
  • until用法巩固精练
    林锋I. 單项选择。1. It’s a serious problem. We can’t decide Mr Harries comes back.A. while B. since C. until D. so2. It is difficult for us to learn a lesson in life we’ve actually had that lesson.A. when B. after C. since D. unt

    初中生学习指导·中考版 2020年7期2020-09-10

  • 英语名词常见用法练习
    ( ) 1. Our school is only walk from here.A. five-minute B. five minutesC. five minutes D. five minutes( ) 2. March 8th is Day.A. Woman B. WomansC. Womans D. Womens( ) 3. There are a lot of in our hospital, they workvery hard.A. wo

    初中生学习·高 2016年2期2016-05-30

  • 英语代词用法练习
    ( ) 1. Hurry up, kids!The school bus is coming. We have_____ time left.A. few B. a few C. little D. a little( ) 2. There is still _____ meat on the plate.A. few B. a few C. little D. a little( ) 3. —Mom,Jim bought a parrot yesterd

    初中生学习·高 2016年9期2016-05-14

  • 动词“Go”的用法
    谢细群The verb“go” is one of the first verbs to learn in English, but many students make mistakes with it, especially in the past tense —“went”.1. He usually goes shopping at this store.He went shopping here yesterday.2. Theyre going

    第二课堂(课外活动版) 2015年5期2015-10-21