
2015-04-01 07:23顾祖良
大学英语(学术版) 2015年2期







在p.140上,所给的译文为:Northeastern Chinese cuisine's taste features varied taste,rich color and beautiful shape.While in the southern China,the food features light taste,bright color and remains the original flavor of the food materials.


1.He likes coffee,while she likes tea.他喜欢咖啡,她却喜欢茶。

2.That region has plenty of natural resources while this one has none.那个地区有许多自然资源,而这个地区一点也没有。


1.Some of the studies show positive results,whereas others do not.有一些研究结果令人满意,而其他的则不然。

2.American cars are generally too large for the Japanese market,whereas Japanese cars are popular in the US.总的来说,美国汽车对于日本市场而言太大,而日本汽车在美国很受欢迎。


因此,原译文宜改为:Northeastern Chinese cuisine's taste features varied taste,rich color and beautiful shape,while/whereas in the southern China,the food features light taste,bright color and remains the original flavor of the food materials.



在p.148上,所给的译文为:The key to distinguish good or bad numbers for Cantonese is based on sound.


1.Language is the key to understanding those around you.语言是了解你周围那些人的关键。

2.The driver of the car probably holdsthe key to solving the crime.这位汽车司机可能掌握破获这一罪案的关键证据。

因此,原译文宜改为:The key to distinguishing good numbers from bad ones for Cantonese is based on sound.按英语的表达习惯,动词distinguish一般不用distinguish A or B的结构,常用distinguish A from B,或distinguish between A and B。故对原译文也作了相应的修改。

三、有关in recent years的错误搭配用法


在p.153上,所给的译文为:Nonetheless,in recent years Chinese government adopted the policies to support state-owned enterprises in sections which concern the national economic security.

原译文中谓语动词的形式跟时间状语in recent years不相称。如句中有in recent years这一短语,句中的谓语动词,根据英语的表达习惯,往往要用现在完成时,而不用一般过去时。例如:

1.There have been many changes in recent years.近几年发生了许多变化。

2.In(或Of)recent years I have not seen much of them.我近几年很少见到他们。

3.In recent years,terrorism has become a greater threat.恐怖主义近年来已成为很大的威胁。

因此,原译文宜改为:Nonetheless,in recent years Chinese government has adopted the policies to support stateowned enterprises in sections which concern the national economic security.


中国已承诺到2020年,将每单位GDP的排放量在2005年的基础上减少40% -45%。

在p.155上,所给的译文为:China has committed to reducing its carbon emissions per unit of GDP by 40 to 45 percent by 2020 compared with the number in 2005.

原译文中的commit用法有误。动词commit作“答应、承诺、让自己承担责任”解时,常用commit oneself to(doing)sth.,或be committed to(doing)sth.。在现代英语中,有时也可用commit oneself to do sth.,或be committed to do sth.,一般不直接说commit to doing sth.。例如:

1.We have committed ourselves to helping them.我们答应过要帮助他们。

2.I have committed myself to go[going].我已答应去了。

3.She's very committed to her job/to helping people who are homeless.她对工作非常尽职[尽心尽力帮助那些无家可归的人]。

4.They are committed to help us.他们答应要帮助我们。

因此,原译文宜改为:China has committed itself to reducing its carbon emissions per unit of GDPby 40 to45 percent by 2020 compared with the number in 2005.也可改为:China has been committed to reducing its carbon emissions per unit of GDPby 40 to 45 percent by 2020 compared with the number in 2005.

五、有关as well的搭配错误


在p.174上,所给的译文为:Cycling is as well a very practical and effective mode of transportation.

原译文中的as well用法有误。as well作“也”解,根据英语的表达习惯,其位置不放句中,要放句尾。例如:

1.I'm going toLondon and my sister's coming as well.我要到伦敦去,我的妹妹也要去。

2.Did Joe go as well?乔也去了吗?

3.She can ride a horse and swim;she can shoot as well.她会骑马和游泳,另外她还会射击。

因此,原译文宜改为:Cycling is a very practical and effective mode of transportation as well.也可改为:Cycling is also a very practical and effective mode of transportation.副词also可放句首,也可放句中,be动词后,行为动词前,但不放句尾。



在p.177上,所给的译文为:The moonlight clan may have a luxurious and high-quality life but they may be lack of the sense of security,especially in their rainy day.

