, Pitchumoni C S. Association of diabetic ketoacidosis and acute pancreatitis: observations in 100 consecutive episodes of DKA[J]. Am J Gastroenterol,2000,95(10):2795-800.

[19] Pei-Chi Chen, Hong-Da Lin. Reversible high blood CEA and CA19-9 concentrations in a diabetic patient[J]. Libyan J Med,2012,7(10):3402.

(收稿日期:2014-05-07) (本文编辑:王宇)endprint

[2] Burney S, Irfan K, Saif M W, et al. Diabetes and pancreatic cancer[J]. JOP,2014,15(4):319-321.

[3] Ventrucci M, Pozzato P, Cipolla A, et al. Persistent elevation of serum CA 19-9 with no evidence of malignant disease[J]. Dig Liver Dis,2009,41(5):357-363.

[4] Akdogan M. Extraordinarily elevated CA19-9 in benign conditions: a case report and review of the literature[J]. Tumori,2001,87(5):337-339.

[5] Sezer K. Normal CA 19-9 levels in Hashimoto's thyroiditis[J]. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev,2009,10(2):315-318.


[7] Yu H Y, Bao Y Q, Zhang L, et al. Relation between the level of serum CA19-9 and glucose control in inpatients with diabetes[J]. National Medical Journal of China,2010,90(6):394-396.

[8] Esteghamati A, Hafezi-Nejad N, Zandieh A, et al. CA 19-9 is associated with poor glycemic control in diabetic patients: role of insulin resistance[J]. Clin Lab,2014,60(3):441-447.

[9] Petit J M, Vaillant G, Olsson N O, et al. Elevated serum CA19-9 levels in poorly controlled diabetic patients[J]. Gastroenterol Clin Biol,1994,18(1):17-20.

[10] Murai J, Soga S, Saito H, et al. Study on the mechanism causing elevation of serum CA19-9 levels in diabetic patients[J]. Endocr J,2013,60(7):885-891.


[12] Benhamou P Y. Influence of metabolic disturbances of diabetes mellitus on serum CA 19-9 tumor marker[J]. Diabete Metab,1991,17(1):39-43.

[13] Bertelli E, Regoli M, Orazioli D, et al. Association between islets of Langerhans and pancreatic ductal system in adult rat. Where endocrine and exocrine meet together?[J]. Diabetologia,2001,44(5):575-584.

[14] Henderson J R, Daniel P M, Fraser P A. The pancreas as a single organ: the influence of the endocrine upon the exocrine part of the gland[J]. Gut,1981,22(2):158-167.

[15] Lankisch P G, Manthey G, Otto J, et al. Exocrine pancreatic function in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus[J]. Digestion,1982,25(3):211-216.

[16] Hardt P D, Ewald N. Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in diabetes mellitus: a complication of diabetic neuropathy or a different type of diabetes?[J]. Exp Diabetes Res,2011,2011(761):950.

[17] Yu H, Li R, Zhang L, et al. Serum CA19-9 level associated with metabolic control and pancreatic beta cell function in diabetic patients[J]. Exp Diabetes Res,2012,2012(745):189.

[18] Nair S, Yadav D, Pitchumoni C S. Association of diabetic ketoacidosis and acute pancreatitis: observations in 100 consecutive episodes of DKA[J]. Am J Gastroenterol,2000,95(10):2795-800.

[19] Pei-Chi Chen, Hong-Da Lin. Reversible high blood CEA and CA19-9 concentrations in a diabetic patient[J]. Libyan J Med,2012,7(10):3402.

(收稿日期:2014-05-07) (本文编辑:王宇)endprint

[2] Burney S, Irfan K, Saif M W, et al. Diabetes and pancreatic cancer[J]. JOP,2014,15(4):319-321.

[3] Ventrucci M, Pozzato P, Cipolla A, et al. Persistent elevation of serum CA 19-9 with no evidence of malignant disease[J]. Dig Liver Dis,2009,41(5):357-363.

[4] Akdogan M. Extraordinarily elevated CA19-9 in benign conditions: a case report and review of the literature[J]. Tumori,2001,87(5):337-339.

[5] Sezer K. Normal CA 19-9 levels in Hashimoto's thyroiditis[J]. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev,2009,10(2):315-318.


[7] Yu H Y, Bao Y Q, Zhang L, et al. Relation between the level of serum CA19-9 and glucose control in inpatients with diabetes[J]. National Medical Journal of China,2010,90(6):394-396.

[8] Esteghamati A, Hafezi-Nejad N, Zandieh A, et al. CA 19-9 is associated with poor glycemic control in diabetic patients: role of insulin resistance[J]. Clin Lab,2014,60(3):441-447.

[9] Petit J M, Vaillant G, Olsson N O, et al. Elevated serum CA19-9 levels in poorly controlled diabetic patients[J]. Gastroenterol Clin Biol,1994,18(1):17-20.

[10] Murai J, Soga S, Saito H, et al. Study on the mechanism causing elevation of serum CA19-9 levels in diabetic patients[J]. Endocr J,2013,60(7):885-891.


[12] Benhamou P Y. Influence of metabolic disturbances of diabetes mellitus on serum CA 19-9 tumor marker[J]. Diabete Metab,1991,17(1):39-43.

[13] Bertelli E, Regoli M, Orazioli D, et al. Association between islets of Langerhans and pancreatic ductal system in adult rat. Where endocrine and exocrine meet together?[J]. Diabetologia,2001,44(5):575-584.

[14] Henderson J R, Daniel P M, Fraser P A. The pancreas as a single organ: the influence of the endocrine upon the exocrine part of the gland[J]. Gut,1981,22(2):158-167.

[15] Lankisch P G, Manthey G, Otto J, et al. Exocrine pancreatic function in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus[J]. Digestion,1982,25(3):211-216.

[16] Hardt P D, Ewald N. Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in diabetes mellitus: a complication of diabetic neuropathy or a different type of diabetes?[J]. Exp Diabetes Res,2011,2011(761):950.

[17] Yu H, Li R, Zhang L, et al. Serum CA19-9 level associated with metabolic control and pancreatic beta cell function in diabetic patients[J]. Exp Diabetes Res,2012,2012(745):189.

[18] Nair S, Yadav D, Pitchumoni C S. Association of diabetic ketoacidosis and acute pancreatitis: observations in 100 consecutive episodes of DKA[J]. Am J Gastroenterol,2000,95(10):2795-800.

[19] Pei-Chi Chen, Hong-Da Lin. Reversible high blood CEA and CA19-9 concentrations in a diabetic patient[J]. Libyan J Med,2012,7(10):3402.

(收稿日期:2014-05-07) (本文编辑:王宇)endprint
