
2016-06-12 21:18
新东方英语·中学版 2016年6期

提到美国女歌手Rachel Platten,很多人都说她是“大器晚成的励志典范”。早在2003年,Rachel就发行了个人首张专辑《相信我》(Trust in Me),但是直到去年2月推出了单曲“Fight Song”,她才为世人所熟知。该歌曲一经发行便获得了专业乐评人的好评,并打入美国、英国、加拿大、爱尔兰、新西兰等国的单曲排行榜Top 10,同时还获得了2015年美国青少年选择奖“最佳夏日歌曲”的提名。有乐评人这样评价,“Fight Song”是一首扣人心弦、激励人心的音乐作品。的确,无论是充满正能量的歌词、柔和而不失力量的旋律,还是Rachel充满爆发力的演绎,都让听者备受鼓舞。不过,可能很少有人知道这首大获成功的歌曲却是Rachel在事业低谷期创作出来的。在接受采访时,Rachel称自己之所以创作这首歌,是因为想到了这些年在音乐道路上遭遇的各种艰难经历。虽然挫折和失败差点将她挡在了梦想的门外,但是她始终坚信,不管发生什么,她都不会放弃钟爱的音乐。

其实,生命中所有的艰难时刻都是一种难得的历练。回首过去,或许正是因为我们经历了种种挫折,我们才变得更加强大,才会愈挫愈勇。因此,不论你我多么平凡,不论遭遇了多少次失败,不论是否得到别人的肯定,我们都要发出自己的声音,像Rachel在歌中所唱的那样,“I'll play my fight song.”时间如白驹过隙,短暂的一生中令人悔恨的不是有多少次失败,而是没有尝试的勇气和斗志。生命只有一次,何不加足马力,为自己向往的生活和未完成的梦想去放手一搏?

Like a small boat on the ocean

Sending big waves into motion,

Like how a single word

Can make a heart open,

I might only have one match,

But I can make an explosion.

And all those things I didn't say,

Wrecking balls inside my brain,

I will scream them loud tonight.

Can you hear my voice this time?

This is my fight song.

Take back my life song.

Prove I'm alright song.

My power's turned on.

Starting right now I'll be strong,

I'll play my fight song.

And I don't really care if nobody else believes,

'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me.

Losing friends and I'm chasing sleep.

Everybody's worried about me,

In too deep,

Say I'm in too deep (in too deep).

And it's been two years I miss my home,

But there's a fire burning in my bones.

Still believe,

Yeah, I still believe.

(Refrain )

A lot of fight left in me.

(Refrain )

(Refrain )

Now I've still got a lot of fight left in me.

(推荐者:辽宁大连 赵莉妍)