原译文中的lack用法有误。按英语的表达习惯,不可用be lack of sth.,来表示“缺少……”,而可用be short of,其后往往跟具体名词。动词lack也有相同的意思,其后可跟具体名词或抽象名词,be lacking in后则往往只跟抽象名词。例如:

1.I was short of money,so I had to ask George for$20.我当时缺钱,所以不得不向乔治借20美元。

2.Mike was a little short of cash just then.那时麦克有点缺钱。

3.They lacked many kinds of equipment[some raw materials,funds].他们缺乏好些种施备[某些原料,资金]。

4.He's good at his job,but he seems to lack confidence.他善于工作,但似乎缺乏信心。


5.Tom was conspicuously lacking in enthusiasm for the idea.汤姆很显然对这一主意缺乏热情。

6.At the moment he is lacking in confidence.他现在缺乏信心。

而用作名词的lack所组成的lack of sth.在句中可作主语,宾语用,也可组成for/from/through/by lack of sth.短语,在句中作状语用。例如:

1.His lack of a college education rankled as he grew older.随着他年龄的不断增大,他没有接受大学教育这件事使他痛苦不已。

2.It's lack of confidence/enthusiasm,not lack of ability,that makes most people fail.使大多数人失败的原因是缺乏自信/激情,而不是缺乏能力。

3.The plants died through/for lack of water.植物因缺水而枯死了。

因此,原译文宜改为:The moonlight clan may have a luxurious and high-quality life but they may lack a sense of security,especially in their rainy day.也可改为:The moonlight clan may have a luxurious and high-quality life but they may be lacking in a sense of security,especially in their rainy day.此外,原译文中的the sense of security宜改为:a sense of security。a sense of跟名词,是英语中的常见搭配。如:a sense of humor/justice/achieivement/accomplishment/entitlement/relief/rhythm/timing/form/direction等。


在p.182上,所给的译文为:The reason of it may be rising life expectancy and/or declining birth rates.

原译文中reason用法有误。名词reason后,除了for reasons of和by reason of这两个短语外,其后不跟介词of,要用 for。例如:

1.The reason for the flood was all that heavy rain.这次洪水都是由于那场大雨而引起的。

2.The reason for my absence was that I was ill.我缺席的原因是因为我病了。

因此,原译文宜改为:The reason for it may be rising life expectancy and/or declining birth rates.也可改为:Its reason may be rising life expectancy and/or declining birth rates.



在p.192上,所给的译文为:People regard the ownership of the real estate to be the prerequisite for long term inhabitation.

原译文中的regard用法有误。动词regard作“认为”解时,regard sb./sth.后不用to be结构,而要用as。例如:

1.She is generally regarded as one of the best writers in the country.她被普遍认为是该国最优秀的作家之一。

2.Capital punishment was regarded as inhuman and immoral.死刑过去被认为是非人道且不道德的。

因此,原译文宜改为:People regard the ownership of the real estate as the prerequisite for long term inhabitation.当然,也可改为:People consider the ownership of the real estate(to be)the prerequisite for long term inhabitation.动词consider的用法,比较开放,可用consider sb./sth.as,也可用consider sb./sth.(to be)结构。



在p.236上,所给的译文为:Huangmei Opera was originated from tea-picking songs in Huangmei county,Hubei province.


1.This TV series originated in/from a short story.这部电视连续剧源自一部短篇小说。

2.This disease is thought to have originated in the tropics.这种疾病据说起源于热带地区。

因此,原译文宜改为:Huangmei Opera originated from tea-picking songs in Huangmei county,Hubei province.



在p.255上,所给的译文为:One is about how people fight for their dreams,the other is about how people lead a good life with the help from their gods.

原译文中的help用法有误。with the help后用from,不符合英语的表达习惯。with the help后要跟of。例如:

1.We got it open with the help of a knife.我们使用小刀把它打开。

2.She stopped smoking with the help of her family and friends.她在家人和朋友的帮助下戒了烟。

在英语中,还有一个短语with help from sth./sb.与with the help of sth./sb.,两者所表达的意思不变,但要注意介词的搭配用法,前者help前无定冠词,其后要用from,而后者help前有定冠词the,其后要用of。例如:

1.With help from a parent,a child can do simple cooking.在父亲或母亲的帮助下,小孩子可以做简单的饭菜。

2.With help from his powers and his natural genius,Xavier becomes an excellent student and athlete.在他的能力和天才的帮助下,泽维尔成为优秀的学生和出色的运动员。

因此,原译文宜改为:One is about how people fight for their dreams;the other is about how people lead a good life with the help of their gods.也可改为:One is about how people fight for their dreams;the other is about how people lead a good life with help from their gods.另外,原译文中的“,”,也应改为“;”。




王文昌教授(1988)在其《英语搭配大词典》前言中也明确指出,英语中的词语组合浩如烟海,可以将它们粗分成为封闭性(closed)开放性(open)两大类。封闭性搭配是在长期使用过程中逐渐形成的习惯固定词组,开放性搭配是在千变万化的语言环境(linguistic context)中按照一定的语法结构和语义联系造就的灵活词语组合,可以无限生成。掌握符合习惯的英语词语搭配有助于非英语民族的人克服由于受民族语言的文化的影响而产生的错误,避免不合习惯的类推,从而提高运用地道英语(idiomatic English)进行交际的能力。

语内干扰是由于学习者对目的语整个系统了解并不全面,根据已获得的目的语知识或经验,对该语言做出不正确的假设或过渡概括,从而类推出偏离规则的结构。Jack C.Richards(1974)将这类错误的起因归为以下三种:概括过度;忽略规则限制;不全面应用规则。




Richards,J.C.(1974).Error Analysis:Perspectives on Second Language Acquisition[M].London:Longman Group Limited.




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