
2017-07-25 09:42
重庆与世界 2017年7期







2001年3月23日,重庆市市长包叙定(右一)在市外事大楼会见吉布提共和国总统盖莱(右二)一行。 (图片由市政府外事侨务办提供)






霍华德 (图片来自CFP)



扬·伊利埃斯库 (图片来自CFP)



恩西班比 (图片来自新华网)






阿卜杜拉二世 (图片来自CFP)



希菲凯普涅·波汉巴 (图片来自CFP)




罗贝尔特·菲佐 (图片来自CFP)


2007年6月7日,重庆市市长王鸿举(主席台右一)在重庆希尔顿酒店主持召开2007中菲“经济贸易交流会”,菲律宾总统阿罗约(主席台左一)等中外宾客出席。 (图片由市政府外事侨务办提供)

2007年6月6日—7日,菲律宾共和国总统阿罗约率代表团一行113人来渝访问。重庆市委书记、市人大常委会主任汪洋,重庆市市长王鸿举,重庆市政协主席刘志忠等会见了阿罗约总统。在渝期间,阿罗约总统参观了菲律宾新联商业银行重庆分行,并与四川美术学院院长罗中立等7位著名艺术家合影留念。市外办、市侨办、市侨联分别陪同华商会主席助理Jose Ngaw、菲对华贸易及投资特使Biao Ang、菲律宾航空公司主席陈永栽及新联商业银行董事蔡黎明、SM集团副主席Teresita Sy恰谈合作事宜。


2009年10月17日,重庆市市长王鸿举陪同阮晋勇总理(前排中)一行考察力帆集团汽车工厂 。 (图片由市政府外事侨务办提供)



2010年9月22日,重庆市市长黄奇帆在渝会见加纳共和国总统约翰·埃文斯·阿塔·米尔斯。 (图片由市政府外事侨务办提供)



2011年8月13日,黄奇帆市长在希尔顿酒店会见埃塞俄比亚总理梅莱斯一行。 (图片由市政府外事侨务办提供)



加拿大总理哈珀及其夫人访问重庆期间,与重庆动物园大熊猫亲密合影。 (图片由重庆动物园提供)



弗朗索瓦·博齐泽 (图片来自CFP)


Distinguished Foreign Guest: Antonio Guterres, Prime Minister of the Portuguese Republic Visit Time: April 19-20, 1998

Invited by Chinese Government, Antonio Guterres, Prime Minister of the Portuguese Republic headed a 144-person Portuguese offi cial delegation to visit Chongqing in April 19-20, 1998. During his visit in Chongqing, both parties have held a signing ceremony for double line bridge of Jialing River Bridge, Wangjiatuo Yangtze River Bridge, and water and sewage treatment project in Yongchuan. They also held a seminar on economic and trade cooperation between Chongqing and Portugal. Pu Haiqing, Mayor of Chongqing, attended the signing ceremony and seminar.

Distinguished Foreign Guest: Ismail Omar Guelleh, President of Republic of Djibouti Visit Time: March 23-24, 2001

Ismail Omar Guelleh, President of Republic of Djibouti, accompanied by Guan Jindi, Chinese Embassy in Djibouti and other 11 people, headed a 29-person delegation to visit Chongqing by special plane in March 23-24, 2001. Bao Xuding, Mayor of Chongqing, met and entertained the president and delegation in the Chongqing Foreign Affairs Building in the evening of March 23. During his visit in Chongqing, Ismail Omar Guelleh, President of Republic of Djibouti and his delegation visited Changan Automobile Group, Zongshen Motor Enterprises, and the People's Square.

Distinguished Foreign Guest: Pervez Musharraf, President of Pakistan Visit Time: January 4, 2002

On January 4, 2002, Pervez Musharraf, President of Pakistan and a 30-person delegation took a special plane to Kathmandu, Nepal, to attend the 11th South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation Summit while transited China. In the morning, his special plane stopped at Chongqing Jiangbei Airport for refueling. Pervez Musharraf and his delegation disembarked from the special plane and took a rest in the VIP Room of terminal building. After the break, they visited Chongqing motorcycle exhibition stand in the terminal building and then left.

Distinguished Foreign Guest: John Winston Howard, Prime Minister of Australia Visit Time: May 23, 2002

Invited by Zhu Rongji, Premier of The State Council, John Winston Howard, Prime Minister of Australia and a 40-person delegation took special plane to visit Chongqing on May 23, 2002. During his visit in Chongqing, Jiang Zemin, President of the People's Republic of China met and dined with John Winston Howard, Prime Minister and major members in accompanying delegation in NO.3 Building, Yuzhou Hotel. Offi cials like Zeng Peiyan, director of National Development and Reform Commission, Li Zhaoxing, Deputy Foreign Minister, Wu Tao, Chinese Embassy in Australia, He Guoqiang, Party Secretary of Chongqing attended the events above.

