
2022-12-05 13:13王玲,史聪一
国际人才交流 2022年11期

王玲(Rasha Khalil,叙利亚),四川外国语大学教授、发明家、研究员。曾获得世界知识产权组织(WIPO)发明奖章、英国肯特自然资源国际基金会奖,2020文明之光·中国文化交流年度人物。
























The Chinese culture is deeply rooted in the consciousness and conscience of my family and has profoundly influenced it and shaped its interests and careers.

My family members lived and worked in different regions and countries worldwide.Yet,my family’s fascination by the greatness of Modern China has guided us to our ultimate goal of living the magniflcent Chinese dream and being part of it.

For almost two decades,my entire family has been living a life fllled with remarkable events and achievements and continuous exploration of China,the land of astonishing beauty,mighty history,and unlimited possibilities.

The three pillars of my family’s life in China are respect,trust,and caring.These principles have deepened my family’s sense of belonging to China and strengthened its ties with Chinese people.

My family believes that the Chinese people are the essence of China’s beauty and the main element of its glory.Even though the Chinese nation is composed of 56 ethnic groups,people share the same core values and principles; they are diligent and ambitious and strive to succeed through collaborative work and peaceful coexistence with nature and others.

My family’s deep sense of belonging to China is embodied in the thoughts of its members and manifested in their actions.Everyone in the family has devoted their time,effort,knowledge,and all the available resources to serve Chinese society and helped building highly equipped,educated,and empowered generations.

My mother,Professor Salma Ibrahim believes that the task of enhancing the value of belonging to the homeland falls on the shoulders of parents,communities,schools,and institutions,and that they should do their utmost to develop and boost the value of belonging to the homeland.Thus,Professor Salma always seeks to strengthen the feeling of belonging to China in the hearts of her students and urges them to be keen on the natural wealth of their country,to be of high morals and to follow the principles of Communist Party of China and to follow the Guidance of President Xi Jinping and his thoughts in order to reflect the true spirit of China.

My father,Professor Youssef Khalil always stresses the importance of preserving and promoting the concepts of Chinese culture and heritage in the minds and hearts of young people and urging them to be proud of their heritage and roots.

Driven by a deep appreciation and love for China,my family has been conducting a series of research on the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and analyzing the facts and impact of related factors in the internal and international arenas.

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC) is not only the first national congress after the CPC’s 100th anniversary but also a meaningful event and a milestone in the history of modern China and the world.Unquestionably,the 20th CPC National Congress is of great signiflcance to the Party,the country,and the whole world as it provides an ample and unique opportunity to gain a profound and comprehensive understanding of China in the new era.That is because the Communist Party of China is the leadership core of China and its driving force.Consequently,understanding CPC’s goals and strategies is a fundamental factor in comprehending modern China’s rise and its substantial role in achieving sustainable development.

Accordingly,my family followed the congress’s preparation,drafting work,and proceedings.The drafting work was at the center of my family’s attention,mainly gathering opinions and obtaining views from both within the Party and throughout society on the work related to the CPC National Congress.The notion of acquiring a collective insight and engaging all sectors of society in drafting the report reflects the unique essence of the Party and its principles,as well as the priorities of the CPC Central Committee.

Professor Salma Ibrahim highly praised the initiative of inviting people from all walks of life to contribute to the report drafting process and commented,“it is amazing how the CPC stayed true to its original aspiration and mission despite its long journey…the Party came from people and kept serving them and flghting for them”,she continued “there is no power in the world can in China separate it from its base of the 1.4 billion Chinese people”.

My youngest brother Professor Asad Khalil asserted that “the CPC has genuinely and successfully rallied the Chinese people and unifled them.Consequently,China has witnessed extraordinary series of ongoing achievements at different levels and in many flelds which is evident in the way people live and thrive.China will steadily lead the world to the right direction and towards a brighter future for all.”

