I’m Young and Employed 我的坎坷求职路

2014-08-20 19:41
新东方英语 2014年8期

Gainful employment is frankly pretty excellent, I have learned. When applied correctly, it affords a person neat1) things such as a place to sleep and store your belongings, and meals on a daily basis. When it is especially gainful, as it has been for me, it also affords nice luxuries such as driving a car, purchasing provocatively2) named micro-beers, and occasionally travelling on an airplane.

It frees a person from scary things such as insurmountable3) debt and perpetual4) homelessness. Recently, it has come to the attention of the public that for young people in Canada its a scarce commodity.

I am a young person and I have been unemployed.

Its frankly pretty awful. In the beginning it was just the sweet new fall jacket I couldnt afford, or the Saturday-night trips to the pricier brewpub5) that I had to balk6) at in favour of retail-priced beer procured at the LCBO7).

Then, as the weeks and months went on, I evolved into that boring friend who couldnt afford subway trips outside my neighbourhood. Slowly but surely, takeout pizza became an unimaginable luxury. I grew truly and righteously outraged at the price of diced tomatoes in a can.

What could I do? I went to university and got a degree. After university I went to college and got a diploma. Then I e-mailed my résumé to every company, non-profit and government institution with an online careers page.

My parents said “Hit the bricks8),” so I printed my résumé on paper and handed it to people in brick-and-mortar9) buildings.

My aunts and uncles said “Its all about who you know,” so I called, texted and e-mailed everyone Id ever met who collects a paycheque.

I posted on Facebook asking “does anybody have a lead on a job?” Three people helpfully suggested I apply at the nearby hardware store. I was a bright, self-motivated and detail-oriented young person, but it was and is a tough economy.

One summer during university, my cousin and I helped my uncles business reshingle10) my grandmothers roof. My cousin thrived11) while I ruined my back for what will probably be the next decade.

That same year, I was thrilled to be brought on board12) with a company that provided supplies to plumbing13) contractors in the Ottawa area. My job was to assemble the parts needed for each order so that the shipping manager could package them for delivery.

I was terrible at it. My slim, 100-pound frame was no match for massive ceramic14) toilets sitting precariously15) atop 20-foot warehouse shelves. I piloted a delivery van into another province by mistake. My four-day tenure ended with the parting comfort that I was “probably too smart for this job anyway.”

Ive been underemployed, or perhaps inaccurately employed: It isnt wonderful.

A lot of opinionated people have recently discussed and debated the notion that the predicament16) of unemployment in my generation is our fault. Some accuse us of being lazy or feeling too entitled.

Young people arent lazy and theyre not complacent. Some of my friends say that the fault lies with the baby boomers, who are clinging onto all the good jobs and wont let go until theyve squeezed every penny into bloated retirement packages featuring quadrennial17) yacht upgrades. But I think most of us are more realistic.

At the same time, those who claim my generation is to blame for its high rate of joblessness sometimes accuse us of having a sense of “specialness” that has led us to believe we can all be astronauts, television writers or unicorn wranglers18) if we put our minds to it19).

A few of them will argue that we would all be happily employed if we would only learn trades or become mechanical or software engineers, because those people are cleaning up20).

I think most of us realize that not everyone can go to Mars, write jokes for Family Guy21) or raise premium unicorn meat. I also think not everyone can make a good electrician or design advanced computer software. I know I cant.

Everyone is good at something, but no one is good at everything. It took me hundreds of e-mails reading: “Thank you for your interest, but the position has been filled,” to realize that I had to stop blanketing22) the entire job market with a one-size-fits-all23) résumé and focus on finding a job where I could actually be successful.

Interestingly, or perhaps ironically, I found it in writing professional résumés for a company that helps people find the types of jobs in which I performed so dismally.

I am a young person and Ive been employed gainfully.

All it took was several years of excruciating desperation, miserable failure and an honest assessment of my personal value in the cold and unforgiving job market.

Im still pretty far back on the waiting list for the mission to Mars, and I have yet to wrangle even one unicorn, but its not bad for a start.
























1. neat [ni?t] adj. 〈美俗〉极好的;呱呱叫的

2. provocatively [pr??v?k?t?vli] adv. 煽动地,挑逗地

3. insurmountable [??ns??ma?nt?bl] adj. 难以克服的,难以处理的

4. perpetual [p??pet?u?l] adj. 〈口〉无休止的,连续不断的

5. brewpub [?bru??p?b] n. 〈美〉自酿啤酒的啤酒吧

6. balk [b??k] vi. 回避,拒绝接受

7. LCBO:加拿大安大略省酒类控制局(Liquor Control Board of Ontario,简称“安省酒管局”),该机构对安大略省酒类实行垄断经营。

8. hit the bricks:出发,走到大街上

9. brick-and-mortar:实体的,具体的

10. reshingle [?ri?????ɡl] vt. 重新用木瓦盖……的屋顶

11. thrive [θra?v] vi. 成功;可以出色地应对

12. bring ... on board:使加入,使聘用

13. plumbing [?pl?m??] n. (建筑物的)水管装置,水暖设备

14. ceramic [s??r?m?k] adj. 陶瓷的

15. precariously [pr??ke?ri?sli] adv. 不牢靠地,不稳地,危险地

16. predicament [pr??d?k?m?nt] n. 尴尬的处境,困境;危境

17. quadrennial [?kw?dr?ni?l] adj. 四年一次的

18. unicorn wrangler:独角兽牧人

19. put ones mind to sth.:下定决心做某事

20. clean up:〈口〉赚钱,发大财

21. Family Guy:《恶搞之家》,美国福克斯电视公司自1999年起开始播映的一部无厘头风格的家庭喜剧卡通片

22. blanket [?bl??k?t] vt. (规则、价格等)通用于,普遍适用于

23. one-size-fits-all:(政策或方式)标准的,不为个体量身定做的

上海:酒类商品须持证经营 许可证将由区市场监管部门发放