Distinguished Foreign Guest: Ion Iliescu, President of Romania Visit Time: August 22-23, 2003

Invited by Hu Jintao, President of the People's Republic of China, Ion Iliescu, President of Romania and a 69-person delegation made a state visit to our country on August 19-26, 2003. During his visit, Ion Iliescu and his delegation came to visit Chongqing on August 22-23. Huang Zhendong, Secretary of the CPC Chongqing Municipal Party Committee and Wang Hongju, Mayor of Chongqing met Ion Iliescu and his delegation. During his visit in Chongqing, Ion Iliescu and his delegation visited Changan Automobile Group, Zongshen Motor Group, Chaotianmen Square, the Monument for Liberation Pedestrian Mall, and went sightseeing the nightscape between Yangtze River and Jialing River.

Distinguished Foreign Guest: Apolo Robin Nsibambi, Prime Minister of Uganda Visit Time: September 9-11, 2003

Apolo Robin Nsibambi, Prime Minister of Uganda and a 11-person delegation came to visit Chongqing on September 9-11, 2003. Huang Zhendong, Secretary of the CPC Chongqing Municipal Party Committee and Wang Hongju, Mayor of Chongqing met Apolo Robin Nsibambi and his delegation. During his visit in Chongqing, delegation visited Fuling Jindi Industrial Group and made an informal discussion on the question of poverty alleviation with relevant person in charge of Fuling District. They also visited scenic spots like Chaotianmen Square, A Tree sightseeing stand, Nanbin Road, the Monument for Liberation.

Distinguished Foreign Guest: Hun Sen, Prime Minister of Kampuchea Visit Time: April 22-23, 2004

Invited by Wen Jiabao, Premier of The State Council, Hun Sen, Prime Minister of Kampuchea made an offi cial visit to China on April 19-25, 2004. Accompanied byby Hu Qianwen, Chinese Embassy in Kampuchea, Hun Sen and his delegation visited Chongqing on April 22-23. Wang Hongju, Mayor of Chongqing met Hun Sen and his delegation on the night of April 22. During his visit in Chongqing, Hun Sen and his delegation visited Lifan Group and Mexin Group, the Great Hall of the People of Chongqing and went sightseeing the nightscape between Yangtze River and Jialing River by ship named Chaotiangong.

Distinguished Foreign Guest: Abdullah II Bin Hussein, King of Jordan Visit Time: July 31, 2004

Invited by Hu Jintao, President of the People's Republic of China, Abdullah II Bin Hussein, King of Jordan and a 60-person delegation made an official visit to China on July 31, 2004. Abdullah II Bin Hussein and his delegation took a special plane from Beijing to Chongqing for the watching of Jordan’s semi-finals match in Asian Cup on July 31. In that night, accompanied by Huang Zhendong, Secretary of the CPC Chongqing Municipal Party Committee, Abdullah II Bin Hussein watched the game between Jordan and Japan in Chongqing Olympic Sports Center Stadium. When the game was in the interval, Abdullah II Bin Hussein made an informal get-together session with Huang Zhendong in Olympic Sports Center. As a master, Huang presented the gold foil painting and the motorcycle and sand cart produced by Zhongshen Enterprise to king of Jordan.

Distinguished Foreign Guest: Hifi kepunye Lucas Pohamba, President of the Republic of Namibia Visit Time: December 18-19, 2005

Hifi kepunye Lucas Pohamba, President of the Republic of Namibia and a 20-person delegation came to visit Chongqing on December 18-19, 2005. Wang Hongju, Mayor of Chongqing met and entertained Hifikepunye Lucas Pohamba and his delegation in Yuzhou Hotel on the night of December 18. They visited Loncin Group, Chaotianmen Square, People's Square, Great Hall of the People, Three Gorges Museum and the Monument for Liberation Pedestrian Mall.

Distinguished Foreign Guest: Robert Fico, Prime Ministers of Slovakia Visit Time: February 7-9, 2007

Robert Fico, Prime Ministers of Slovakia and a 16-person delegation visited Chongqing on February 7-9, 2007. Robert Fico was accompanied by some leading members like Minister of Agriculture of the Slovakia, State Secretary of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Ambassador of Slovakia to China. Wang Hongju, Mayor of Chongqing met Robert Fico and his delegation. During his visit in Chongqing, Robert Fico and his delegation visited Changan Automobile Manufacturing Plant in Yubei District, Chongqing Xinwei Telecom Technology Co., Ltd. and Silian Group. They also visited China Three Gorges Museum, Dazu Rock Carvings, the join of Yangtze River and Jialing River in Hugui Stone on Nanbin Road, and felt the commercial atmosphere of Chongqing in the Monument for Liberation Pedestrian Mall.

Distinguished Foreign Guest: Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, President of Republic of the Philippines Visit Time: June 6-7, 2007

Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, President of Republic of the Philippines and a 113-person delegation visited Chongqing on June 6-7, 2007. Offi cials including Wang Yang, Secretary of the CPC Chongqing Municipal Party Committee and Director of the NPC Standing Committee in Chongqing, Wang Hongju, Mayor of Chongqing, and Liu Zhizhong, Chairman of Chongqing Municipal CPPCC met Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, President of Philippines. During her visit in Chongqing, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo visited Chongqing Branch of Allied Commercial Bank and took a group photo with Luo Zhongli, Dean of Sichuan Fine Art Institute, and other 7 famous artists. Negotiations also were taken place between Chongqing Foreign Affairs Offi ce, Chongqing Overseas Chinese Affairs Offi ce, Chongqing Returned Overseas Chinese Federation and Jose Ngaw, president assistant of Chinese Entrepreneurs Association, Biao Ang, Philippine trade and investment envoy to China, Lucio C.Tan, Chairman of Philippines Airlines, Cai Liming, Director of Allied Commercial Bank, and Teresita Sy, Vice President of SM Group respectively.

