
2017-07-25 09:42
重庆与世界 2017年7期


● 吴康明会见四川省外事侨务办主任慕新海





● 首期“中国外交培训学院地方课堂”在渝举办



● 尼泊尔—中国经贸协会主席率团来渝出席“中国—尼泊尔工商界对话会”




● 泰国驻成都总领事率泰国职业教育委员会代表团考察重庆中车长客轨道车辆有限公司




● 重庆青年代表团参加第四届中俄两河流域青年论坛



● 重庆直飞纽约航线今年10月开通



● 中乌(克兰)第十轮领事磋商在重庆举行



● 2017年海外华裔青少年“中国寻根之旅”夏令营—重庆营开营





● 英国驻重庆总领事馆举办女王生日酒会





Wu Kangming Met with Mu Xinhai, Director of the Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Offi ce of Sichuan Province

On June 2, Wu Kangming, Director of Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government held conversations with Mu Xinhai, Director of Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Offi ce of Sichuan Province and his entourages in the Foreign Affairs Building. The two sides had conducted in-depth discussions on strengthening the administration of going abroad on offi cial business and the implementation of the reform of the leadership system in the foreign affairs.

Wu extended a warm welcome for the arrival of the research group. He thought that Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Offi ce of Sichuan Province had achieved many outstanding results and established an excellent brand in the foreign affairs’ work. The Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing and Sichuan Province are intimately tied up with each other. Wu hoped that in the future the two sides should conduct extensive exchanges in the field of work, deepen cooperation and boost the strength of the relationship, jointly promoting the further development of the work of the foreign and overseas Chinese affairs.

Mu said that since ancient times, Sichuan Province and Chongqing Municipality shared the same blood and the purpose of this trip was to learn and exchange the work experiences. He hoped that the two sides should increase the intensity of information exchange and the complementarity of resources and work together to improve the level of the work of the foreign and overseas Chinese affairs.

Wang Wen, Vice director of Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Offi ce of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government and the principals of the administrative office of the secretariat, the personnel offi ce of the organization and the administrative department were all present.

The fi rst “Local Class of China Foreign Affairs Training College” was held in Chongqing

On June 19, the first “Local Class of China Foreign Affairs Training College” and the special training course of Chongqing’s foreign affairs which is jointly organized by the Bureau for Retired Personnel of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Organization Department of the Municipal Committee and Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government officially was opened at the Municipal Administration Institute. Qian Hongshan, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and Liu Guiping, the Vice Mayor of Chongqing attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech.

The “Local Class of China Foreign Affairs Training College”is a new training brand of foreign affairs founded by Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Through sending the personnel to the local place, this project aims to improve the pertinence and effectiveness of the training by means of investing the training resources in a precise method. The first class is introduced to Chongqing, which fully demonstrates that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs provides strong support for expanding the scope of opening up in the central and western provinces and promoting the economic and social development. The training course is the special one of Chongqing’s foreign affairs in recent years featured by largest scale and highest standards. With six leaders of Department level giving lectures in Chongqing, it fully demonstrates the authority of the course. The main contents of the course include General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Diplomatic Thoughts, the Belt and Road Initiative and related economic diplomacy as well as the protocol and etiquette of foreign affairs. The training lasts for three days with a total of over 220 training objects including the leaders from districts and counties (autonomous counties), foreign-related municipal department, universities and enterprises as well as the Director of the Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Offi ce of the Chongqing People’s Government.

The Chairman of Nepal-China Economic and Trade Association (China) Led a Delegation to Attend “the Dialogue of China-Nepal Industrial and Commercial Circles”

On June 9-10, Anoop Bhattarai, Chairman of Nepal-China Economic and Trade Association (China) led more than 40 entrepreneurs to inspect the investment environment in Chongqing. Wu Baocai, Deputy Director of the Economic Liaison Center of the International Liaison Department of the Central Committee of the CPC met with part of the members of the delegation at the Municipal Foreign Affairs Building.

On June 9, Dialogue of China-Nepal Industrial and Commercial Circles: the Political Party and Pragmatic Cooperation hosted and organized by the Economic Liaison Center of the International Liaison Department of the Central Committee of the CPC and Nepal-China Economic and Trade Association as well as Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government and Municipal Industries and Commerce respectively was successfully held in Chongqing with more than 80 entrepreneurs from both countries attending this dialogue meeting. This dialogue can be treated as the largestscale and highest-standard meeting for Chinese and Nepal enterprises in deepening the cooperation.

Wang Guangcheng, Deputy Inspector of Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government and Anoop, Chairman of China Friendship Organization of South Asia went over the cooperative achievements in the past two years and discussed the cooperation projects in the latter half of the year and the future prospects for cooperation. Anoop expressed his thanks for the support given by Municipal Foreign Association in enhancing the relationship between the two countries and deepening the cooperation of the enterprises, he hoped that the friendship between two peoples and the pragmatic cooperation of the two countries are lifted to a new level.

The Counsel General of Thailand in Chengdu Led Thailand’s Professional Education Committee to Inspect CRRC Chongqing Railway Vehicles Co., Ltd.

On June 12th, Ms Pan Tipa, Counsel General for Thailand in Chengdu leaded Thailand’s Professional Education Committee to inspect CRRC Chongqing Railway Vehicles Co., Ltd.