For my family,attending and grasping the events and proceedings of the 20th CPC National Congress gave us a sense of fulflllment and fllled our hearts with pride and aspiration.We felt the strength and greatness of the Chinese nation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China,and we could feel the magnitude of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese government.My family members hoped everyone would feel the same way,so their instant responses were to share their thoughts and visions of congress on their social and media sharing networks.

Professor Salma Ibrahim wrote,“The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is a milestone in the nation’s history as the Party and the people working together to enter a new era and begin New Journey.The Communist Party and Chinese peoples from all ethnic groups will build together a modern socialist country in all respects and advance the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts”.Then she commented on the issue of sustainable development and posted,“To achieve common prosperity for all,the all the pillars of sustainable development must be equitable.Based on this notion,the CPC has deeply implemented a people-centered development philosophy.Consequently,people will have a more immediate sense of gain,happiness,and security,and the social structure will be strong and healthy.Simultaneously,the CPC is striving to build a more complete economic system.Therefore,President Xi Jinping highlighted the importance of economic development,promoting new industrialization,and accelerating the construction of a strong manufacturing country and a digital China.And since the environment is the third pillar of sustainable development,President Xi Jinping emphasized the importance of creating ecological civilization systems and preserving natural resources”.

Professor Youssef Khalil shared his thoughts on the tremendous growth of the Chinese Economy and said,“In the past decade,China achieved enormous economic growth.In addition,China has demonstrated the efflciency and effectiveness of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.” He commented on lessons to be learned from China and said,“China believes that development must be sustainable and achieved domestically and internationally.China has done tremendous work at the domestic level in alleviating poverty,narrowing the urban-rural and regional development gaps,and improving the ecological environment.Simultaneously,China has adopted an opening-up strategy featuring mutual beneflts and win-win results.Furthermore,the Chinese government has strengthened international cooperation and promoted the mutual exchange of development experience”.

My elder brother,Professor Rami Khalil wrote,China today is more than just a vast country with a robust economy and a massive population.Regarding collaboration,China is quickly becoming the standard bearer and driving force.President Xi Jinping’s speech was historic because it envisaged China’s progress toward socialism with Chinese characteristics and its goals for the future.Creating a new type of human civilization,which includes the shared prosperity of all people,the promotion of harmonious coexistence between man and nature,and the empowerment of the construction of a community with a shared future for humankind,is,in my opinion,impossible without first constructing a modern socialist country.To get there,China will need to continue its reform policy and opening up to create a socialist market economy at the top level”.

My younger brother,Professor Rashwan Khalil said,“ President Xi Jinping has always been regarded as a man of profound ideas and wisdom,a man who inherited a great legacy but was willing to innovate,and a man with a vision for the future who was dedicated to working nonstop.Under the leadership of President Xi Jinping and the Communist Party of China (CPC),China is entering a new era of glory.And I firmly believe that the entire Chinese people and the rest of humanity are eagerly anticipating the next prosperous decade of China’s outstanding development”.

My sister in Law,Dr.Hasmik Hakobyan wrote,“There was so much to take away from President Xi Jinping’s speech.It was more than a speech.It was a reconflrmation of a powerful past,solidifled present and determined future.With a highlight of personal dignity,the president called out to everyone to pursue development and ensure security.With his pursuit of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,a prosperous society,zero covid policy,high-quality development,modernization,and a lot more,the president was seeding the hearts of every Chinese people with love to feel proud and appreciated” .

Sharing our thoughts encouraged our students and people in our communities to join in and share their thoughts and hopes for a brighter future for all.

Inspired and motivated by President Xi Jinping’s historic speech,my family shared President Xi Jinping’s thoughts and vision.Therefore,all my family members joined our efforts and worked tirelessly to translate President Xi’s historic speech into three languages,including Russian,Arabic,and Armenian,within 24 hours.

As a family,we consider ourselves China’s cultural ambassadors to the world,and we will always strive to raise awareness about the signiflcance of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,urging others to learn from the Chinese pioneer experience.

We look forward to joining our Chinese brothers and sisters’new journey and walking together into a new era of greatness.

蒋佩琪 在大陆打拼更有归属感