Distinguished Foreign Guest: Nguyen Tãn Dũng, Prime Minister of Socialist Republic of Vietnam Visit Time: October 16-17, 2009

Nguyen Tãn Dũng, Prime Minister of Socialist Republic of Vietnam led a 150-person economic and commercial delegation including 10 senior offi cials at or above the ministerial level to visit Chongqing. They hoped to fi nd more opportunities for investment cooperation via communications between economic and business community in Chongqing. Wang Hongju met Nguyen Tãn Dũng and his delegation in Marriott Hotel. In the Chongqing-Vietnam Economic and Trade Forum held in Marriott Hotel, both sides have signed Memorandum of investment and trade cooperation between Chongqing and Vietnam and Memorandum of Tourism Cooperation between Chongqing and Vietnam. Enterprises like Lifan Group, Southwest Aluminum Group, Chongqing General Trading Chemical Co., Ltd. also respectively signed cooperation agreements and product supply and marketing agreement (contrast) with Vietnamese enterprises. Persons in charge of Sokon Group, China Changan Automobile Group, Chongqing Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (Group) Co., Ltd. also made an offi cial visit to Nguyen Tãn Dũng. During his visit in Chongqing, President of Vietnam and his delegation visited automobile plants of Lifan Group and went sightseeing the nightscape between Yangtze River and Jialing River by ship.

Distinguished Foreign Guest: John Evans Atta Mills, President of the Republic of Ghana Visit Time: September 22, 2010

Invited by Hu Jintao, President of the People's Republic of China, John Evans Atta Mills, President of the Republic of Ghana led a delegation to visit Chongqing during his state visit in China on September 22, 2010. Huang Qifan, Mayor of Chongqing, entertained John Mills and his delegation. They had listened to the introduction of Chongqing Bosai Mining Group’s investment in Ghana alumina project and visited China (Chongqing) Three Gorges Museum.

Distinguished Foreign Guest: Meles Zenawi, Prime Minister of Ethiopia Visit Time: August 13-14, 2011

Meles Zenawi, Prime Minister of Ethiopia and his delegation made a visit to Chongqing on August 13-14, 2011. During his visit in Chongqing, Huang Qifan, Mayor of Chongqing and Meles Zenawi attended “Chongqing-Ethiopia Economic and Commercial Forum”. The economic development of Chongqing and Ethiopia were introduced respectively by Huang Qifan and Meles Zenawi.

Distinguished Foreign Guest: Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada Visit Time: February 11, 2012

Invited by Wen Jiabao, Premier of the State Council, Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada and his delegation made an offi cial visit to our country in February 11, 2012 and made a visit in Chongqing on February 13. Municipal leaders met Stephen Harper and his delegation. They visited Cuntan Port, panda house in Chongqing Zoo and attended the signing ceremony between China and Canada for the rent of male panda “Ershun” in Chongqing Zoo. Harper was accompanied by John Baird, Canadian Foreign Minister, Ed Fast, Minister of International Trade, Gary Ritz, Minister of agriculture and agricultural products, Joe Ohly, Minister of natural resources, Alice Wang, Minister of State, Stephen Reggae, National Security Adviser of Privy Council in this visit.

Distinguished Foreign Guest: Francois Bozize Yangouvonda, President of Central African Republic Visit Time: September 8-10, 2012

Francois Bozize Yangouvonda, President of Central African Republic and a 9-person delegation made a visit to China on September 6-14, 2012. They made physical examinations and took a vocation and presented in the opening ceremonies of China International Fair for Investment and Trade in Xiamen and Ningbo. Accompanied by Wang Tongqing, Counselor of African Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Francois Bozize made a visit to Chongqing on September 8-10. During his visit in Chongqing, Francois Bozize and his delegation visited Dazu Rock Carvings and China (Chongqing) Three Gorges Museum.

Height of Foreign Affairs: A summary of foreign leaders who visited Chongqing

The broader opening-up ushers great development. All the time, “Chongqing Foreign Affairs” has been submitting to the overall diplomatic police of state and serving for the overall situation of Chongqing's economic development. Under the principles of mutually benefi cial cooperation and friendly exchanges, it has become a kind of “leading engine” for the opening-up in Chongqing. And there “Foreign Affairs Review” edited breaking foreign affairs related to the offi cial visit of foreign heads to Chongqing from 1997 to 2012 in order to express the height of foreign affairs in Chongqing and the charm of Chongqing's opening-up. (Due to limited paper volume, foreign affairs took place after 2012 will be concentrated in the next issue.)

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