
2015-11-28 15:48孙容
高中生学习·高二版 2015年9期




1. can表示理论上的可能性,意为“可能会”。例如:

Even an experienced teacher can make mistakes.即使一名有经验的老师也有可能会犯错误。(理论上的可能性,事实上末发生)

2. must表示“硬要,偏要”。例如:

Must you shout so loudly? 你非要这么大声叫嚷吗?


You must not take the books out of the library. 不准把书带出图书馆。

Must we send in our plan this week? 我们必须这星期交计划吗?

No, you neednt/dont have to. 不,没有必要。


3. shall用于第二、三人称,表示说话者给对方的命令、警告、允诺或威胁。例如:

All of you shall arrive before five oclock.(命令)你们都要五点前到达。

You shall fail if you dont work harder.(警告)如果你不更努力工作的话,你就会失败。

You shall get a gift on your birthday. (允诺)在你生日的那天 ,你会得到一个礼物。

He shall be punished. (威胁)他会受到惩罚的。

4. should表示惊讶、意外等情绪,译作“竟然”。

I cant believe that he should speak ill of me. 我无法相信他竟然说我的坏话。


They should be at home now, for they have been away for two hours. 他们都已经走了两小时了,他们现在应该到家了。(根据时间推测)

5. will表示事物的某种性质和倾向。例如:

Wood will float on the water. 木头会浮在水上。

The drawer wont open. 抽屉打不开。

6. would表示过去的习惯性动作,译作“过去常常”(used to)。例如:

When he was young, he would listen to music alone in his room on weekends. 在年轻的时候,他经常周末独自一人待在他的房间里听音乐。

7. may常用的固定搭配:may well完全能,很可能;may as well 最好,倒不如。例如:

Her appearance has changed so much that you may well not recognize her. 她的容貌改变了如此之多,你很可能认不出她了。

You may as well do it at once. 你最好马上就做这件事。

二、“情态动词+have done”的用法

1. 表示对过去发生事情的推测

must have done,过去一定做过某事。(很有把握的肯定推测)

cant have done,不可能做过某事。(很有把握的否定推测)

may/might have done,可能已经做过某事。(不太有把握的肯定推测)

may/might not have done,可能还没有做过某事情。(不太有把握的否定推测)

例如: It must have rained last night, for the road is quite muddy. 昨晚一定下雨了,因为路很泥泞。

Jack cant have arrived yet, otherwise he would have telephoned us. 杰克不可能已到家了,否则他就给我们打电话了。

Tom hasnt come back yet, He may have missed the bus again. 汤姆还没有回家,他可能又错过了公交车。

例1 (2012年高考湖北卷) As the shopkeeper Mr Johnson was selling me the bicycle, he said, “this is the best thing you ____ have done. Life has become hopelessly complicated.”

A. would B. should C. must D. could

解析 D。考查情态动词辨析。根据语境可知,该句意为:这是你所能做到的最好的事。could have done意为“能够做到……”, 与语境相符,故选D项。A项意为“愿意”,B项意为“应当”,C项意为“必须”,都与语境不符。

2. 表示“(过去)本……而实际上……”

should/ought to have done, 本应该做而实际上没有做。

neednt have done, 本不需要做而实际上做了。

would have done, 本打算要做而实际上没有做。

could have done, 本能够做而实际上没有做。

例如:We should have studied last night, but we went to the concert instead. 昨晚我们本应该学习的,可是我们却去听了音乐会。

I was really anxious about you. You shouldnt have left home without a word. 我真的是很担心你,你不应该不说一句话就离家出走。

There was plenty of time. She neednt have hurried. 有足够的时间,她没有必要赶忙。

I stayed at a hotel while in New York. 我在纽约期间住的是宾馆。

Oh, why dont you call me? You could have stayed with me. 哦,你为什么不打我电话?你本可以和我待在一起的。

例2 He looks sleepy. He must ___________ last night, writing the essay. (stay)他看起来犯困。昨晚他肯定熬夜写论文了。

解析 have stayed up. 根据句子中文翻译中的“昨晚肯定”以及题干中的last night可知是对过去发生的事情的肯定猜测,要用must have done结构。

3. 用于if引导的非真实条件句中,表示虚拟语气

若含if的非真实条件句或省略if的含蓄性非真实条件句的从句的谓语时态为过去时,且主句也讲的是过去的事情,主句的谓语部分要用should/would/could/ might have done的结构。例如:

If I hadnt drunk alcohol last night, I could have driven my car home.如果昨晚我没有喝酒的话,我就能开车回家了。

例3 Had we not used an out-of-date train schedule, we ___________ the train. (miss) 要不是用了一张过期的列车时刻表,我们就不会误了火车。

解析 would not have missed. 此句考查的是if的含蓄性非真实条件句的虚拟语气,从句用的是过去完成时(had used倒装)表示过去的动作,主句讲的也是过去的事情,所以要用情态动词加have done的结构,由于是否定句,故用would not+ have done表达.

例4 (2015年高考湖北卷)If she had been aware that the mushroom were poisonous, she them for dinner.(pick)要是知道这些蘑菇有毒,她不会采来做晚餐了。

解析 would not have picked。 此句和例子一样,也是考查if的虚拟语气句,从句用的是过去完成时(had been aware)表示过去的动作,主句讲的也是过去的事情,所以要用would not have done的结构。

Hiddleston’s Causal Modeling Semantics and the Distinction between Forward-Tracking and Backtracking Counterfactuals*