Tang Wen, Vice Director of Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Offi ce of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government expressed that ever since Chongqing and Bangkok became friendly cities in September, 2011, Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government proactively promoted the exchanges and cooperation in economy and trade, particularly in the field of rail transit. A large number of Thailand’s businessmen, such as the mayor of Bangkok, the Transport Minister of Thailand, the founder and Chairman of BTS Company all have come to Chongqing to inspect the rail transit programme and related enterprises. Currently, Chongqing Rail Transit Co. Ltd. has participated in the bidding for the construction project of Bangkok Light Rail Transit. The Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government will continue to pay attention to this area and support the cooperation in the fi eld of the construction of rail transit between the enterprises of Chongqing and Thailand, practically deepening the construction of “the Belt and Road”.

The Counsel General Pan Tipa said that she was very glad that the enterprises of Chongqing deeply and actively involved in the basic transportation construction of Thailand. The aim of visiting Chongqing this time was to promote the exchanges between the two sides in the training and education of the technical personnel of railway transportation and propel the further development of the cooperation between the enterprises of Chongqing and Thailand.

Chongqing Youth Delegation Attended the 4th China-Russian Yangtze River and Volga River Youth Forum

On June 6-17, according to the arrangement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a 30-person Chongqing Youth Delegation including students from Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications and Sichuan International Studies University attended the 4th China-Russian Yangtze River and Volga River Youth Forum held in Anhui Province.

Nearly 400 youth representatives from 14 states (the republics) along the Volga River and 6 provinces (cities) along the upper-middle reaches of Yangtze River of China have been invited to the forum.

Through this communication platform, Chongqing Youth Delegation made an active interact with the representatives of the Russian side. They made friends with each other and sang the melody of friendship between China and Russia. Combined with the characteristics of the universities and their own advantages, Chongqing Youth Delegation told stories of China and gave off the voice of Chongqing to effectively enhance the Russian representatives’ understanding and knowledge of Chongqing which lays a solid foundation for the two sides to forge a profound friendship.

Chongqing’s Direct Flight to New York will be Opened in October This Year

On June 19, the news conference of Chongqing’s direct flight to New York was held in Wudu Hotel. In the news conference, Hainan Airlines announced that Chongqing’s direct flight to New York will be opened on October 10. Tang Shen, the deputy Secretary-general of the Municipal Government attended the conference. The department leaders from the Municipal Transportation Committee, Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Offi ce of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government and the Municipal Port Offi ce were also present.

It is believed that it is not only the fi rst direct airline to New York in the central and western regions of China but also the 11th intercontinental and international airline that will be opened in Chongqing. The direct flight to New York is the second direct airline to North America after the opening of the airline to Los Angeles, which means that a circular airline between east and west coast of America is formed.

The 10th Consular Consultations between China and Ukraine was Held in Chongqing

On June 21, the 10th Consular Consultations between China and Ukraine was held in Chongqing. Both Lu Xu, deputy director-general of the Department of Consular Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Bhogle Leo Mtsev, directorgeneral of the Department of Consular Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs led delegations to attend the meeting respectively. The two sides exchanged views on deepening China-Ukraine consular relations, facilitating personnel exchanges and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of citizens.

Jiao Ming, Ukraine’s Ambassador to China, Tang Wen, Vice director of Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government and relevant leaders from the Department of Consular Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government were all present at the meeting.

The 2017 Summer Camp of Overseas Chinese Teenagers themed with “Searching for Their Roots”— Chongqing Camp is launched

On June 26, the 2017 Summer Camp of Overseas Chinese Teenagers“Searching for Their Roots”—Chongqing Camp was launched in the Boya teaching building of Chongqing Normal University. Hosted by the Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council and organized by Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Offi ce of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government and Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing Camp has attracted more than 100 campers and team leaders from Australia, the United States, Canada, Ireland and Germany. Yang Daqing, Vice director of Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Offi ce of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government and Zhou Zeyang, the Principal of Chongqing Normal University attended the welcome ceremony and delivered a speech respectively.

Principal Zhou extended a sincere welcome to the campers and team leaders and hoped that the summer camp project plays an important role in further promoting the development of Chinese education to abroad.

Vice director Yang hoped that the campers can personally experience the charm of Chinese culture and the culture and customs of Sichuan Province and Chongqing Municipality, broadening horizon and enhancing the national pride and self-confi dence.

The representatives of the camp all said that they cherish this opportunity and they will try their best to experience and learn more about the colorful cultures and beautiful scenery as well as the development of motherland.

The British Consulate General in Chongqing Held the Queen’s Birthday Party

On June 26, the British consulate general in Chongqing held the Queen’s birthday celebration party at the Art Center of Guotai and as a result, the 2017 British Carnival answered a curtain call in the southwest region of China. At the party, the British Merlin Entertainment Group carried the waxen images of Princess William and his wife Kate. The show of the luxury vehicle McLaren and Land Rover fully demonstrated the strength of British automobile industry. The photographers who initiated the“searching for the photos” activity also jointly launched the photo exhibition with its theme being “the Charm of Britain”. The artists from Sichuan Opera House of Chongqing also performed a facechanging performance for the guests. Cecille EI Beleidi, the Consul General of Britain in Chongqing said that she was very glad that China and the UK successfully hold the British Carnival in the southwest region of China on her first year anniversary

in offi ce, getting acquainted with a large number of cooperative partners and promoting the multiple and in-depth cooperation between China and the UK. The British Consulate General in Chongqing, the Department of International Trade of UK, British Council for Cultural Education and British Government in Wales will as always support and help UK’s companies to take their roots and continuously expand their scale in the southwest China.

The year 2017 marks the 45th anniversary of diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level between China and UK. The British Consulate General in Chongqing fi rstly launched the 2017 British Carnival in May with more than 40 wonderful activities held in Chongqing Municipality, Chengdu of Sichuan Province, Kunming of Yunnan Province and Guiyang of Guizhou Province.

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