
  • 广灵剪纸 闻名世界

    科学导报 2023年68期2023-10-04

  • 剪纸映照中国红
    黄丹梅The folk art of paper?cutting in China is a national treasure like the traditional paintings and calligraphy.Xiaolan, located in the south central part of the Pearl River Delta of China, is famous for paper?cutting culture whic

    疯狂英语·读写版 2022年12期2022-12-21

  • 多彩的剪纸
    cutting(剪纸) is one of the traditional folk arts(民间传统艺术) in China. It has a long history of about 1,500 years. Artists use paper, scissors and knives to make paper-cuttings.People find happiness and luck in paper-cuttings. In the S

    阅读(快乐英语高年级) 2022年2期2022-03-12

  • 雪花剪纸

    小天使·一年级语数英综合 2018年12期2018-11-19