
2019-12-02 08:21石勇
中学课程辅导·高考版 2019年9期


1.     this, you might

expect the book to be a dry recitation of facts.(consider)

2. Americans drive

to huge supermarkets to buy canned and     foods for the week. (freeze)

3. Inside a DC8 aircraft, there is a teaching hospital fully     with television

studio and classroom. (equip)

4. The research shows there are many serious

health problems in     with smoking. (associate)

5. Mandela     to almost

thirty years in prison. (sentence)

6. After the hot summer, the roof of the

house needs    . (mend)

7.     that he could no longer look after himself.


8.     553 meters into the sky, it is the third tallest tower in

the world. (Rise)


1.         (多伦多的中心是) the Canadian National

Tower, which is often called the CN Tower for short.

2. Montreal, a port in the province of Quebec, is the second largest city in Canada, and also the

second largest Frenchspeaking city in the world,         (巴黎是最大的).


(没有人有更大的影响) on Western civilization than the ancient Greeks.

4. After that, much progress was made in repairing the Acropolis,     (大量的工作做完了) in

preparation for the 2004 Athens Olympic Games.

5. The Ming and Qing Imperial Tombs are among the most extraordinary cultural remains       (被发现的)



1.     an important position in the department of the

environment, Mr Oliver     himself with various projects.

A. Occupying; occupies

B. Occupied; occupied

C. Occupying; is


D. Occupied; occupying

2. His remark was considered to be quite    , because it deepened the gap between two parties and caused more


A. out of question     B. out of mind

C. out of place   D. out

of order

3. China, a wonderful land     minerals (矿物), is     giant


A. is abundant in; home to

B. abundant in; home to

C. in

abundant; the home to

D. is in abundant; the home to

4. The beginning of

the movie is impressive,     is the ending, which leaves us much to think.


as B. what

C. which D. that

5. Good news! We didnt spend     we had


A. as half much money as

B. much money as half as

C. as much

money as half

D. half as much money as

6. On a     morning the little

match girl was found     at the corner of the street.

A. freezing;

freezing B. freezing; frozen

C. frozen; frozen  D. frozen; freezing

7. We students should hunger     knowledge and     ourselves with knowledge for the

competition nowadays is very fierce.

A. with; supply B. for; equip

C. to;

relate D. for; feed

8. Two hundred people showed up for the wedding, about 50

more than we had    planned.

A. firstly B. temporarily

C. actually D.


9. —It angered me that a neighbor accused me     kicking her


—Oh, you had the right to defend yourself     her accusation.

A. of;

against B. for; from

C. against; for D. for; against

10. —Do you have

enough to     all your daily expenses?

—Oh yes, enough and to spare.


cover B. spend

C. fill D. offer

11. The whole town was simply swept aside by the power of water. Cars, trains and buildings could not    ,     the people

who stood in the way.

A. remain; or rather  B. survive; let alone


exist; more or less D. achieve; besides

12. —So, how is your new


—She really    . Shes always making loud noises at midnight and

when I remind her, she always makes rude remarks.

A. turns me over   B. turns

me down

C. turns me off   D. turns me out

13. It suddenly occurred to him

he had left his keys in the office he would have no place to sleep.


whether B. that where

C. that D. that if

14. I tried to     in my speech

6. 采取了一系列的措施,农民的生活会更好的。

, the life of farmers will

be better.

7. 她迟到几分钟的事实绝不是解雇她的理由。

The fact            is no reason for

dismissing her.

8. 他利用了那次好機会并夺取了对军队的控制权。

He made full use of the good

chance and         .

9. 他命令他们把那些武器从大厅中搬走。

He         the great


10. 关于他的建议,我们将充分地讨论。

his suggestions, we shall discuss them



一、1. Considering 2. frozen 3. equipped

4. association 5.was

sentenced 6. mending

7. Apparently 8. Rising

二、1. In the heart of Toronto


2. Paris being the largest

3. No one has had a greater influence


with a large amount of work done

5. to be found

三、1—5 ACBAD 6—10


四、a. 1. 简称;2. 走捷径、抄小路;3. 记性不好;

4. 短缺、供应不足;5. 缺钱、手头紧;6.


b. 1. historic; 2. historical; 3. historical;

4. historic

c. 1.

红色;2. 扭亏为盈、偿清债务;3. 赤字、亏损;4. 脸红

五、1. his eyes fixed on the blackboard 2. where

the walls were covered with books and pictures

3. all is owed to our party, our motherland and the whole warmhearted people 4. On no occasion can girls accept 5. on behalf of my school 6. With a series of steps taken 7. that she was a few minutes late 8. seized control of the army 9. ordered them to remove the

weapons from 10. In regard to

